Chapter 5

“Jake, where did you get so much money from?” Young master Manson asked in surprise.

Jake smiled generously but his eyes were slightly cold. “Don’t worry my old friend, Manson, I didn't steal them, I have found a new girlfriend, not only is she considerate but richer.”

“Black diamond card?” Manson exclaimed with doubt. “Did you discover it on your way here? Or did Sonya finally settle you for being her side piece by giving you an antique?”

Jake's eyes flew with disgust. “How can it be, you’re thinking too much Jake, she’s so petty.”

Manson, annoyed by this fact, wore a decor on his face and smiled awkwardly. “Jake, you're surprisingly going from Sonya to a very capable woman in a week! Haha.”

The black diamond gold card was issued by the Crystal Planet only and there were only a few of them, to be specific there were sixty of them and these sixty diamond cards were distributed among the top rich families. Sonya's father was one of them and so was Janet Blake.

“Of course, she's very generous to upgrade my life to her standard, don't you think I have soured?”

Manson looked at Jake strangely and said in his heart. “It's Sonya fathers card, we all know the card has liquidated and there is nothing inside there again, keep on dreaming.”

“You must be thinking I'm lying but Sonya's father's card is nothing but a decoration in the family house now, they can show it to their grandchildren.”

Manson's eyes wandered about, he thought, Jake was a handsome young man using his charming face to seduce rich women which is possible after all he has the look.

Everyone in the store looked at Jake with a strange expression wondering why they let a lowly dressed commoner into the shuttle and on top of that he was acting proud.

Jake looked at Manson and said. “Manson, are you also buying the car?”

The manager stepped forward with the description of the car in his hand,

Manson blushed instantly; he thought that poor Jake could not afford a shuttle; he was glad that with time the truth about the diamond card in his hand would come to the surface and he would be humiliated by the store. He stepped forward to the manager. “I don’t have an appointment today, so attend to my friend here.”

“Which one do you prefer? Every car in our store is top notch but if you're going for acceleration, the latest brand of Voidom is Evil Spirit, it runs faster than electricity.”

“Sir, this man is dressed in rags. Are you sure you would want to waste your time on him?” One of the salespeople interrupted. “Young master Manson should have all the time.”

“Young master Manson gave the go-ahead.”

Manson stared at Jake arrogantly and urged the sales manager to carry on.

Jake looked at the Honda Accord was the cheapest and the simplest of the series while the Mercedes Voidom was the latest and the most advanced on, facing Manson he pulled out the voucher from the sales manager's hand and picked the Voidom Mercedes, Manson wanted to squeeze himself into a hole in the ground at Jake audacity but he was ready to laugh once things go awry.

“Young master, do you want to test drive, the Voidom Mercedes is a new model that has been shipped this month from Crystal Palace with a different driving method that's somewhat different from the ordinary cars.”

Jake flung his hand with the diamond card giving the card out to the Sales manager. “Manager, do not worry, I know how to drive.”

“Have you driven it before, young master!” the sales manager exclaimed,

To his knowledge of selling cars in Silver Planet, only a few know how to drive the latest model and those set of people are the extremely rich that might have gone to Crystal Planet themselves.

Jake smiled and said defensively. “Oh, someone drives it and I have picked interest in it since then plus we are in a modern era, everything is on the internet.”

The manager exclaimed. “I was super surprised, but you’re right too, I love quick learners like you.”

The manager swapped the card and everywhere went silent the moment the machine beeper turned green. Then Jake inputted his password which was his birth year in less than a minute the transaction was approved.

“Young master, your car is ready, the paperwork and everything are here for you to sign.”

Jake signed them and turned to Manson, “I will take my leave first.”

The salesperson and the onlookers watched Jake walk out of the start shuttle with their eyes widened.

“This guy is super cool and amazing, he paid for the Voidom Mercedes in full with instalments.”

“Look at his dress no one will believe he can afford a bike but he shocked us by buying a limited version of a car. He is amazing.”

“Look at him, a woman sponsoring his lifestyle must be sweet, I want a sugar mummy too.”

“His looks will make any woman want to keep him by all means, and spend on him, I’m so jealous, why don’t I have a pretty face.”

“That’s right, he is my life idol. It would be good if I have such an influence.”

The salesperson who welcomed him in before running towards Manson felt bad and said. “What a pity if I had served him earlier I would have gotten the commission, two per cent of the price of Voidom Mercedes is not small money.”

“You judged him from his appearance, that is why you’re blaming yourself, don’t you know that an ordinary person will not enter the star shuttle unless they have strong backing? But if his sugar mummy is that rich why does he go around wearing shabby clothes.”

“Shut up! All that matters is that he bought the Voidom Mercede without a second thought. Maybe his sugar mummy loves his style.”

As Manson was listening to the conversation go the salesperson in the store he was frustrated and shocked about it, he thought Jake would be embarrassed and that he could find anyone other than a cheap patron that he would mock.

He remembered streaming a live video a week ago where Sonya denied being married to Jake and kicked him out, now he’s got himself a new woman that he will be flaunting, not long before the new woman kicks him out, he would even be more miserable than before

Jake drove out of the star shuttle happy about his new car, he knew Manson would be wondering who he’d moved on with and that his spending had multiplied unlike when he was a house boy.

“Young master Manson, how long do you want your repayment term to be? We offer a year and five months at the least.” The sales manager said.

Manson clenched his fists on the deck. After serving such a big boss like Jake, the sales manager started to turn a cold face to Manson, who became so ordinary and even needed to buy a cheap Honda Accord shuttle with a loan.

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