Author: LADY E

An ambulance screeched to a halt in front of a house in the Brooklyn neighborhood.

A few minutes later, paramedics emerged out of the house, carrying a woman on a stretcher. She covered her face and upper body with a towel, her bare lower half stained with blood, curled up in pain.

It was bustling, and onlookers quickly pulled out their phones to capture the shocking scene. Before long, various short videos from different angles were uploaded to Snap Shorts, going viral in no time.

In an office, Logan had just wrapped up his workday. Feeling bored, he received a notification on his phone about the video.

Driven by curiosity, he clicked to watch, seeing people speculate that the woman might have been injured during sex. Logan found it amusing and even made a crude joke in the comments about the woman's boyfriend being quite the stud.

However, when he scrolled to the next video, which was nearly identical but from a different angle, he froze. He recognized the house in the footage—it was his house in Brooklyn.

Panic surged through Logan. Was the woman his wife? Did she cheat on him?

No, that couldn't be! Bethany would never do that!

"Maybe it's just a house that looks similar," he reassured himself, searching for more related videos. Most were too blurry to identify the woman, until he spotted a small figure in one clip.

Logan paused the video and zoomed in, his heart sinking as he recognized his daughter, Hillary, standing anxiously at the door, watching the paramedics and the patient leave.

That woman was indeed Bethany?!

What had happened to her? Could it really be true, as the videos titled, that she got injured because of sex?

"No! She might have just slipped and hurt herself while showering. It's normal for rumors to spread online. I shouldn't doubt Bethany when she needs me the most."

Just then, Logan's phone rang. "Is that Mr. Logan? Your wife has been injured and needs immediate surgery. Please come to St. Maria's Hospital as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'm on my way!"

... ...

Thirty minutes later, Logan arrived at the hospital.

"How is my wife? I’m Bethany’s husband" he asked anxiously at the door of the ward.

The doctor, upon hearing Logan claim to be Bethany's husband, looked at him with a complex expression.

Feeling the sympathy in the doctor's gaze, Logan's heart sank. He already feared to know the answer. The doctor placed a hand on his shoulder and sighed, "Your wife is out of danger, but she hasn't woke up."

"What... happened to her?" Logan took a deep breath, struggling to ask.

"She suffered a ruptured ovary," the doctor paused, then added, "due to vigorous sexual activity."

In that moment, Logan felt as if the world had gone silent, filled only with the mocking laughter of countless little voices in his head.

Vigorous sexual activity?! What an absurd joke! He remembered Bethany telling him she was frigid.

For three years of marriage, she had never initiated intimacy with him. Even when Logan had needs, she rarely obliged. And even if she did agree, she acted like a lifeless body, offering no enthusiasm.

However, It turned out she was frigid with him only, while she could be vigorous enough with another man to rupture her ovary!

With that thought, Logan's hands trembled uncontrollably, a mix of humiliation and rage burning in his heart.

He lit a cigarette, took a deep drag, and exhaled slowly. Though hard to accept, he needed to calm down. He had to find out who that man was!

The doctor watched the poor man, not stopping him from smoking in the hallway, only offering a sympathetic pat on Logan's shoulder. "Mr. Logan, you can go in to see her now, but I hope you can stay calm and not act impulsively."

"I will," Logan said, extinguishing his cigarette and heavily pushing open the door to the ward.

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