After those words, Logan's thoughts went back to three years ago, when he had a fiancee, a beautiful and stunning lady with long blonde hair, Patricia Howard.

She is from a rich family and both families engaged them from childhood, so they could get married someday.

But as Logan grew up, he felt confined and just didn't like the fact that he had no say in his love life.

He had craved for freedom all through his life, so when he had the opportunity to leave, he left home and ran away simply because he felt he had found someone he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

He ran into Bethany's arms and left Patricia because to him, he felt pressured to marry her and he didn't want anyone to choose for him.

But after everything he had been through in his supposed love life, he felt guilty and embarrassed.

“I clearly remember her father, she was my fiancee.” He uttered with his head bowed in shame.

He had no idea how she was feeling and how much he had hurt her.

“It's a good thing you recall. When you ran away from home, the Howard family became really upset with us. I mean who wouldn't? Your running away caused a rift between us. So I would suggest you find a way to rekindle your relationship with her and mend the relationship between the two families. Bring Patricia back home, that's my wish.”

“I just feel ashamed dad, I never should have left home. She must be very upset with me. I left and didn't think about her feelings, I was selfish.”

“Well you thought you were doing the right thing for you. Since it didn't work out the way you expected, don't beat yourself up about it for too long. All you have to do is to fix it. it won't be easy but you have to. She is the only one I know to be the best wife for you.”

“Okay dad, I will.”

“*Coughs* Thank you son, for listening to my dying wish.”

“Stop saying that, you won't die dad, I can't lose my only surviving parent. I will make sure of it.” Logan uttered, with all conviction.

“I also don't want to leave you to yourself son, I promised your mother that I will watch over you before her eyes closed and I want to keep that promise, so I will fight this for you son.” Terrance said, his eyes were filled with emotions as he saw his son looking at him with nothing but teary eyes.

How could he die now when he has only just mended his long-term feud with him? So he was determined to make sure he kept breathing for him.

Hours turned into days, a few days later, under his father's consistent reminder, Logan decided to do his father's bidding and after assuring his father that he would live up to his expectations. He got ready to leave the Netherlands in Europe and returned to Southern California, Los Angeles.

On this day, Terrance got into a wheelchair as he wanted to see his son leave in the most luxurious way possible.

“Dad, you didn't have to walk me to the car, you need to use all of your strength for recovering.” Logan uttered.

“Well, this day has been what I have always wanted to witness, you accepting your duty as the heir of the family.”

“Okay dad, like I promised I will make you and mom proud.”

“That's everything I ever wanted to hear.” Terrence Bentley replied, nodding his head in approval and admiration for his son.

Logan hugged and bid his father goodbye promising to come check on him as much as he could.

He got into a luxurious car and guards followed him to the airport that day.

Meanwhile, Mr Terrance was still sitting on his wheelchair when Damon uttered;

“Mr Terrence, you really will make a good actor. He is gone now.”

“You really think so Damon? Honestly I even believed that I was really sick. I believe if I stayed in this wheelchair one more week I might as well have gotten sick for real.” He uttered and stood up from the wheelchair like nothing happened.

The two men laughed out loud at their acts.

“Honestly, you outdid yourself. If I didn't know any better I would have thought you were going to die any moment.” Damon Salvatore retorted.

“Haha, it worked didn't it? Come on, I need you to get those beautiful Mexican ladies ready. They are to accompany me to the meeting with the guys tonight in Japan.” Mr Terrence Bentley uttered and began walking towards his study.

“Of course Mr Terrence.” Damon shook his head with a smile plastered on his face and got to work.

Truth was Mr Terrence Bentley was pretending to be sick all this while, he knew his son loved him deep down, so he deceived him to come home, so he would have pity on him, and eventually accept the family's business and truly his plans worked because Logan was on his way to Blue Net Group.


On a Tuesday morning, about 10:00 AM, Logan walked towards a very big building. This is the largest company in California.

He wanted to go through the gates but was stopped from going any further by the security guards due to his casual looks.

Logan was putting on a long sleeve brown leather jacket, black pants and some boots to match the outfit.

To the security guards, they felt he was too casual and plain, to them he was just a regular person so they had to intercept.

“You can't go in there. It is for employees only.” One of the guards uttered.

“I have an appointment with the CEO of this company so kindly let me through.”

“Your ID if you may!"

"I didn't know I needed one."

"*chuckle* No ID, you look plain and simple. Everyone knows to come into this company you have to follow the dressing rules of this company. I suggest you leave!"

They wouldn't want to lose their job over a stranger and besides, his appearance doesn't look like someone who would have a meeting with the current CEO of Blue Net Group as it isn't just any group. It is the largest company in the entire district.

“Very well then, I will leave.” Logan uttered and turned to go.

The security guards seemed relaxed that they had done their job so they weren't paying attention to Logan when the latter ran into the company.

They began to chase after him, as they saw him as an intruder.

So while trying to hide, Logan unintentionally broke into an office and was shocked by the sight in front of him.

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