
"Dad, I-"

"Are you having an affair?" Alvina's hands clenched into fists as she asked this—a question with an obvious answer.

In the next second, she burst into tears. She wailed as she screamed, "No way! My fiancé loves me very much. He wouldn't disappoint me by playing with fire behind my back!"

"Sis, it must be you, right? You must be flirting with him!" Alvina turned around and attacked Ariana, knocking her to the side. She pulled at her hair with a cry that grew louder and louder. "My fiancé wouldn't have acted like that if you hadn't started it first! You're poison! You're a temptress!"

"Father, Mother, help! Alvina, don't act crazy! I'm your sister! Let me go! Let me explain everything!" Ariana tried to push Alvina away, but the girl's energy was so strong that the more she pushed, the stronger the pull on her hair became. "It hurts! Help! Mom, I can't stand it!"

Mrs. Celeste gaped in dismay. She rushed over and tried to pull Alvina away. However, instead of succeeding, she crashed into the sofa.

With such a mess, Mr. Celeste couldn't stay silent any longer. He took a wide step towards Alvina and pulled her hard. Alvina still tried to attack Ariana again, but Mr. Celeste pulled her back again, making her cluck in disapproval.

"Dad! Why are you blocking me? She's a bitch! I have to-"


Before her words were finished, a slap landed on her pretty face, making her curled hair slightly messy.

Alvina was shocked, and Mrs. Celeste and Ariana, trying to get up with the pain, also froze.

"Do you think finishing her off will solve the problem? Would that alleviate the shame we just received?" Mr. Celeste stared at Alvina wide-eyed.

Alvina's eyes glazed over. With her hand holding the slap mark, she looked at her father in disappointment.

In her 25 years of life, never once had her parents scolded her or even resorted to violence. But now, for the sake of a bitch, her father dared to slap her.

Her face did feel numb. But her heart was much more painful and broken. Whereas last night they were still praising her and laughing together, but now... why did everything change in an instant?

"Stop crying! Tears can never solve problems!" snapped Mr. Celeste.

Alvina spontaneously bit her lower lip, holding back the sob that was about to escape.

"You're angry with your sister just because of that CCTV footage. Don't you want to hear her explanation?"

"What explanation again? Isn't everything clear?" Alvina's voice trembled.

"What if it turns out we were set up?" Mr. Celeste shouted thunderously, making the three women close their eyes in surprise. "Ethan, that loser is very cunning. In three years of living here, have you ever treated him well? He must be harboring hatred in his heart. Besides, just think about it: he has no family, but the police said that his grandfather redeemed him. Isn't that strange? He must be playing tricks. And that CCTV footage, he must have handed it over himself!"

Ariana was stunned.

Her trembling eyes moved to look at her sister and mother, who were silent as if in thought. Then to her father. And just then, Mr. Celeste turned to look at her, making her heart beat faster.

Did her father already know the truth? But why was he helping her?

"Instead of thinking about that video, we should think about how to find that bastard and shut him up!"

Mrs. Celeste nodded slowly, agreeing with what her husband said. But suddenly, she thought of something and immediately widened her eyes in panic. "Then what about my father? What should we tell him? He'll be furious if he finds out we put that loser in jail."

"Isn't he already freed? I guess there won't be any problem with that. But..." Mr. Celeste's complicated gaze fell on Ariana briefly. "We should contact a lawyer immediately to file for divorce."

"That's right! Honey, hurry up and call Lawyer Ash!" ordered Mrs. Celeste hurriedly. Mr. Celeste nodded and walked away.

Ariana stared at her father's departure, then sat down and fiddled with her hands anxiously.

That loser dared to hand over the CCTV evidence to the police, it was possible that he would hand it over to her grandfather. And if that happened, then the inheritance would completely vanish.

This was a very disadvantageous situation.

Although dearly loved by her family, as the eldest child, she needed to be superior to her two younger siblings. Aiden had been entrusted with managing his wife's family company and already had a shining name. Alvina, at a young age, already had her own cosmetics and beauty company. She, on the other hand, was only a Director in the family company.

She needed a large inheritance to support her as the heiress of Celeste's family.

"No! It can't happen," she muttered as she stood up and walked quickly to the monitor room.

