Logan smiled at his daughter and called out, “Hillary, come to Daddy.” He crouched down with open arms, confidently looking at his adorable daughter.

Hillary paused, glancing hesitantly at Troy and Bethany.

Then, she suddenly dashed toward Logan.

Logan watched as his daughter ran toward him, his smile beaming.

However, the next moment, his smile froze.

Hillary bypassed him entirely and jumped straight into Troy's arms behind him.

“Rich Daddy, what gift did you bring me this time?” Hillary cooed at Troy.

Troy gently pinched her soft cheek and smiled, asking, “Rich Daddy will always live with you and Mommy from now on. Do you like this gift?”

“Yay! Hillary loves this gift so much! I love Rich Daddy!” Hillary cheered excitedly.

Watching the interaction between his daughter and his wife’s lover, Logan felt his heart shatter.

Not only had his wife betrayed him, but now his precious daughter was too...

“H-Hillary, do you love me? Do you want to live with Daddy?” Logan asked bitterly, still unwilling to give up.

But he didn’t get the response he hoped for; Hillary’s answer hit him like arrows.

“No, I don’t want to! I want to live with Mommy. Mommy and I love Rich Daddy more!” she said earnestly.

Hearing her words, Troy burst into laughter, looking smugly at Logan as he boasted, “See? Your adorable daughter says she likes me more, and your wife likes me more too. Mr. Logan, your life is a total failure!”

Logan clenched his fists tightly, even digging his nails into his palms until they bled without him realizing it.

Bethany walked over to Hillary, praising her, “Good girl!”

Then, pointing at Troy, she told Hillary, “Remember, he is your only daddy!”

Logan could no longer hold back his anger and shouted, “Bethany, you bitch! It’s because of your teaching that Hillary has become so materialistic, even denying her own biological father! She’s only three years old; how could you educate her like this?”

Bethany dismissed his words, coldly replying, “It’s the truth, isn’t it? We’re about to get divorced, and Hillary will live with me and Troy, so Troy will be her only daddy. And you? You’re about to lose your place to live. What kind of life can you provide for Hillary?”

Logan was left speechless, but it was clear that Bethany wasn’t going to stop. She continued, “Logan, compared to Troy, you’re a complete loser! You’re dragging me and Hillary down! If I were you, I’d just sign the papers so that your wife and daughter can have a happier life! Without you in the picture!”

Listening to Bethany’s heartless words, Logan’s face turned pale, feeling sorrow for all the hard work he had put in over the years.

“Logan, as Bethany said, you should sign the divorce papers as soon as possible. I’m very busy; I have many other cases to handle, and we don’t have enough time to wait for you to grieve here,” Troy arrogantly urged.

“Shut up!!” Logan snapped.

However, Troy ignored him and stepped closer, presenting the divorce agreement in front of Logan.

Troy continued, “You have no choice but to sign. Of course, if you insist on delaying and not signing, that’s fine too. But I must remind you, my aunt is a judge, and we hold all the advantages now. You cannot win!”

Logan was furious, his emotions spiraling out of control as they pushed him to the brink.

His wife had betrayed him; his daughter was calling his wife’s lover “Daddy”; he had lost his house, savings, wife, daughter... almost everything. He even had to pay a hefty amount in child support.

Logan felt like his head was about to explode from the pain.

But what hurt him even more were Troy’s next words.

Troy leaned in closer, whispering in his ear like a sharp sword piercing his heart.

“I’ll tell you one more thing. Hillary? She’s not your daughter; she’s mine and Bethany’s. I am her biological father! For the past three years, you’ve just been supporting my mistress and my child.”

“Oh—sorry, Logan, I misspoke. Hillary is your daughter. After all, you are her legal father, hah hah,” Troy paused for a moment before continuing to mock him.

Logan glared in shock, his eyes wide and his mind blank. He felt like his world had completely collapsed.

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