Return of Kevin Steve the son-in-law
Return of Kevin Steve the son-in-law
Author: bilkisu72
Chapter 1: Sandra

"I don't like you! I hate you, as a matter of fact I hate your dog, you know what? You are so disgusting. How would you put my number on the block? How could you not take my f*cking calls, how could you be tossing me around?" Emily yelled angrily immediately Kevin picked the call thinking it was his mother-in-law. 

Meanwhile, Kevin had initially ignored her calls because he couldn't afford the dress she requested before he left Godfrey's villa. The dress cost a whopping 2,000 knowing fully Kevin wouldn't be able to afford it, Emily insisted on having him buy the dress. 

Following her ranting, Kevin said  "Emily."

“Kevin, that dress is a requirement for me to wear to Sandra's birthday celebration, and you must make every effort to acquire it for me by all means. If you don't get the dress then we'll have to part ways.” Emily remarked. Kevin, who was desperate to help Emily achieve her goals, was prepared to offer her all of his money, including his income, in order to fulfill her ambitions.

“Later on, I will send you everything that I have. Beep!" Immediately after saying that, Kevin hung up the  phone. Kevin's heart rate began to pace rapidly as he thought. However, despite the fact that it was his payday, the amount was only 300.

Kevin Steve, on the other hand, is the Godfrey family's live-in son-in-law. Considering that he is as poor as a church rat, the Godfrey family routinely humiliates and abuses him. Emily and Kevin had been married for a total of three years at this point. 

Beginning in their final year of college, they began a romantic relationship. Despite being in her mid-twenties, Emily is a stunning young lady who possesses a voice that is reminiscent of music and a smile that brightens the entire room. Because of Kevin's intelligence, she had fallen in love with him and insisted on marrying him to escape her betrothal.

However, Kevin's life after school did not turn out the way Emily had anticipated it would.  It was impossible for him to find a job that paid adequately and had to work multiple menial jobs in order to provide for himself. The fact that Kevin is impoverished makes Emily frustrated with him on a regular basis.


Meanwhile at Maple Ridge College football pitch, the two most prestigious colleges in Milltown have been competing against one another in a fierce battle. Kevin on the other hand was already feeling tense due to the fact that he was running short of time for his other work. Being the one in charge of Maple Ridge football team's kit, Kevin dear not to leave or else he would not be paid.

Kevin checked his wrist watch on a regular basis, he was in a state of desperation to leave Maple Ridge College.

"Goalllll." The crowd enthusiastically celebrated as a team eventually scored, bringing an end to the match. His team ended up losing the game and they dropped their kit in annoyance. Immediately after each player dropped his individual kit without regard for proper etiquette, Kevin picked up the kit without any hesitation.

"Hey peasant, make sure those uniforms are properly packed before our next match." The captain of the team stated to Kevin with a sense of displeasure. 

"It's my job you don't have to be rude and neither do you have to remind me." This was Kevin's response as he picked the final kit.

"You beggar have the guts to speak back to me?" As he approached Kevin, the captain questioned with a tone that conveyed his annoyance or frustration.

“Come off it, you brat; I'm not a beggar. Please just hand over your kit to me.” Kevin couldn't afford to wait even a few minutes longer. He quickly came to the conclusion that the captain is nothing more than a spoiled brat who is devoid of manners.

Meanwhile, the captain approached the kit which Kevin had gathered and gave it a very hard kick. This caught the attention of the folks who were in the vicinity of the place. While Kevin was holding his knuckles, he became quite angry.

On account of the fact that the players had gathered around the captain in solidarity, they were anticipating what Kevin would do. When Kevin, on the other hand, was aware of how powerful the captain is, he made the decision to disregard the situation and instead pick up the kits in order to save his job.

Kevin promptly enlisted the assistance of the other ball boys who had seen what had transpired in order to organize the boots and jerseys among themselves. Kevin picked up the final kit and then took his bag with him as he prepared to leave.

"Hey fool, what about this one?" While pointing to the shirt he was standing on, the captain said. Up until this point, Kevin had no idea that the captain would want to humiliate him to such a degree.

"Take it in your hands and bring it over here. Just because I take care of the kit does not mean that I am unaware of my rights.” Kevin made a bold statement. Because there are so many people in the room, he cannot allow a young boy to treat him with disrespect.

This time around, the coach, who had observed that his players had gathered together, made the decision to go and investigate what was going on.

“It appears that you have secured another job. You better pick the kit up or you will lose your job.” One of the players said. 

A young child walked ahead and picked up the garment, and then he handed it to Kevin, who was looking at the captain during the entire exchange.

“You can see. It puts an end to everything." Kevin was told by the ball boy, who was making a sarcastic joke. 

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