Jake Blake Hierarchy Mafia Lord
Jake Blake Hierarchy Mafia Lord
Author: Snowpinch
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Jake stood on the soft sand of the Silver Planet island with a cold breeze fanning him as his brown eyes searched around for Sonya.

He rushed to the suite with concern etched on his face only to find his friend sitting on the couch with a gamepad in his hand.

“Did you see her? We're supposed to meet today for our anniversary.”

“You can just call her.” his friend said his attention towards the screen while tapping on the pad in his hands

“Did she forget?” Jake whispered to himself trying to shake off the creeping doubt.

With a heavy heart, he dialled her number, his fingers trembling with every press.

He pulled out his shirt as he was met with a sweaty body after the silence on the other end. He walked dejectedly into their small room.

They were on friend vacation and Jake shared the same room with his friend but not today. He wanted to check if she was in the room and if she had intentionally left his call ringing.

He entered the room without struggling, he walked around the room eased by the privilege to explore his wife's room filled with her flowery scent.

He wandered along her silky silver dress on the counter arranged with the shoes, he smiled as his heart pounded in his chest with beautiful illusions of his wife looking for their dinner.

“She got a nice dress for our anniversary, Sonya won't stop surprising me.” he whispered to himself.

While drinking the sight of the silver dress his eyes stumbled to an envelope on the table beside the bed, the envelope was so attractive with the flowery embodiment on it.

What is in the envelope? He wondered as he fought the urge not to peep but finally did.

His eyes were brimming with shock, surprises and emotions as he read the note in the envelope.

“I am three weeks late… you might not understand that is why I attached the pregnancy strip. I am pregnant.”

Jake held his hand to his mouth as he looked at the pregnancy strip by the bed, excitement reeled in his stomach.

He held his hand into a fist with excitement, his throat rippling with veins and he couldn't wait to hear the news from her tonight on their anniversary day.

He looked around and brought out his phone as he walked out and nudged his friend on the shoulder.

“Let's organize a party in Soho house, it will be on me. My wife has made me proud. In fact I'm the most happiest man on the Silver Planet.”

With excitement Jake dressed in the best suit he had come along with, his friend called him regarding the boarding of the exquisite Soho House but he could get the commoner suite because the exquisite suite had been chartered and most of it because of Jake money but he didn't mind.

He dropped his phone with a sweaty palm. The surprise he had for her couldn't wait to unveil as he rubbed them together to keep his hand warm.

He told Sonya in his text that he would meet her in the park with the car he rented but she hasn't showed up.

“Did she forget?” Jake whispered to himself trying to shake off the creeping doubt. “She wouldn't, besides the gown must cost a fortune for her to forget, especially with the good news at hand.”

With concern he pressed the phone again, his fingers trembling with each press, especially now that she's pregnant.

Jake muttered to himself. “Is she alright?” He gathered himself together and dialed her number again, this time he was lucky she answered his call.

“Sonya, Sonya where are you? Are you alright?” he paused to hear her talk when she's quiet he proceeded. “I have been waiting for you.”

Instead of the usual calm soft voice he was expecting to hear, he was met with a raging voice.

“Jake! You're blowing my phone off with your unending calls and texts. Take breaks!”

“I thought something was wrong, today is our anniversary. And I wanted us to spend the moment together. Surprising you.”

Sonya laughed hysterically over the phone. “With what?” she hissed then ended the call before Jake could utter a word.

Jake had emptied his pocket to collect the Soho house for their anniversary, and that was because he saw Sonya was already with the dress on her bed. He thought something was wrong somewhere staring at the phone screen for Sonya to call back but she didn't.

He calmed down and texted her one more time as he thought she must be acting out of hormones then a call rang into his phone, he was so quick to answer it. “Sonya I understand why you're anxious…”

“Honestly Jake, don't you get tired? You're so poor and you disgust me, what can you possibly organize, if not for a breadcrumb party. Stop trying to act romantic, you should be more practical like focusing on making a decent living.”

The word struck Jake like a fist to heart leaving him in frustration and confusion. How could she say something like that when he saw clearly that they were good all this while and even went on trip with their friends and the pregnancy. He thought all these things were to bring them closer together.

“Sonya, I love you and I promise you won't regret the time you spent with me. Don't throw what we have away.” Jake said with a shaking voice.

“Love? Hahaha, you're funny Jake. Love won't put food on my table. Love won't give me the kind of life I want.” Sonya killed the call before Jake could say another word.

A heavy weight settled in his stomach, weighing him down to the earth, he was shattered, the baby name list as well as the red roses in his hand fell and smashed on the floor.

He couldn't believe his ears, he hit his head on the steering wheel when his phone buzzed with a text.

“Hey man, you need to come over. This instant something is not right!”

Jake drove the car straight to Soho house to meet his friend.

“What happened? Did you use the money on something else because it's all about Sonya, she would get mad when she comes and think i'm tricking her. Don't ruin today for me man.” He warned Trent.

Trent reared back pointing his finger ahead of Jake. “Look man. You’re still bothered about Sonya? Strange enough she just passed with a man.” Jake heart skipped a beat as he saw the same silky dress from this morning on his wife and she stood laughing alongside a man.

Everyone walked up to them. “It was you guys that rented the Soho House, and gave everyone a free treat.”

The man laughed charmingly and replied. “I rented it out to surprise my lovely woman over here.”

Sonya gazes up at him, her eyes brimming with affection. “It must be a strong relationship for a man as busy and reputable as him to celebrate with you today. Is it your birthday? Your anniversary? What are we celebrating?”

They guests were eager to find out and Sonya smiled lightly with a second glance at the guy, he nudged her to go ahead.

“We’re celebrating our anniversary.” Jake felt a bang of thunder in his head.

“That can’t be Sonya, she won’t hurt me and disgrace me in public.” Trent squeezed him on the shoulder assuredly.

“So you guys have been together for a year and the love is still brimming. We’re so impressed to learn this.”

“And the baby?” Jake asked silently, “he can’t be responsible for the pregnancy.” He whispered to himself. “They're acting right. Trent.” Trent shook his head to snap Jake back into reality.

He felt his hand trembling, his phone almost slipping from his hand, confusion and betrayal drowned out the sound of the crowd cheering for the two couples.

“You must be ready to propose to her tonight, I can see you’re not yet married.”

“We will be getting married in a month, and we’re already expecting a baby.” Sonya quickly replied, her voice laced with sweetness and she hugged the man tight.

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