The Substitute Son-in-law's Revenge

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The Substitute Son-in-law's Revenge

By: Baby Bunny Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 30 views: 75

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Having a mother and brother who were always extorting his money, making him a cash cow, was something no one wanted. However, it was much worse when his wife's wealthy family did not accept him. He was being made the family driver, being insulted with words that should not be received by a son-in-law, seeing firsthand the affair committed by his wife, and being reported to the police for violence just for injuring the man who was his wife's affair. When all that happened, not once did Ethan blame them. He could only curse and fantasize about his fate of not having an influential family. However, who would have thought that when he was at the lowest point in his life, an older man suddenly came and introduced himself as his Grandfather. From then on, he became determined to avenge all the humiliation and pain he had felt on them, one by one. He would not let anyone escape his clutches. The Ethan of today is no longer Ethan, the driver in his wife's family, but Ethan Kinsey Aldebaron, the only grandson of the Kinsey family, the biggest business owner and most feared gangster.

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30 chapters
Managing Divorce
In a luxurious mansion, at a long dining table, several people were sitting elegantly. The shiny gold-colored table was filled with various dishes with wine and mineral water. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.Tonight was the night of the Celeste family's regular once-a-month gathering.The clothes they wore looked branded. Even the women wore a lot of dazzling jewelry with different hairstyles. Their laughter sounded cheerful as conversation after conversation was exchanged, making the atmosphere even more lively.However, among them, there was one man who just kept his head down, enjoying his food quietly. He was Ethan Aldebaron, the husband of Ariana Julia, the first child and grandchild in Celeste's family.His figure, sitting at the end, made him look even smaller. Especially because his clothes were very different from the others. The look was more simple and cheap. However, his facial features could not hide his good looks and refinement."Grandmother, I just won a big
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The look on Grand Master Celeste's face was displeased that their departure had disrupted this routine meeting. But when thinking about Ariana's future, he could only nod and say, "Yes, it should be like that. There's nothing to hold on to anymore. We older generations should be guiding them toward happiness, not destruction. It's also for the sake of Celeste's family's survival.""Why does it sound like I've made a mess?" Ethan replied, still with his calm face."Ethan!" snapped Ariana.Her almond eyes blazed with dislike. "You're usually so quiet, like a mute, why are you being so rude now?"Instantly, Ethan's gaze fell on Ariana. He stared fixedly at his wife's beautiful face, then shrugged his shoulders indifferently. "I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm starting to feel fed up?""Sassy!" Great Mistress Celeste pounded on the table, to everyone's surprise. Her old face trembled as her teeth chattered with anger. "Fed up? Are you saying you are fed up? You poor loser! How dare you
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Recorded Evidence
Ethan's reverie was broken, and he looked to the side, right at the cell entrance, where the Old Man was.The older man smiled broadly, thinking Ethan would be surprised and welcome him. Or at least ask about who he was. But it was unexpected. The man was indifferent, leaving him dumbfounded. "Hey, what the hell is that reaction of yours?""You really don't care about my presence?" The Old Man spoke again when he saw Ethan, who still did not respond. "Insubordinate grandson! You don't want to be free, huh? Do you want to stay locked up in this cursed room?"Ethan's eyes widened when he heard the word 'grandson' come out of the Old Man.He slowly turned his head and asked in surprise. "Grandson? Who are you referring to?"The Old Man grunted and then stepped closer to the cell. "Of course you are. Who else is in this room but you?""But I'm not your grandson. You must be mistaken," Ethan said."How can you say that with confidence?" The Old Man glared fiercely as he banged his cane, ma
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"Dad, I-""Are you having an affair?" Alvina's hands clenched into fists as she asked this—a question with an obvious answer.In the next second, she burst into tears. She wailed as she screamed, "No way! My fiancé loves me very much. He wouldn't disappoint me by playing with fire behind my back!""Sis, it must be you, right? You must be flirting with him!" Alvina turned around and attacked Ariana, knocking her to the side. She pulled at her hair with a cry that grew louder and louder. "My fiancé wouldn't have acted like that if you hadn't started it first! You're poison! You're a temptress!""Father, Mother, help! Alvina, don't act crazy! I'm your sister! Let me go! Let me explain everything!" Ariana tried to push Alvina away, but the girl's energy was so strong that the more she pushed, the stronger the pull on her hair became. "It hurts! Help! Mom, I can't stand it!"Mrs. Celeste gaped in dismay. She rushed over and tried to pull Alvina away. However, instead of succeeding, she cra
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Zenith Corp
