Recorded Evidence

Ethan's reverie was broken, and he looked to the side, right at the cell entrance, where the Old Man was.

The older man smiled broadly, thinking Ethan would be surprised and welcome him. Or at least ask about who he was. But it was unexpected. The man was indifferent, leaving him dumbfounded. "Hey, what the hell is that reaction of yours?"

"You really don't care about my presence?" The Old Man spoke again when he saw Ethan, who still did not respond. "Insubordinate grandson! You don't want to be free, huh? Do you want to stay locked up in this cursed room?"

Ethan's eyes widened when he heard the word 'grandson' come out of the Old Man.

He slowly turned his head and asked in surprise. "Grandson? Who are you referring to?"

The Old Man grunted and then stepped closer to the cell. "Of course you are. Who else is in this room but you?"

"But I'm not your grandson. You must be mistaken," Ethan said.

"How can you say that with confidence?" The Old Man glared fiercely as he banged his cane, making Ethan jump in surprise. "I'm your grandfather! The first person to hold you when you were born!"

"Sir, you really seem to have the wrong person. I have no family." Ethan said confidently.

His foster mother had always said that he was an abandoned child, one that she was forced to pick up out of pity. No one was expecting him. Or maybe there was no family left.

Seeing that the Old Man in front of him was still stubborn, Ethan stood up, walked over, and pointed at his face. "Look, our faces bear no resemblance whatsoever. You're the wrong person. Besides, you seem to be a rich man, while I was born into a simple family. I'm not your grandson."

The older man, about to get angry, immediately fell silent after hearing this. He looked at Ethan closely, then sighed softly. "You've suffered a lot."

"Well, I'll tell you. I am William Anthony Kinsey, your father's father. My coming here is to bring you back. I know you have many questions, but this is not the right place. You can ask them all when we get home," said Great Master Kinsey, who then stepped back as a policeman came to open the cell door that held Ethan.

Ethan was stunned. But then he turned around. "I don't believe it."

"I'm the boss and founder of the most powerful gangster in this country. Haven't you ever heard of Iron Fangs? Or Pinnacle Construction Company? If you come with me, then you will become its official successor. That way, you can take revenge on everyone who has hurt you. Don't you want that?" 

The provocative words succeeded in making Ethan speechless. The turmoil of long pent-up anger and the overflow of revenge that wanted to be channeled dismissed all doubts in his heart. This was a great opportunity!

Pinnacle Company is the third largest construction company. Its leader was known for his mysteriousness and ruthlessness in conducting business. Everyone was subservient and avoided him greatly, trying to create distance to avoid making mistakes.

As he recalled, Celeste's family was eyeing this company to increase the value of their company. But, they didn't have any information and struggled to formulate a plan. And because of that, they gave up and moved on to Pulse Apparel and Skyline.

Ethan turned back around to look at Great Master Kinsey. "You promise?"

"Of course," replied Great Master Kinsey firmly.

With that, Ethan immediately stepped out, indicating that he would come with him. Of course, that made Great Master Kinsey's smile instantly broaden. The two of them walked hand in hand, leaving the police station.

Ethan no longer cared about whatever would happen in the future, as long as he could get his revenge, everything was worth it. Even if Great Master Kinsey ended up just lying to him, he didn't care either. He didn't have anything to defend in this world anyway.

The next day, a group of people came to the police station. They were Mr. Celeste's family.

"I'm sure he'll immediately prostrate himself to beg for mercy when he sees us meeting him. He's just a pathetic lowlife with no one by his side," said Mr. Celeste confidently.

Mrs. Celeste, who continued to stay by his side, snorted sarcastically. "But I won't forgive him easily. He must kiss my son-in-law's feet!"

"Yes! Lucas should be hospitalized for that. If he can't compensate him, he'll have to become his servant and take care of him until he recovers," Alvina argued passionately.

"Alvina's right. He must become Lucas's servant," continued Mrs. Celeste.

