Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Jake stuttered forward, his heart ripping in his chest at the realization of everything unfolding before him.

Then Sonya's eyes meet two glaring eyes from the crowd that gets her to stutter backwards, it was Jake who welled out of the crowd absentmindedly.

“What is happening here?” Sonya rolled her eyes and fell into her boyfriend's arms.

“What do you think? I shouldn’t feel bad for you, get lost.” She hissed and hugged her boyfriend passionately.

“I was going to divorce you Jake, I’m tired of putting up with your crazy attitude.”

Jake felt a hammer to his chest, the crowd started murmuring and bringing out their phone to video the scandal unravelling before their eyes.

“I took care of your father, made sure I worked hard to provide the life you want. Is it a crime to love you?”

Sonya was dead silent for a while. “You owe that to my father because you put him in that situation and the petty money you give me cannot provide the life I want. Better watch that mouth of yours!”

“Sonya. The pregnancy and the nice dress were all for him, you betrayed me.”

“Stop playing the pity card and get lost!” She spat and urged her boyfriend to take her inside.

While in pain, Jake got a call and ran as fast as his leg could carry him. The moment he got to the hospital, he hurried, unsure of the location of the wards they were in. He met a nurse who painted towards the wards but saw no sign of his family.

Then he raised his phone to his ear when he saw Sonya following the doctor with tears in her eyes. He felt a part of him shred to pieces.

“Can he get the surgery while we look for the money?” She said breathing heavily.

“I'm sorry madam, I would have tried to understand you but it's a critical surgery and the equipment is quite expensive for the hospital to afford.”

Sonya stopped and watched the doctor disappear. Jake rushed towards her and grabbed her shoulder rubbing in softly to comfort her.

“He won't make it if he doesn't get the surgery.” She lamented.

Jake's eyes brimmed with tears. “How long did the doctor say?”

“Four to five hours at most, else we will lose him. I don't want him to die, Jake.” She pinned her arm with fear of losing her father.

Jake sighed. And turned to the wall, several thoughts running through his head.

He thought about earlier and seeing Sonya distressed he thought to himself. “She must have done it to get a reaction out of me, I will prove myself to her.” He rushed out of the hospital, recalling he owed her father a lot.

Sonya had never met Jake in her life but when her father suggested she get engaged to him she simply agreed, Sonya followed her father and wanted to keep him alive.

Understanding the weight on her heart. Jake walked her towards her mother.

“What did the doctor say? Will your father get the surgery?” Mrs Elizabeth rushed towards Sonya.

Jake shakes his head and a hard also sweeps across his cheek. He kept his head down with tears forking in his eyes. “You better look for a way to have another. I will never forgive you. You put him in that state, good-for-nothing bastard!”


The bright street light illuminated him as he walked the street of Vatican Street dejected. He could not find help even though he looked for one they would not budge. They throw anything they can find at hand at him and warn him not to get close.

Jake sighed frustrated then picked a card from his wallet. Mr Cotoroni took him like a son and he can't afford to watch the old man die.

He grabbed a public bus that took him to a five-story building. He stood there for a while admiring the exquisite building. The fresh breeze that wafted toward him reminded him of how he had worked in such a place before the misfortune that befell the Cotoroni.

“Jake, my friend, I expected you last week but didn't see you.”

Jake forced a smile across his lips as his very good old friend welcomed him.

“I misplaced the card, it was hard locating you.” Jake defended, although the main reason he kept away was because he didn't want to go to such a big company dressed like a beggar.

The impression he feared was smudging at him, “what brings you here?” he squinted his eyes inquisitively.

Jake paused on track for a while. He pondered on how he was going to ask his friend for five thousand dollars for his father in law operation.

“Feel relaxed, let me tend to something,”

Jake pulled out his phone and called Sonya.

“Prepare for the surgery. I will be there with the money in no time.”

Anthony finished with the group of men and walked towards Jake. He smiled bashingly towards him, dipping his hand into his pocket.

“I need your help.” Jake quickly said, hesitating he rubbed his lap letting out a sigh, he said. “I need five thousand. It's urgent,” Jake noticed he made a mistake by bringing up money. “I promise to pay back in no time.” he quickly defended.

“Payback? Friend, you're just kidding me.” Jake bows his head down looking at the floor. “That is not necessary.”

Jake's eyes glittered, thought his old friend. Would be generous enough to give him five thousand. “Do you mean it, you're a lifesaver.”

He then breaks into a burst of laughter pointing his index finger at Jake. “Come on man, did you fall for my trick? Why would I give you that amount of money?”

Jake was dumbfounded and looked around as if he was talking to someone else.

“What are you talking about?” He inquired.

Anthony let out a sigh and moved closer to Jake. “You were full of ourselves when we were in high school, do you think being book smart you'd surpass everyone in life.” He scanned Jake from head to toe.

“Anthony, we were friends and I have never been proud.”

One of the men with wine in his hand walked towards them. “Anthony, did I hear him right? Is this loser your friend?”

Anthony blinked and swallowed hard.

“No he is not my friend, I don't make friends with losers on the street.” He defended. Then turn to Jake. Whose mouth was wide open in shock and disappointment.

“Why don't you go to the lounge, I will join you in no time.”

“Maybe you didn't notice, I was sick of you then, when I saw you in rags it gave me joy, I even invited you over to be sure myself. Turns out what a loser you've become.”

Jake's eyes were as red as the sea. He couldn't let out a word when the security came forward as Anthony clicked his hand. He was tossed to the floor of the street while a lady walked passed and wrapped her arm around Anthony and he watched in awe through the transparent glass.

He looked at the street beggars who came towards him to offer him help and quickly snapped out of the trance and started walking. He gazed down at his phone which was booming with calls from his wife.

“Did you finally get the money, I was so happy and I've already told the doctor you will be back with the money in no time.”

How will he tell her? He went to his friend and excitedly called her but the wheel turned against him and he was humiliated and tossed into the street. He started down at it, hitting his fist on the wall.

He saw a flashlight and everything went still before he could understand what was going on around him, he was abducted by two heavily-bodied men and bagged into a bundle into a BMW car.

He struggled with the men that pulled him away. Afterwards, the car stopped moving and the bag was pulled from his head. And he stared ahead of him.

What he saw confused him, to the extent he forgot he had been adopted just a few minutes ago by unknown men. He felt a soft touch on his shoulder, he gasped returning to his surroundings. He figured there were four heavily-bodied men in the car along with him.

“Why did you adopt me, what are we doing here?” His gaze scurried from the first man that stared down at him through the rearview to the man beside him seeking an answer to his question.

Adjusting his scruff, the man cleared his throat and nudged Jake in the shoulder. “Now that you've seen for yourself that your family is doing fine, I need you to follow us.”

He jerks back towards the door and attempts to run it. The guy holds up the car key. “It won't open, I know you're nervous and several thoughts are running through your head. Don't worry you'd get answers to them.”

Jake sighed releasing his grip on the car handle he blurted out. “You're kidnapping the wrong guy.”

“Let's find out.” Jake pointed to his wife with the waste in her hand.

“My father is in there dying and you expect me to follow you?”

“The bills have been covered by your unlimited card and he's gotten the surgery, you paid for it.”

Jake was dead quiet for a while, he knew he had an unlimited card, if the debt was covered by that card, then. His heart skipped a beat.

Jake, dumbfounded by the guy, chuckled bitterly. “Are you teasing me? Everyone is fond of that these days.”

“Young master.” The man sighed. “Your resistance to follow me complicates the news. But since you insist, let me break it down for you. Your father is dead and your unlimited card has been activated.”

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