Logan was surprised to see him there, this was the head steward of the Bentley family.

“How- how did you?” Logan struggled to speak.

“Who gave you clearance, this section is off limits!!” The police chief uttered, the gazes from the old man were so intense for him, that he stopped in his tracks.

The older man was very displeased with the state in which he met Logan that he could tear the officer apart, his stares made the Police chief tremble that he couldn't say another word.

“Release him right now!!” The old man uttered sternly, no one paid heed to his words;

“Do not make me repeat myself.” The old man retorted sternly his eyes squinted showing his displeasure.

His request made the police chief chuckle because it was a renowned lawyer that had filed a case of assault against him, so this request was quite a ridiculous one that those present laughed out.

"Is this some sort of joke? you must be delusional." The police chief said, while his workers began to make mockery of the old man.

"Honestly this is the best joke of the century, he even bowed to the criminal, I think that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard." Another uttered

They began making mockery of them and this angered the old man.

He brought out his phone and dialled a number, it turned out to be the mayor of the town.

Seconds later, the police chief's cell phone rang, it was a call from the higher ups.

"How dare you keep Mr Damon Salvatore waiting? You must be tired of your job and position as the police chief."

"I am so sorry sir, I..."

"Just do what he says or you are fired, you understand!" The call got disconnected,

"I am so sorry Mr Damon Salvatore! Forgive our impudence. Everything will be done in a minute."

The police chief was scared out of his wits that he quickly ran out and began working on Logan's release papers.

“Young master, let's go.”

Everyone of the police men were dumbfounded at this revelation.

Now that the old man's identity has been known, they couldn't help but wonder who Logan truly was.

Mr Damon Salvatore might be just the head steward of the Bentley family, but he was much more than that.

He commanded companies and he was not someone to be taken lightly, he is known to be very influential.

All the police chief could think of was how a mere prisoner, someone like Logan, would have such a connection with someone so powerful, it was too much for him to decipher. He had little time to think things through because Mr Damon and Logan were standing right in front of him.

So all he had to do was sign the papers and release Logan from jail.

They left the police station and got into the car, as soon as he got in, he asked;

“Damon, how did you find me? And why did you come?”

“Young master, the Bentley family has always been concerned about you, and we have been watching you for a long time.”

Logan was beyond shocked at this revelation because why on earth would they do that despite his withdrawal from his family, nor did they even try to approach him until this very moment?

Who could really blame them? He left his family three years ago and said some mean words before insisting that he wanted nothing to do with them.

All that because he had fallen in love with a woman, his love for Bethany made him do some crazy things in the past but where has that gotten him? Jail, not just that he was deceived by her and was falsely accused because he was fighting for his rights as the head of the family.

Now that family which he had come to know has crumbled beyond repair.

“Young Master Logan, we know everything that has been happening with you. Did you think that the Bentley family would leave its own to rot in jail? Truth is, even when you disowned your family name due to your love life, we never stopped showing concern. Just that we did it from afar, so now that the so-called love in paradise is filled with sorrow, do you regret leaving?”

Logan was already regretting, if only he had listened to his family, if only he never left, things wouldn't have gotten to the extent that they were today. He wouldn't have wasted 3 years of his life with the wrong person.

He thought he was building a family and doing things right, but it turns out to be the exact opposite of that.

So he remained silent and didn't say a word.

The car drove off and Logan had to ask;

“Where are we going?”

“Home of course, or do you plan to go back to that woman, young master?” Mr Damon retorted as he stared at Logan.

He noticed that the young master of the Bentley household looked different and pale than he used to be.

This was someone who was well respected in the Bentley household.

Logan was sad and was regretting his actions even more.

“*Sighs* Young master, I am taking you back home where you belong with your family. The Bentley family needs you at the moment so we can't afford to allow you to make mistakes again. The truth is, the reason I personally traveled from the mansion is because your father is very sick." Damon uttered,

“What's wrong with him?” Logan asked.

“Your father was diagnosed with ALS and as you know it's a very serious illness, you need to be by his side right now.”

“Oh no!! How long has this been?” He asked with a heavy heart.

“A few weeks ago... young master, a lot has changed in three years,” Mr Damon uttered.

Despite the fact that Logan doesn't really like his father he felt sorry for him.

One of the reasons he despised his father was the fact that when his mother died, his father just wouldn't stop running around with anything under skirts.

To Logan that was diminishing to his late mother's image and so the hatred for his father grew. Listening to this now, he felt overly sorry for him. This was his father after all.

They got into a flight and not long after, a car pulled up into a luxurious mansion which was in the center capital of the Netherlands.

To Logan this was his home, he felt at eace being in a familiar place.

They got into the house and there he saw his once powerful and vibrant father, laying weakly on the bed with an oxygen sensor by his side and some drips attached to his hands.

With the doctors surrounding him, his father was looking so different from what he remembers, Logan fell into more despair and was engulfed with guilt.

“Dad!!” He muttered with a heavy heart, seeing his dad in that condition was another level of pain.

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