"Father, no matter how pathetic he is and how he pleads for release, please don't withdraw the suit. He must feel the consequences. At least, until we're completely divorced." Ariana said worriedly, making Mrs. Celeste immediately put her arms around her and rubbed her with great care.

Once in front of the desk of one of the police officers, Mr. Celeste immediately said his purpose haughtily. However, the policeman's reply left everyone dumbfounded.

"Already released? How come?" Of all those who felt surprised, Arian was the one who looked the most shocked. She rushed forward and stared at the policeman with wide, angry eyes. "No way! He's just a loser who has nothing. How can he be released that easily? Sir, he was so violent that his victim was rushed to the hospital! You must punish him severely!"

"But the evidence and witnesses state that he's innocent."

Ariana became so angry that she kicked the table. "What evidence and witnesses? He's guilty! Here, I'm the witness! You're a police officer, how can you be so gullible?"

"Miss, please watch your words!" The policeman instantly became angry and stood up. "We do this job professionally. All the evidence has been carefully examined, and nothing is wrong with it."

Seeing the heat, Mr. Celeste grabbed Ariana roughly by the arm, forcing her to back away. Ariana tried to break free, but Mr. Celeste gripped her arm so tightly that she winced in pain and finally stopped struggling.

Then Mr. Celeste looked at the police and smiled kindly. "Please forgive my daughter. She is like this because she is traumatized. Her husband was violent right in front of her eyes. As a young woman, she must be afraid to face him again."

"But she shouldn't look down on my work," the policeman said, glancing at Ariana with dislike.

Mr. Celeste could only continue to smile and nod. "I understand. It's my fault for spoiling her too much. I truly apologize."

"Oh yes, by the way, who released him?" asked Mrs. Celeste, trying to change the subject.

"That person claimed to be his grandfather," replied the police.

Once again, everyone was shocked.

How could that loser still have a grandfather? He was a beggar who only had an adopted mother and brother. But both of them were parasites who didn't want to lose. Someone couldn't show up and help him in a crisis like this. There must be a mistake!

"He must have hired someone! Yes! He must have paid someone to pretend to be his family!" Alvina exclaimed suddenly.

Suddenly, the police sighed softly, sat back down, and handed over a piece of paper with some pictures. "Before accusing him further, please take a look at this. Because the words you say can be a boomerang. It is possible that he will sue you for defamation."

Then, he flipped open his laptop and showed it to Celeste's family.

Everyone rushed over to get a better look. It was on-the-scene footage, but some earlier scenes had been cut, so they didn't see any heat.

But still, Ariana was in shock. She covered her mouth with wide eyes. Her legs felt so weak that she had to hold on to the side of the table.

Beside her, Alvina also looked shocked. She even stepped back until she bumped into another table and then crouched down weakly. "That can't be. Why are they on the same bed? And in that position, what were they doing?"

"This is one of the pieces of evidence we received. Mr. Celeste, I hope you can accept the facts and no longer act recklessly. After all, your family's good name could be tarnished," said the police officer who advised wholeheartedly.

Mr. Celeste's face became full of anger. His hands clenched into fists, and his jaw hardened. He no longer responded to the policeman's words and turned around, grabbed his two children, and dragged them out. Mrs. Celeste, who was already embarrassed, rushed after him with her hand on the side of her face, trying to cover it.

Arriving home, Mr. Celeste immediately released his anger and raged like crazy. No one dared to intervene. Even Ariana did not explain anything about the video footage and could only look down deeply.

"Damn it! Disgraceful! How embarrassing!" shouted Mr. Celeste, who then pulled off his tie that felt suffocating and then ruffled his waist.

But afterward, he shouted again and kicked a flower vase near the sofa.

"Argh! We should have checked the CCTV yesterday before sending him to prison! This is so embarrassing! Where do I put my face? That cop must be laughing at our stupidity right now!" The more he thought about the past few moments, Mr. Celeste's anger grew.

He felt like a stupid clown.

And it was all because of his loser son-in-law!

Mr. Celeste then turned his body around and strode quickly to the front of the table, glaring at his eldest child. "Explain everything!"

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