
The look on Grand Master Celeste's face was displeased that their departure had disrupted this routine meeting. But when thinking about Ariana's future, he could only nod and say, "Yes, it should be like that. There's nothing to hold on to anymore. We older generations should be guiding them toward happiness, not destruction. It's also for the sake of Celeste's family's survival."

"Why does it sound like I've made a mess?" Ethan replied, still with his calm face.

"Ethan!" snapped Ariana.

Her almond eyes blazed with dislike. "You're usually so quiet, like a mute, why are you being so rude now?"

Instantly, Ethan's gaze fell on Ariana. He stared fixedly at his wife's beautiful face, then shrugged his shoulders indifferently. "I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm starting to feel fed up?"

"Sassy!" Great Mistress Celeste pounded on the table, to everyone's surprise. Her old face trembled as her teeth chattered with anger. "Fed up? Are you saying you are fed up? You poor loser! How dare you say that in front of me! Dare say it again: I'll kill you with my hands! You'll see, this is your last night in Celeste's family!"

"Calm down," whispered Great Mistress Celeste as he held her wife's arm, trying to calm her down.

But it seemed like Great Mistress Celeste was having trouble calming her emotions. Her breathing was ragged, and her body was trembling.

Aiden, who saw her, rushed over, gave her a drink, and then rubbed her shoulders while saying some calming words.

Felicia glanced at Ethan sarcastically. "Crazy loser!"

"I only said a few words, but it seemed like a criminal act that infuriated everyone. It's amazing." At a time like that, Ethan raised his voice again, accompanied by a small chuckle. The man seemed to know no fear when all pairs of eyes were fixed on him with a murderous aura.

"Ariana, are you going to continue defending people like this?" Grand Master Celeste asked angrily.

"Do you think I'm that kind of person?" However, Ariana just asked back without taking her sharp gaze off Ethan. "After all, there's nothing to defend here, as you said earlier. Everyone knows it, the reason why I was able to marry this madman."

"And this madman saved you from embarrassment in a crisis," Ethan said quickly.

"But now you're embarrassing us even more!" shouted Aiden, who couldn't take it anymore. "You've contributed nothing to this family. You're just an uneducated driver with a family of parasites! The shame you're creating is getting bigger, much bigger than when my sister's business marriage failed!"

Ethan was stunned.

Slowly, his hands that were on his thighs clenched tightly into fists, holding back the overwhelming emotional turmoil.

"If time could be turned back, I'm sure my family would never agree to accept you. You're just a disaster that came from a problem," Aiden continued.

This ridiculous agreement only cost his family. Who knew what he had done to be treated in such a way by his Grandfather, a man who had always looked down on his family.

Great Mistress Celeste felt even more of a headache after hearing that. She waved her hand helplessly. "Never mind. Tonight's program will end here. You guys leave!"

Then she staggered to her feet, causing Grand Master Celeste to rush to her aid and lead her to her room.

But before he left, he took the time to cast a warning glance at Ethan.

"Again and again, this event does not go smoothly," Alvina sighed softly.

She, who had been a spectator, now left the dining table without saying goodbye to the others.

"It's all because of you!" hissed Aiden in annoyance as he grabbed his wife's hand and led her away. "Come on, Honey. We can't stay in one place with a disastrous loser."

One by one, the people sitting gracefully in their seats began to leave the dining table still full of dishes.

"Are you satisfied?"

Now, at the dining table, there were only Ariana and Ethan.

The woman wearing the blue Sabrina-style dress was still loyal to her sharp gaze and angry face. "You should be self-aware. You came and stayed without bringing anything, so you should leave without bringing anything, too. Don't make a sound and stay stupid until you leave this family."

Then she picked up her bag and walked quickly away, leaving Ethan silent.

A few seconds later, Ethan took a rough breath and looked down. This was the end. A marriage without love and respect like this should be ended immediately.

If only he had been born into a wealthy family, perhaps something like this would never have happened.

But unfortunately, he was just a poor man with no family.

Ethan let out another rough breath and got up, leaving the main mansion to head for the highway, looking for a taxi that could take him home with the pain etched in his heart.

However, when he got home, it was very quiet.

The house he was staying in was a branch house of Celeste's family. Ariana and her two younger siblings gathered in this house, which was always crowded—moreover, dozens of servants and guards passed by every day. But now, not a single person could be seen.

Ethan found this very strange. Therefore, he walked through the house individually, but the result was the same. There was no one to be found.

He suddenly remembered his wife and rushed to her room.

However, his steps froze as he reached the second floor. His breathing became labored as he faintly heard a woman's sigh.

Slowly, he stepped towards the source of the sound, which turned out to be coming from his room. The sighing sound was getting louder, accompanied by a woman's soft chuckle.

Ethan stared fixedly at the door of his room with all the thoughts and emotions raging. Then he grabbed the door handle and opened it slowly. But his movement stopped when he heard his wife's name being called.


There was a moment of silence.

Finally, a soft, loud sound followed by a lilting reply. "I'm here."

"How does it feel to make love in your husband's bed and race against the clock?"

Ethan's heart seemed to stop beating right then and there. He swallowed hard, his grip tightening. His ears were wide open, trying to listen carefully to the answer his wife was about to give.

