Chapter three


The last time Dario checked, he bore Dario Esterno.

“I think you have the wrong person,” Dario said. “I’m Dario Esterno.”

“My lady, Maria must have made you answer her surname all these years,” Bruce heaved a sigh. “Young master, I’m Bruce, your late father’s butler.”

“Welcome home, young master Reynolds!”

Dario didn’t understand what the old man was saying, how did he know his mother? And what does he mean by ‘your late father’.

It’s true Dario grew up without knowing his father and Maria never told him about his father either. Everytime Dario brought it up, he noticed it always made her hurt and she didn’t want to talk about him so Dario stopped asking.

The old man noticed the confusion in Dario’s face and led him to a chair before sitting opposite him.

“You must have been perplexed when you found yourself here this morning, I had to bring you here like that because you might not accept coming here willingly, considering what Lord Reynold made you and Maria go through.”

Dario was too perplexed to speak so he just listened to Bruce.

“I know that you’re very confused and this might be too much for you to take in. On Lord Reynolds’ death bed, may his soul rest in perfect peace, he demanded we find his son to inherit all that he’ll leave behind.”

“And after a few months of searching, we finally found you.”

Bruce continued, “Lord Reynolds knew that you had a hard life for so many years so he asked me to compensate you…”

Before Bruce could continue, Dario interrupted, “Wait, my father knew we had a hard life all these years and did nothing?” He furrowed and asked coldly.

Bruce grimaced sorrowfully and said, “Young master, Lord Reynolds expressed his regrets on his deathbed and wanted us to find you.”

Dario replied coldly, “I should leave, I’m not interested in inheriting anything” he immediately stood up, preparing to leave.

“Young master, please don’t be mad at your late father, I’m sure he had his reasons”

“What reasons?!” Dario yelled, “what reasons could be enough?!”

The fact that his father had the ability to change their lives for good all these years and did nothing, made Dario almost go crazy. He was fuming with anger, reminiscing the days of no food, days of shivering through cold nights with only thin blankets to shield them.

Each day was a battle against poverty, a struggle just to survive, while his father lived comfortably, indifferent to their suffering. The weight of resentment and despair threatened to suffocate him as he recalled those tough years.

“Only Lord Reynolds can answer your questions, young master.” Bruce said sadly. “You have every right to resent him and reject his empire, but please think about it.”

Nothing could convince Dario at this point, he just wanted to leave, “I should go see my mother.”

“She’s no longer at Alan hospital. I ordered her to be moved to Kejar hospital for better treatment and all her bills have been sorted,”

Kejar hospital is one of the top hospitals in the city.

Bruce hurriedly said, “please before you leave, I’ll love to take you round the mansion,” he pleaded.

Dario reluctantly agreed, though he was a bit relieved at the news about Maria’s treatment.

Bruce stood up and led him down the luxurious hallway, showing him several portraits and telling him the history behind them and their significance.

After a while, they got to a huge door and Bruce opened it. It was lord Reynolds’ study.

Bruce brought out a document from the wooden drawer and handed it over to Dario, “here’s the list of businesses lord Reynolds personally owned. You’ll be taking over these businesses too.”

Lord Reynolds owned these businesses but they were managed in his place by certain individuals.

Dario looked at the long list of companies and was utterly flabbergasted. Not even a minute had passed with Dario’s gaze fixed on the document, his jaw dropped.

Everyone in the city knew the high and mighty Lord Reynolds but from a distance. Most people only heard bits about him.

In the document, was an endless list of several top companies in the world, with the least ranked 85th in the world, and their yearly revenue. About 80% of them were owned by his late father while he had more than 80% shares in the rest. Also, estates and mines.

“Don’t worry, young master, this is not so worthy to have you in awe.” Bruce said, after he noticed Dario’s state.

Dario kept quiet and nodded but knew Bruce had to be joking making that statement.

“You can come here anytime, I’m sure you will be able to find bits of your father here, if you don’t mind.”

Bruce then led him outside, which was full of servants and royal guards. As Dario and Bruce stepped outside, they each stopped whatever they were doing and bowed deeply.

As Dario looked around, his breath caught in his throat, overwhelmed by the grandeur surrounding him. He had never witnessed such majesty.

Surrounding the mansion were meticulously manicured gardens stretched as far as the eye can see, featuring winding pathways, tranquil ponds and vibrant flower beds.

Guard towers at regular intervals along the walls were manned by elite royal guards, while the fountains and statues added an artistic touch. They were all screaming royalty.

They kept walking until they got to an underground garage.

Bruce opened the door and stepped aside, gesturing for Dario to go in first. Dario then walked in while Bruce followed.

They had not walked for a minute before Dario’s jaw dropped at the sight before him. It was like, as long as he stayed in the mansion, his jaw would keep dropping.

Before him was a fleet of expensive cars in the garage.

Dario could count more than 30 cars in the garage. As he surveyed the entire garage with his eyes, he could tell his late father had an expensive taste.

He expected a garage with a few expensive cars but what was before him was beyond his imagination. There was Rolls Royce Silver Shadow which was one of the most prestigious cars of its time, Mercedes Benz, Cadillac fleetwood eldorado, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Bentley, Maserati and many more. The list could go on and on.

“That’s an Aston Martin V8 Vantage!” Dario exclaimed with his eyes widened. The Aston Martin V8 Vantage was a British icon with its combined timeless design and performance, featuring a hand built V8 engine. Only about three people had it in the country.

Dario didn’t dare think about how much the cars in the garage were worth all together.

“It will be all yours young master, when you’re ready to fulfill your father’s dying wish.”

“Young master, Lord Reynolds died as a powerful retired god-of war, though I haven't had the chance to show you the army of the empire yet. But when you’re ready, I will show you the army and many more important things related to the empire."

Noon was already here and Dario needed to go and see Maria at the hospital. So, Dario let Bruce know that he had to leave.

Though Bruce suggested that even if Dario had not accepted the offer, he could take two of the cars of his choice in the garage but Dario refused.

He refused because he’d rather stay on a low for now. He didn’t want the attention that’ll come with riding cars of that worth.

On their way out of the mansion, a servant came and delivered a small parcel to Bruce.

“I have a little gift for you whilst you give this a thought,” Bruce said as he unboxed the parcel and brought out a brand new phone and a customized credit card.

He stretched the phone to Dario and said, “My contact has been saved on it, if you need anything please don’t hesitate to give me a call.”

“And here’s a credit card just for you. It isn’t just any card, it is unlimited. It’s yours to use as you see fit.”

“A sum of two billion dollars has been deposited into the account. If it’s not enough, all you have to do is to give me a call.” Bruce concluded with this.

“Two billion dollars?!”

“Yes,” Bruce answered, “you are a Reynold, that much money is nothing.”

Dario felt his mouth go dry after hearing how much was in the credit card. At the time, two billion dollars was an outrageous sum of money.

Dario comported himself and collected the phone and credit card from Bruce.

His heart was happy at the thought that now, he could buy food, new clothes, get a good place and a lot more for his mother.

He looked at the credit card in disbelief. Hours ago, he couldn’t even afford a cab but now, he can afford almost anything. Is this some fairytale??

The card didn’t look like every regular credit card. It was black and had Dario’s initials; D.R, imprinted in gold.

As he studied the card, noticing each unique feature, Bruce interrupted…

“It’s time for you, Dario Reynolds, to put your past life behind you and take your place as the emperor of the Persian empire...”

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