Chapter 5: Glimouras Cancer

Meanwhile, Kevin was unaware that Aaron had been trained in karate. He rapidly jumped up to defend himself. Upon approaching Kevin, he delivered a powerful kick to him. 

As a result of the nature of his professions, Kevin was in good physical shape despite the fact that he had not spent much time in the gym.

Without minding Aaron’s attack Kevin dragged him by his collar and threw a number of blows to his face. 

Seeing this, Emily stood up as quickly as she could and gave Kevin a pretty strong slap.

"Pa!"  Emily's hand left prints on Kevin’s face.  He was left in shock at Emily’s defense for Aaron.

Meanwhile, this gave Aaron the opportunity to stand up as a result of Emily's intervention.

"Kevin, what are you doing? Have you completely lost your mind?" Emily asked.

"What?" Kevin was shocked.

"Do you know who you are punching?" You poor peasant, you are going to spend the rest of your life in jail.” Emily said in her anger.

"Who is he and is that even a reason to cheat?" Kevin inquired, perplexed as to what possibly was wrong with Emily.

“He is Holland's son. The heir to the Holland family.” Upon hearing Emily's statement, Kevin immediately recognized the Holland family. There is no doubt that the royal family is one of the most powerful and wealthy families in Milltown.

“You have no right to attack him; instead, you should bow down to him, you arrogant jerk! A single sneeze from his family will send a fly as small as you to an endless damnation.” Emily said.

“For the love of God, am I not your husband? You have a responsibility to remain faithful to me and not to cheat on me.” Kevin, who was still in a state of shock, wondered what was wrong with Emily.

"What if I cheat on you?" Emily asked in a cold tone.

"He has the financial means to purchase a million copies of that dress! You can barely even feed yourself. Get off your high horse, Kevin, it's over!"

During this time, Aaron delivered a powerful kick to Kevin's head, which quickly knocked him out to the ground.

DING! At the same time, every other sound began to fade away.


When Kevin finally opened his eyes after a lengthy period of sleep, he pondered the length of time that he had been unconscious. He looked around, and the surroundings appeared to be familiar; nonetheless, the enigma of how he arrived here remains to be solved.

The one and only thing that he can recall is Emily's decision to divorce him. Kevin mumbled to himself when he was finally able to sit down on his scooter.

"Beep. " Kevin searched  himself when his phone began to ring.

"What in the name of all that is holy is wrong with you, Kevin?” When Kevin picked up the phone, he immediately heard the voice of the impatient woman. It turned out to be Kevin's sister, Naomi.

"Hello, how are you sis…?" Kevin groaned as he tried to speak.

"You have made it a normal occurrence. First and foremost, you need to get your act together, big brother. It is beyond my comprehension how mother is feeling. Her health continues to deteriorate with each passing minute. I am going to call for an ambulance. Brother, please come home as soon as possible.” While in a hurry, Naomi said. 

Kevin was warned that danger was hiding behind the curtain. It had been three days since her medications were delivered.

While Kevin was making his way back to his apartment, he observed Naomi getting into the ambulance. Immediately, Kevin followed behind with the ambulance dashing out.

“Ma'am, try to calm down. All of this is under our control." While Naomi was standing up to check on her mother, the nurse in the ambulance attempted to calm her down.

"Please, mother, remain here with me. It won't be long until we make it to the hospital”  Before she reached out to take her mother's hand, Naomi remarked.

"Krrrrr." When the emergency crew pulled the entrance of the hospital open while they were taking Kevin's mother to the emergency department, the door made a loud sound. Naomi sprinted alongside them as quickly as she could.

"I'm sorry ma but you can't come in." Following their arrival in the emergency ward, the nurse stated while blocking Naomi from passing. Before the curtain was pulled, Naomi could not help but look at her mother. She finally turned around to find a seat, but all she could see were their shadow.

While all was going on, Kevin was hobbling his way towards the medical department when he came upon Naomi. Instantaneously, she made a beeline for him.

“What is her current state of mind? Do you know what the doctors are saying?” Kevin asked in a rushed manner.

“It was not possible for me to enter. Can you tell me where you left your phone? It was the 15th time that I called my big brother.” Emily yelled at her older brother in a furious manner.

“It's not something you'd want to know. I'm heartbroken.." According to Kevin, as they move forward toward a chair.

Naomi's disregard for Kevin's heartbreak stemmed from the fact that she had never considered the possibility of a romantic relationship between her brother and Emily. As a matter of fact, she does not enjoy hearing about her because she is of the opinion that their marriage had been a mistake.

Instantaneously after taking a seat, Naomi became aware of the medical professionals emerging from the emergency area. She stood up and made her way toward them as quickly as she could.

"Hello ma'am." When the doctor saw Naomi, he made the admission. In the emergency room, Kevin, who was walking behind, had peered through the door and observed his mother lying on the bed, unconscious and unresponsive.

"Please, how are you related to the patient?" The doctor inquired in a low tone of voice.

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