Zenith Corp

Then Ethan looked back at Grand Master Kinsey with an incredulous face. "Old man, so you don't trust me? Since yesterday, you've been talking about how much you care about me, but now you're acting as if I'm your new employee. How ridiculous!"

"I'm not doing this because I don't trust you. Ethan, you don't fully know about the intricacies of our family. I'm just anticipating that if one day you're faced with a lot of choices, you'll never have a dilemma. I just want to confirm your choice," explained Mr. Kinsey with great seriousness.

Ethan slowly pursed his lips and was silent for a moment. Then he reached for a pen and placed his signature on the paper.

"You don't have to worry. My decision to follow you is absolute, no matter how long it takes. No one can interfere with it, let alone shake it," he said as he gently pushed the folder away.

"I'm a person who knows how to return favors, so I won't abandon you as long as you give me the strength to take revenge," he continued.

His words made the anxiety in Mr. Kinsey's heart subside. He smiled slightly between his steady nods as he looked at Ethan proudly.

His character was not much different from hers. He was indeed worthy to be his grandson.

"Alright then, it's time for me to introduce you to your powers." Grand Master Kinsey stood up and walked towards the door, making Ethan hurry to follow. "I've arranged everything. From now on, you are the CEO of Zenith Corp, one of the company's interior design subsidiaries."

Ethan almost tripped over his own feet when he heard the last sentence. He suddenly stopped his steps and looked at Mr. Big in shock. "So that's your subsidiary?"

"Yes. And from now on, only your name will be on everyone's mind," Mr. Kinsey replied with his feet moving.

Ethan's lips twitched with a smile.

Zenith Corp had a high rating. Although it had only been established for five years, it had already been able to compete with other large companies. It shifted the position of smaller companies that had previously been in contention.

As he recalled, the branch house of the Celeste family that he lived in used this company to renovate a part that was considered boring two years ago. They even paid three times the original price just to cut the queue.

A few days ago, he had heard their discussion about building a villa that would use Zenith Corp again.

Now, he was the owner. He wondered how they would react when they found out?


After the conversation, Ethan decided to visit his company and meet Hazel, the secretary and personal assistant his grandfather said was his confidant.

However, when he was about to enter one of the elevators, he was confronted by Carver, Ariana's maternal cousin, and his secretary, who was about to step out. "Ethan? Stupid loser, is that you?"

Ethan turned his head casually. "Excuse me, do we know each other?"

Carver gaped in disbelief. The moment after, he pushed Ethan and shouted angrily. "Bastard! It's really you! Hey, don't act like you're important! What are you doing here? Does anyone know about your presence here? Oh, no way! You must want to commit a crime and embarrass my Aunt's family, right?"

"You'll see, I'll rat you out to my Aunt!" With that, Carver took out his cell phone and dialed Madame Celeste.

It didn't take long for the call to connect. "Auntie, I met that loser at Zenith Corp. What? Escaped from prison? Yes. I'll drag him home immediately. Okay. You just relax, I'll make sure he can't escape again. Yes. See you at home."

Carver's lopsided grin was annoying. "You heard that, right? My aunt told me to take you home, you crazy loser! I really didn't think that someone like you would ever feel the cold of prison."

"But I don't want to. I don't know you, let alone your family." With a faint smile, Ethan withdrew his gaze and turned around, about to walk away.

Of course, Carver did not remain silent. He immediately shouted for his secretary to grab Ethan and drag him to the car.

The scene was seen by an older man who walked from the other direction with his entourage. He followed Carver's movements, carrying Ethan with his eyes flashing angrily.

"Auntie, I'm bringing a criminal home!" Carver walked towards the door hurriedly. Then he stopped his steps and turned around, waving his arms excitedly. "Let's quickly bring him here! Watch out that it doesn't get loose!"

Because of his words, the Secretary's grip on Ethan's hand tightened, making him grimace softly.

Without Carver realizing it, Ethan's sharp gaze was fixed as if he was about to pounce on him that very second.

He was treating him like a hunted animal so someday, he would do the same to him.

"Auntie!" Carver shouted again.

The sound of clattering footsteps could be heard approaching. Mr. Celeste came with his wife and three children. Their gazes were completely fixed on Ethan, who had a flat expression.

"Carver, you really brought him home. Thank you," Mrs. Celeste said with a grateful smile.

"That's not a problem. I met him at the Zenith company, so I might as well bring him home," Carver grinned.

"Zenith Company?" Mr. Celeste widened his eyes in surprise. Then he looked at Ethan sharply. "What are you doing there?"

"Is it important to you?" But Ethan replied casually, without any fear at all, as if the middle-aged man standing in front of him was not his father-in-law.

Of course, his response took everyone by surprise.

"You! Is this the attitude of a son-in-law? You bastard! Don't think that just because you're free from prison, you can behave as you please with me! I'm still your father-in-law!" shouted Mr. Celeste, pointing at Ethan with an angry, shaking hand.

A frown creased Ethan's forehead. He glanced at Ariana and said, "Didn't you guys file for divorce already? Why should I still be your son-in-law?"

"You! Good! You're getting bolder even when you're in my house! You've forgotten yourself! Even if you're no longer part of this family, remember that we helped you! You should return the favor, at least by being respectful!" Mr. Celeste grew even angrier, causing Mrs. Celeste to immediately rub his chest with a gaze fixed on Ethan, filled with disappointment.

Ariana stepped forward to her father's side. "Ethan."

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