Then Ethan looked back at Grand Master Kinsey with an incredulous face. "Old man, so you don't trust me? Since yesterday, you've been talking about how much you care about me, but now you're acting as if I'm your new employee. How ridiculous!""I'm not doing this because I don't trust you. Ethan, you don't fully know about the intricacies of our family. I'm just anticipating that if one day you're faced with a lot of choices, you'll never have a dilemma. I just want to confirm your choice," explained Mr. Kinsey with great seriousness.Ethan slowly pursed his lips and was silent for a moment. Then he reached for a pen and placed his signature on the paper."You don't have to worry. My decision to follow you is absolute, no matter how long it takes. No one can interfere with it, let alone shake it," he said as he gently pushed the folder away."I'm a person who knows how to return favors, so I won't abandon you as long as you give me the strength to take revenge," he continued.His word
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Suddenly, Ethan turned his head. He smiled slightly, making Ariana want to take another step, but Ethan's words made her freeze. "This is the first time you've called my name without emotion. Please don't put on that expression. You're making people misunderstand. They must think that you regret divorcing me.""I'm not filing for divorce. We're still husband and wife," Ariana said with a dim look in her eyes. "So, let's talk things through.""Oh yeah?" Ethan's tone sounded like he was mocking. "I'm afraid I won't.""Shit! Dad, why did you let him come back to our house? It's good that he left! Our house won't be stained anymore by losers like him! Look at his smug face! So disgusting!" Aiden, silent with his wife, cried out in disgust.Seeing Ethan made him think of the poop he'd thrown away but accidentally stepped on, making it stick to his precious shoes.However, no one paid any attention to Aiden's words.Even Mr. Celeste suddenly changed his expression and said falsely. "Ethan,
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Revenge Begins!
Two days later.The atmosphere in front of the court was bustling with news-hungry journalists. I don't know how they found out about this divorce, but it did manage to upset Celeste's family because it managed to attract one of the television stations and was aired live.To them, this was very inappropriate. Very embarrassing.However, the smoothness of the divorce proceedings made Mr. and Mrs. Celeste, who were on site, quickly brush off the annoyance. At least now, a fool like Ethan was no longer part of the family.As soon as the court doors opened, they stepped out with beaming faces."In the end, you're still eliminated. Ethan, what do you think? Don't you regret not getting a penny from me?" Ethan, who had just gotten up and was about to walk away, fell silent as soon as he heard Ariana's words spoken in a dismissive tone.Ariana also stood up, staring at Ethan's back with an arrogant smile. "Being able to marry me is an amazing thing. But you probably still don't believe it b
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It's Fun
When Carver, who was on his way home, got this news, he was immediately worried.It was not easy to gain the trust of his family, especially with the fierce internal competition. If he couldn't make himself fly higher, he would forever remain someone else's foot soldier.He had been preparing for this for a long time and even continued to convince his family that he was capable, so they began to wait for his success.But after all this time, the results were the opposite of what he wanted."I can't just do nothing. The partnership has to happen," he muttered, wringing his hands restlessly.He cast his gaze out the window. His eyes twitched as his brain was forced to work quickly. "They're just saying that they haven't accepted it yet, right? At least I still have a chance."With that, he withdrew his gaze and commanded in a hurry, "Return to Zenith Corp!"The driver nodded obediently and turned the wheel quickly, not wanting to get angry after seeing his employer's unkind expression.
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5 important clients
"Why are you silent? I didn't invite you here to sit here and watch the food. Eat up, there's no need to feel awkward," Ethan said, chuckling softly as he looked at Hazel, who looked serious and sat up straight like an interview employee.However, the girl still didn't move. She kept looking straight at the food in front of her. Even if you look again, her sitting position looks uncomfortable because she only sits at the end of the chair."Hazel, let's eat!" Ethan, who couldn't stand it, unwrapped the tissue from Hazel's cutlery and offered it to her. "I'm very hungry, so don't make me delay any longer.""Sir." Of course, that made Hazel feel uncomfortable, and she immediately picked up her cutlery. But afterward, she returned it to its original place. "You can enjoy your lunch in peace. I will wait here without disturbing you."Hazel lifted her gaze and was met with Ethan's flat stare, making her sit up immediately. "Sorry, sir, I can't enjoy it. After all, you are my superior. It's
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You Have No Rights!
"Grandpa?" After a moment's surprise, Ariana hurried over. "I have something important to ask you. So please answer honestly.""Everyone here works for me. My orders are absolute, and no one can influence them. Even if you're my granddaughter, you can't speak for them, let alone make decisions!" However, Grand Master Grant gave Ariana a sharp look and continued the previous topic. He was angered by Ariana's bullying of the butler, his confidant."Grandpa," Ariana muttered, not expecting his response."You're an adult, you should control your temper and not always bully others. This is different from your home. You can't act as you please," Grand Master Grant continued as he stepped over to the sofa and sat on it.Ariana was transfixed. She swallowed hard and then turned around, gave her grandfather a quizzical look, and stepped timidly closer. "I want to ask you something."Grand Master Grant didn't respond, making Ariana try to continue. "My divorce went well. But Ethan became differ
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