"Quite a challenge. I wondered if he was watching us together. Seeing his loser face and stupid reactions makes my desire rise sharply." As soon as these words were said, laughter of satisfaction was heard in unison.

Ethan couldn't take it anymore. He pushed the door of the room so hard that it made a thumping sound and then stepped into the room with wide strides. "Asshole!"

Their laughter instantly vanished in surprise. Ariana rushed out of Lucas' arms and grabbed the blanket to cover her lingerie-clad body. The man she was with, meanwhile, hurried to put on his pants and shirt.

However, before the shirt was completely buttoned up, Ethan had already pulled it off and threw a punch at his face, knocking him down unprepared. "Bastard! What did you do to my wife, huh?"

Ariana screamed in terror and curled up on the mattress.

"Get up you bastard! Fight me!" Ethan pulled the man's arm to his feet to deliver a second punch. But his movement was stopped in mid-air when he saw his face. He was stunned and unconsciously called his name. "Lucas?"

"Why? Surprised?" Instead of trying to defuse the situation, Lucas gave Ethan a mocking, lopsided smile after breaking free from his grip.

"You? How come?" Then Ethan's gaze fell on Ariana. "You guys... having an affair?"

"Didn't you see it yourself? We're going our separate ways anyway, so it doesn't make any difference," said Ariana, who had lost her fear now, fixing her clothes and getting off the bed to see how Lucas was doing, then putting her arms around him, making herself support.

Ethan followed her every move closely. "Not to me, but to your sister, Alvina."

The two men's bodies instantly froze.

"Ariana, are you really having an affair with your own sister's fiancé? Are you crazy?" Ethan suddenly raised his voice at the last question. "Why him? Can't you find someone else who's single?"

However, Ariana gave him a haughty look and replied, "So what? Lucas and I love each other. We've been together for a long time. If it weren't for you suddenly coming with my grandfather, I would live happily with him now."

"Ethan, you heard that, right? Your presence only messed things up. You took my girlfriend away from me, and you also made her suffer. So you better go quietly now and pretend you don't know anything," Lucas continued threateningly.

"If you want a beautiful girl, tell me. I'll give you one for free," he continued mockingly. "You don't have to spend a dime. You just need to be prepared to spoil them with yours."

Ethan's hands were clenched tightly. His teeth chattered with anger.

Ariana looked at Lucas with her innocent gaze and then asked, "Honey, can he afford it? I think he's is very small, and it won't be enough to make them happy."

Lucas' laughter instantly erupted.

"Damn it!" In that instant, Ethan pummeled Lucas with a flurry of punches. Ariana, who was pushed to the side, could only scream for Ethan to let her lover go. Unfortunately, Ethan was no longer in control. His emotions, which had been pent up for three years, finally exploded.

The fight between them was fierce as Lucas retaliated, making wounds on each of their bodies.

"I swear never to forgive anyone in this house, including you. Lucas, I curse you, you will feel what I feel someday. There will be no happiness for you. Destruction will soon come to you!" shouted Ethan, kicking Lucas in the stomach and knocking him down. He was breathing hard with several cuts on his handsome face.

Then he looked at Ariana sitting on her knees with tears in her eyes. Her body trembled. "Ariana, you're the foulest woman I've ever met. Mark my words. You will suffer."

Just then, there was the sound of footsteps echoing towards them. Not long after, Mr. Celeste was already standing in the doorway with the rest of the family.

Mr. Celeste's eyes sharpened as he stared at Ethan, who stood staring at Ariana with a murderous gaze and then turned to Lucas, who was lying helplessly on the floor. Instantly, his anger soared. "Ethan!"

"Guards! Come and drag this bastard to jail! He's abused my daughter and future son-in-law!" he shouted thunderously.

Without a care in the world, Alvina ran to her fiancé and hugged him tightly while crying. "Help! Please take Lucas to the biggest hospital! Help! Lucas, please don't leave me! I love you!"

Lucas silently cursed Alvina in his heart. This stupid girl seemed to be destroying his body. Instead of helping him, she was making him suffer even more. 

She was very different from Ariana, who was always full of tenderness. No wonder he could never love her, no matter how hard he tried.

Not long after, five guards arrived and immediately held Ethan's hands tightly.

However, the man still looked calm and unconcerned despite his battered face. "Don't you want to know the reason?"

"What reason? You beat up my son-in-law and scared my daughter. You deserve to be imprisoned! You horrible dirty bastard!" Mr. Celeste pointed at Ethan with his hands shaking with anger. "Quickly drag him out!"

Ethan's steps staggered slightly as his body was forcefully pulled to leave the room. Mrs. Celeste and the others rushed out of the way in fear. Ethan didn't care, he just looked at each person there and smiled calmly. "Please remember what I said. I curse you! There is no happiness and only destruction!"


In the corner of the room surrounded by iron cells, Ethan sat with his legs bent. The look in his eyes was deep and purposeful. His hands that were on his knees were tightly intertwined. His calm face was no longer visible due to the bruises and dried blood.

Mr. Celeste sent him to the police station.

They even turned a blind eye and logic to Lucas' presence in his and Ariana's room. All they could think about was getting him out of the house!


Everything they did, he would keep in his memory forever.

"I'm glad to have finally met you. But I didn't expect our meeting to be here." An Old Man's voice suddenly sounded, followed by his stick-wielding presence.

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