Chapter 2: Pay Day

This dismissed everyone present and Kevin did not waste any time and made his way to the account office in order to collect his salary.

As Kevin was finishing up the process of receiving his salary, he felt a tap on the back of his head. Behold, there was Sandra, who had been a fellow student throughout his time at the university.

Sandra was taken aback when she saw Kevin dressed in his clothing. The seams in his clothing are apparent everywhere, and his clothes are worn out. She didn't give a second thought to Kevin's attire because this was the way he had always seemed to her ever since she had known him. Since they were at college together, she had been able to get along well with Kevin.

"You also came to watch the match right Kevin?" Sandra said with a broad smile.

“I'm in charge of the team's kit. Even if the outcome did not go in our favor, it was nonetheless an intriguing experience.” In a hurry, Kevin made a statement to change the subject. Sandra was taken aback when she learned about Kevin's occupation. 

During their days in college, Kevin was one of the finest students in the class, despite the fact that he was living in poverty.

"I'm having a birthday get together party." Sandra said as she hastily pulled out the invitation card.  Despite the fact that she was aware that Kevin would decline, she placed the card onto his hand. 

Kevin was aware that it is highly unlikely that he would be interested in attending the same birthday party as Emily and her pals. He would be nothing but a laughingstock. Besides, what is a poor man like him doing at a party that is attended by wealthy people?

"Make sure you attend. I am going to be waiting for you, my dear." Sandra pleaded. 

"I'm very busy but I will try to come but I can't guarantee you."  Kevin said.  Sandra is the proud owner of a luxurious BMW F90. Kevin is impressed by the automobile, but he immediately came to the realization that he would never be able to acquire a car of such caliber in his lifetime. 


Within a short amount of time, Kevin arrived at The Imperial Dinner. The Imperial Diner is by far the most highly regarded restaurant in Milltown. Meanwhile,Kevin had just lately gotten this job which was without a doubt, the best one he had ever had. Today is his payday as well but however, due to his other job he is consistently late to work. Kevin parked his scooter in the parking lot in a split second. It was without hesitation that he removed his uniform top from his bike bag and started wearing it as he made his way to the door of the building.

Kevin was still thinking of a solution for Emily when he arrived at the restaurant door. Immediately his gaze met with Mr. Andrew’s, his manager. He quickly came to a standstill. 

"You are late again you smug face!" Mr Andrew said. He was a thick man with a large mustache and because of his appearance, he exudes authority.

“I am really sorry, boss. The cause was the heavy traffic." Immediately, Kevin made a statement while bending his head. No member of his staff dared to look Mr. Andrew in the face.

“On a daily basis, traffic, right? There will be consequences but you should get to work right away!” With his enormous voice, Mr. Adrew commanded Kevin.

"Thank you boss." Kevin said. 

When Mr. Andrew said there will be consequences, Kevin pondered on what nature could be. However, this is not his problem right now but how to achieve the 2,000 Emily needed. 

Kevin was just sitting there waiting for the next delivery when he heard the ringing of his was Emily again.

"Have you found a way out yet?" Emily said in an irritated and hasty manner as soon as the call was connected.

“Not yet. The only thing I have at the moment is $300, darling, as soon as i get paid later it will get up to a thousand and I will send it to you.” kevin proffered a solution.

"300? Don’t you feel ashamed of yourself Kevin? That's not even a quarter of what I asked for in the first place. You cannot even afford to get me a dress? You are too poor for my liking. When will you ever ensure that my requirements are met, Kevin?” While making a disparaging remark about Kevin, Emily asked.

“Today is my payday, Emily. I assure you that I will send everything I have got to you later after I have been paid.” Kevin pleaded with Emily trying to find a solution. On the other hand, he didn’t know he had just added salt in his wound.

“So it has to be your payday before you are able to generate 2,000. I can’t even believe what I'm doing with this poor peasant? Emily cried to her mother, Georgia Godfrey. She became angry and flung the phone on the bed without hanging up.

"Just give me a little more time Emily…." As Kevin could hear Emily conversing, he pleaded with her.

“He cannot even afford to buy a dress? What the hell are you doing with that jerk? Haven’t I told you are deserving of someone who is capable of looking after you. This your beauty is just too precious to be tarnished by that stinky and poor Kevin.” Georgia, Kevin's mother-in-law, said while Kevin was eavesdropping on their conversation.

“He is as poor as a church rat. As a matter of fact, I have no idea how I ended up with a guy like him.” Emily wiped her tears. She was desperate to attend Sandra’s birthday party and that dress was a requirement.

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