Chapter 6: Liability

"This is my brother, and I am her daughter," she said. We are the only living relatives she has left." The response came from Naomi.

"Doctor, how is her health at this moment? Tell me that she is doing well, please.” After Kevin had joined them, he inquired with the doctor.

"She is fine for now but Please follow me to my office." The doctor began to make his way down to his office.

"Please sit there and give me a minute." When the doctor finally arrived at his office, he pleaded with the patient before going to the restroom.

"Shhhhhh." While the doctor was washing his hands, the sound of the water could be heard. On the other hand, Kevin and Naomi were absorbed in their own thoughts as they speculated about the probable outcomes of the situation. There is also a risk! Both of them began to feel their hearts beating more quickly.

"We discovered a turmoil in your mother's brain.”

"What?" Kevin inquired as if he had misunderstood what the doctor had just shared

"Ha!" Naomi, on the other hand, let out a scream.

“We are required to carry out a scan in order to determine the nature .The results are going to be released in a short while, so I brought you here.” The doctor said.

After waiting for a few minutes, the door was finally unlocked, and the radiologist entered the room with the findings of the scan. After placing it on the table of the physician, she departed. 

The scan was brought out by the doctor, who then placed it beneath the lamp on the desk. In contrast, Kevin and Naomi made an effort to peek in order to determine the outcome of the situation.

"The cancer is a Gliomas. We are now in the critical phase and need to carry out the operation as soon as possible. In order for us to get started on the operation, I will recommend that you go to the account section as soon as possible and make a deposit.” Kevin and Naomi were strongly encouraged by the doctor.

"How much will the surgery cost doctor?" The question was posed by Kevin, who kept his gaze fixed on the doctor..

“The cost of chemotherapy is estimated to range from 35,000 to 70,000. Depending on how she reacts to the treatment. First and foremost, I would recommend that you make a deposit of at least 40,000.” The doctor added.

As soon as she heard the amount, Naomi cried out. She was aware that even if they sold everything they owned, they would not be able to raise that amount of money by any means.

Immediately, Kevin mustered up the resolve to act. As soon as he recalled that it was his payday, he jumped to his feet and hurriedly left the doctor's office with Naomi.

"Remain with her in the event that she requires anything. I shall look for a way out.” Naomi, who was still crying, received relief from Kevin

Kevin arrived at the Imperial Dinner when his manager was about to depart. 

As quickly as he could, Kevin entered the office of his manager. Mr. Andrew was aware of his objective, and he immediately selected his wage and presented it to him along with a piece of paper. 

This was his letter of dismissal! By fighting with a customer, Kevin had broken a rule that the organization had in place. Despite the fact that this is a well-known rule, Kevin, who was just starting out as an employee at the organization, was unaware of the implications.

"Sack letter? Can you tell me what I've done to deserve this?” While carrying a little cash in his palm, Kevin asked his manager.

"To begin, you should go over there and examine the laws and regulations that the company has in place. You are such an idiot that I simply do not have the time to explain the rules to you.” Mr. Andrew pointed to the board.

If Kevin is fired today, his life will go from bad to worse.

He had just lost his beloved Emily to a rich guy. As if that weren't enough, his mother is currently undergoing treatment for cancer, which necessitates emergency surgical intervention. The only thing he had hope for was his income, which won't even come close to covering a quarter. 

As soon as Kevin arrived at the board, he read the regulations and was taken aback when he discovered the repercussions of fighting with a potential customer.

It's hard for him to comprehend that Emily would also cause him to lose his job. 

What had he done to deserve this? Kevin, who was immersed in his own thoughts, said to himself.

After removing his salary from the table, Kevin walked out of the office without making any further statements. 

Despite his efforts to find a way out, Kevin was only able to come up with one choice; to call his friends who had abandoned him once they realized that he was nothing more than a liability and that he had nothing worthwhile to offer. 

Alex, a friend he had from college, Instantaneously, Kevin gave his number a call.

“Hello Alex, I was wondering how you are doing. It has been quite a considerable amount of time" Kevin said as 

“It is not your concern at all. I am currently playing FIFA, and I do not have the time to take your nonsense. Just tell me what it is you want?” Alex said.

"I'm sorry to be the one to upset you, Alex. It's my mother and she is in need of fifty thousand for sur..." Alex cut Kevin shut immediately.

"I realized it. If it weren't for the financial assistance, you would not call me, you worthless person. Make sure you don't phone my number again, you complete moron. Beep... "Beep!" Alex made a derogatory remark before hanging up the phone. 

Kevin was inconsolable, but he did not give up and instead called Mike, who was his university friend. Mike was his final remaining alternative.

“My brother, it has been a very long time. Today, you finally made a phone call.” Mike was thrilled to receive a message from Kevin.

"It is my mother; she is battling cancer, and she needs fifty thousand to treat it." I require your assistance, Mike. Kevin did not even hesitate before informing Mike about his predicament.

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