However, when she got there and after closing the door carefully so as not to be noticed by others, she was startled by the presence of her father, who was now standing staring at her. Instantly, she was transfixed with a pounding heart.


Mr. Celeste looked at Ariana intently and then turned around, staring at the array of screens showing footage from various corners of the mansion.

Ariana was even more frightened because her father didn't say a word. "Dad, I-"

But before she could finish her sentence, Mr. Celeste spoke up. "I just remembered that I never put a surveillance camera in the room."

"What?" Startled, Ariana didn't realize she had raised the tone of her voice. Her eyes blinked softly. Next, she stepped closer to her father and looked at him with a gaze that demanded an explanation.

"There isn't a single surveillance camera in the room. Not even in the hallway," said Mr. Celeste, making Ariana freeze.

Meanwhile, in the living room, Mrs. Celeste sat herself down with a slow exhale. Her dignified face was filled with worry. "This is the first time I've been grateful for not being able to see my father. At least this situation isn't so scary."

Alvina only glanced at her when she heard these words. Next, she walked quickly out of the living room.

Once on the second floor, her steps slowed so that she barely made a sound. The look on her face turned serious as she glanced around cautiously.

Her steps stopped at Ariana and Ethan's room, which had been the silent witness to yesterday's heated argument.

She checked her surroundings again, then grabbed the doorknob and turned it slowly, followed by her body stepping inside to go to the figurine on the shelf in front of the bed.

"There seems to be something in that room. We should immediately retrieve it and secure it. If it was indeed placed by that bastard Ethan, we can use it as a tool to strike back." Mr. Celeste's voice was faintly audible.

Alvina, who had just put the small camera into her bag, instantly turned her head towards the door. Then, she hurriedly cleaned up the figurine, put it back the way it was, and ran to the balcony.

Elsewhere, in a room filled with martial arts equipment, a man lay on his back in the middle of a fighting arena. His breathing was ragged with the sweat that flooded his body. His eyes were closed peacefully.

"This is just the beginning. One by one, I'll bring it back, and I'll make sure none of you can miss it," he muttered as he opened his eyes, revealing a different look in his deep-set eyes.

Afterward, he got up and walked down the arena, heading for a door directly connected to the gym. Without wiping off his sweat, he began to exercise using various equipment tirelessly.

His determination to change for the sake of revenge was high. He even set a target to do so in the near future.

They had to feel the pain of suffering before they forgot about it.

"You worked very hard." Suddenly, Grand Master Kinsey was already standing in the doorway in his formal suit, as usual.

Unfortunately, his arrival did not break Ethan's concentration. Instead, the man moved away and began warming up for weight lifting.

"There's no need to rush. You can take it slow. They'll never be able to leave," said Mr. Kinsey again.

"Even if they can't leave, I must do it quickly. Ever since I decided to follow you, I've been determined that the days I'll live will only be for revenge," Ethan said without lowering his concentration level.

"Old man, if you just want to babble, you should find someone else. I'm busy," he continued.

Grand Master Kinsey chuckled. "You really are a disobedient grandson. You've only been together for a day, but you're already daring me."

Ethan no longer replied.

The look on Mr. Kinsey's face immediately turned serious. "Clean yourself up and meet me in the study. I have something to give you."

Having said that, he turned to leave with his left hand behind his back. The tapping sound of his staff could be heard echoing in the quiet place. Ethan's movements froze. He straightened up and turned around. He wanted confirmation, but the Old Man was nowhere to be seen.

Various questions began to fill his brain. His feelings became muddled with the prejudice that suddenly came over him.

Not wanting to get lost in his thoughts, Ethan chose to end his activities and hurried to his room.

30 minutes later.

Now Ethan was sitting across from Mr. Kinsey behind his expensive desk. He looked very fresh in his black shirt and cloth pants.

"Sign this!" ordered Mr. Kinsey, suddenly handing him a black folder with a magnificent golden pattern.

Ethan glanced at it and asked, "What is this?"

"Just sign it!"

Ethan's eyes narrowed suspiciously. He looked intently at the serious face of the Grand Master and then turned to the folder and grabbed it to read the contents.

However, a slight frown began to appear on his forehead. "Agreement?"

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