It's Fun

When Carver, who was on his way home, got this news, he was immediately worried.

It was not easy to gain the trust of his family, especially with the fierce internal competition. If he couldn't make himself fly higher, he would forever remain someone else's foot soldier.

He had been preparing for this for a long time and even continued to convince his family that he was capable, so they began to wait for his success.

But after all this time, the results were the opposite of what he wanted.

"I can't just do nothing. The partnership has to happen," he muttered, wringing his hands restlessly.

He cast his gaze out the window. His eyes twitched as his brain was forced to work quickly. "They're just saying that they haven't accepted it yet, right? At least I still have a chance."

With that, he withdrew his gaze and commanded in a hurry, "Return to Zenith Corp!"

The driver nodded obediently and turned the wheel quickly, not wanting to get angry after seeing his employer's unkind expression.

Meanwhile, Secretary Iram, next to the driver, was busy with his tablet, preparing a backup plan in case something went wrong.

However, when they got there, they were detained by the receptionist, who said that there was an important meeting and could not be disturbed.

"But I also have something very important." Of course, Carver wasn't going to take it that easily. He was already visibly angry. "I'm the guest of honor, you'll regret it if you keep doing this to me. Quickly contact Miss Hazel and tell her that I've come!"

"Sir, I'm sorry, but Miss Hazel cannot be disturbed. She is in an important meeting with the Ceo," replied the Receptionist, still with her friendly smile.

Instantly, Carver glared in surprise. "CEO? Isn't it said that your Chairman never comes to the company? Ah, or is that just a rumor?"

"Our CEO is always on-site, sir."

"So he's always been here? But why doesn't he ever want to meet with clients?" Carver frowned strangely.

Secretary Iram, who felt that his master had crossed the line, immediately signaled not to continue this topic, or their chance for the future would completely vanish.

Carver also seemed to realize his mistake. So he pretended to clear his throat and tried to smile as best he could. "In that case, I would like to meet with the Ceo. Please tell him that Carver from the GrantBranch company would like to meet to propose a cooperation proposal."

"Sir, please don't make things difficult for me. Right now, they really can't be bothered. If it's really important, you can come again the day after tomorrow." The receptionist bowed her head with a smile that slowly faded.

"You!" Finally, Carver completely lost his temper.

He pointed angrily at the receptionist. But before anything else, Secretary Iram had already opened his voice. "Alright. Thank you, and I am sorry for inconveniencing you. We will come again the day after tomorrow. Please tell Miss Hazel."

"Yes." The receptionist nodded slowly.

After a brief nod, Secretary Iram quickly led Carver away. The man looked even angrier as he jerked his hand held by the secretary.

"Sir, in a situation like this, we cannot afford to make mistakes. I think the rumors are true. Their CEO never shows up, so once he does, he immediately calls a meeting with Ms. Hazel. We should wait quietly while we think of another solution," Secretary Iram suggested once they were in the car.

Carver ignored him and chose to look out the window.

"Sir, they have left," Hazel said after receiving a call from the receptionist.

Unbeknownst to them, upstairs, a man was standing by the window holding a tablet that showed the situation at the reception desk. His smile was etched with a flash of contempt that flashed in his eyes.

Seeing him get upset and leave without an answer like this made him feel good. But this was nothing. In the future, he would make sure they suffered more than he did.

"Did you contact Miss Celeste?" he asked as he turned around, looking at Hazel, who was standing not far from him.

"I did, sir. But the secretary said that she will notify Miss Celeste immediately as she is currently away," Hazel replied.

Ethan's smile grew even bigger.

Obviously, she was away and must be discussing something with her family. He knew all too well how they liked to get together for arguments. And this time, it seemed to be about him. Especially if it wasn't the vehicle he was driving and his words to the media.

Ah, the thought of them being emotionally stricken made his mood even better.

"Hazel, come on, I'll treat you to a nice meal!" Afterward, Ethan walked to his desk to put down his tablet and then left the room at a leisurely pace.

"Yes, sir." Hazel hurried to follow obediently.

Just as Ethan had said, in the Celeste family's ranch house, the atmosphere was very lively, with angry snaps and shouts.

"I guess he's getting a lot of compensation from my father," Mrs. Bernita said with annoyance.

The happiness that had been on her face instantly vanished after seeing the news about Ethan, which had succeeded in making her blood boil.

"I'll go see Grandpa!" Without waiting for an answer from the others, Ariana immediately got up and left in a hurry.

Mr. Celeste only glanced at her briefly and returned to speaking seriously. "We have to do something before the public attacks us and turns on Ethan. That would be very detrimental because the company could be affected."

"But for a press conference, it's impossible. They will keep digging for the reason behind the divorce, and eventually, there will be a lot of conflicting public opinions. At that time, the real reason may be revealed." Alvina, who had been silent, immediately spoke up. "And it could be that the CCTV footage Ethan has is disseminated. That could be something worse."

"If you think about it, what Alvina said makes sense. Father, we shouldn't make hasty decisions. There's no news right now anyway, so it's better to keep quiet," Aiden said seriously.

Mr. Celeste clenched his fists without the others noticing. Instead, he said, "Let's wait to hear from Ariana first."

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