Logan's psychological defenses completely crumbled. He could no longer suppress the anger boiling inside him; the pent-up rage erupted like volcanic lava in that moment as he threw a powerful punch at the smug face of Troy.

Troy hadn’t expected the usually weak Logan to strike him. Before he could even react, Logan unleashed a flurry of punches.

Logan landed blow after blow on Troy, then kicked him to the ground.

Troy tried to get back up to fight back, but Logan had him firmly by the throat, pinning him to the floor, rendering him immobile.

Logan’s eyes were red, wild like a beast, completely devoid of reason. He pressed his knee against Troy’s neck, causing Troy’s face to turn purple.

It looked like Troy was about to choke, desperately clawing at Logan’s hands and pushing against the floor with his feet, but it was no use.

Troy wanted to beg for mercy, but he couldn’t get the words out. Tears of desperation streamed down his face.

If God gave him another chance to choose, he would never have gotten involved with Bethany... Well, he would definitely hire a bodyguard to ensure his safety!

Just as Troy was about to lose consciousness, a startled Bethany finally reacted. She grabbed a large vase nearby and swung it down hard onto Logan’s head!

Bang! A sharp sound echoed through the room.

Logan turned his head, blood pouring from his wound, and managed a grim smile at Bethany before finally passing out.

Troy gasped for fresh air, feeling grateful to be alive. It was the closest he had ever been to death!

Then, he shot a resentful glance at Logan, who lay unconscious on the floor, and kicked Logan’s body with the tip of his shoe to vent his anger. He didn’t stop until he felt exhausted.

“What do we do now? He didn’t sign the divorce papers,” Bethany asked worriedly.

Troy shot her an annoyed look, dissatisfied that she hadn’t immediately helped him. He snapped, “Even if he didn’t sign, I’ll make sure he loses everything! He dared to hit me and even tried to kill me! I’ll make him rot in prison! By the time he gets out, he won’t even be able to find a job!”

“Let’s call the police now!”

... ...

When Logan woke up, he found himself handcuffed and strapped to a chair in an interrogation room at the police station, but he was alone.

He felt pain in his head and body, but it paled in comparison to the emotional damage inflicted on him by the two lovers.

Three years ago, he had married Bethany to prove to his father that his choice was right, and he had resolutely cut ties with his family. Yet, it turned out that his decision had been foolish! He had been wrong from the very beginning!

Thinking about how Hillary wasn’t his biological daughter made his heart ache.

Logan had thought Bethany had only recently betrayed him, but clearly, she had been involved with Troy before they even got married and had become pregnant with that man’s child.

Logan found it utterly ridiculous; Hillary had been born healthy when she was barely eight months old, and he had never questioned it.

He had spent three years proving that he had taken a completely wrong path! He was nothing but a complete joke!

Just then, Troy walked in, accompanied by a police officer.

“Mr. Troy, it’s your time now,” the officer said to Troy in a somewhat flattering tone, then shot a sympathetic glance at Logan before leaving.

Once the door closed, Troy swaggered over to Logan, kicked his chair over, and placed his shoe on Logan’s face.

He began to shout hysterically, “Mr. Logan, didn’t you want to kill me? Come on, kill me!”

Logan calmly closed his eyes, knowing that the more angry he appeared, the more excited this despicable man would become.

“Damn it, why aren’t you talking?” Seeing Logan’s silence, Troy kicked Logan’s thigh in frustration.

Logan gritted his teeth, cold sweat dripping down his forehead. But he would never beg for mercy!

“I have some bad news for you. Your divorce application with Bethany has been approved. From now on, Bethany is my mistress, and Hillary is my daughter. Oh, and as her legal father, remember to pay at least $10,000 in child support every month once you get out of prison,” Troy said smugly.

However, Logan remained unresponsive, keeping his eyes tightly shut.

Troy scoffed, “Logan, I hope you can stay as tough as you are now while you’re in prison!”

Troy left, then instructed the police to put Logan in solitary confinement and to “take good care” of him.

The officers had no choice but to comply, as Troy’s father-in-law was a big shot in the city.

That night, Logan sat in the dimly lit corner of the solitary confinement cell, feeling utterly hopeless. He knew that once he entered a real prison, Troy would definitely arrange for someone to take revenge on him! But he felt powerless to resist.

For the first time, Logan felt a deep desire for power. If he had wealth and influence, both Troy and Bethany would kneel in front of him, wagging their tails like dogs to please him.

Suddenly, the door to the solitary confinement room swung open, and the bright light from outside flooded in, nearly blinding him.

A well-dressed older man appeared in the doorway, with light and hope behind him. He slowly said, “Young master, I’m here to take you home…”

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