
Suddenly, Ethan turned his head. He smiled slightly, making Ariana want to take another step, but Ethan's words made her freeze. "This is the first time you've called my name without emotion. Please don't put on that expression. You're making people misunderstand. They must think that you regret divorcing me."

"I'm not filing for divorce. We're still husband and wife," Ariana said with a dim look in her eyes. "So, let's talk things through."

"Oh yeah?" Ethan's tone sounded like he was mocking. "I'm afraid I won't."

"Shit! Dad, why did you let him come back to our house? It's good that he left! Our house won't be stained anymore by losers like him! Look at his smug face! So disgusting!" Aiden, silent with his wife, cried out in disgust.

Seeing Ethan made him think of the poop he'd thrown away but accidentally stepped on, making it stick to his precious shoes.

However, no one paid any attention to Aiden's words.

Even Mr. Celeste suddenly changed his expression and said falsely. "Ethan, Ariana is right. As a family, isn't it bad to be hostile to each other? We should be honest and wise."

"Yes, Ethan." Suddenly, Mrs. Celeste replied with a wide smile that looked very forced. Even when saying his name, it didn't sound easy. "Let's settle this misunderstanding by getting together. You can invite your grandfather at once to introduce him to us. You can't possibly refuse, right? We've been a family for three years, but we just found out that you have a Grandfather. Isn't this so embarrassing?

Ethan felt disgusted when he heard that.

But he secretly snorted inwardly. "Didn't I say that I didn't want to?"

"Then, can you hand over the CCTV footage you have? After all, the family's good name is very important. You can't let your momentary anger take you in a bad direction. It will only harm you," Mrs. Celeste continued.

Instantly, Ethan chuckled softly, apparently for the CCTV footage.

Of course, infidelity was never a good thing. They must be terrified. If it got out, then the good name they had worked so hard to build would be instantly destroyed. And the company will be in trouble.

In the end, all they could think about was their benefit.

Seeing Ethan, who never answered, made Aiden even more unbearable. "Hey! My parents are talking to you! How can you act so disrespectful?"

Suddenly, Ethan looked at Aiden. Then he smiled broadly, guiltlessly, and shrugged his shoulders uncaringly.

"Damn it! Once a loser, always a loser!" The anger that Mr. Celeste was forcibly suppressing was unbearable. He raised his hand and slapped Ethan. "I already guessed that it was just a trick of yours! You can't possibly have a family that cares about you. Seeing that you're silent it means that what I think is true. Cih! Forget what I said earlier! 

Then he pulled Ariana back. "Stay away from that loser! He can't contaminate you!"

Instead of taking offense, Ethan smiled until his eyes narrowed. "Your acting is getting better. Worthy of an award."

"I can't take it anymore," muttered Aiden, who stepped forward hastily and kicked Ethan.

Ethan, however, did not stand still. He dodged quickly and used Carver's Secretary as a shield. Then he countered Aiden's attack, causing him to be pushed back by holding his stomach. Suddenly, the women screamed in excitement.

Mr. Celeste motioned for Carver to step forward to fight Ethan with him. Finally, three against one, the fight became very intense.

"Stop!" In the midst of the tension, an Old Man who was at Zenith Corp earlier suddenly came and stood not far away with several of his bodyguards.

He was the Great Master Irham Grant—the father of Mrs. Celeste, as well as the one who made this marriage possible.

"Push them away!" he ordered then.

His bodyguards rushed forward and pulled the bodies of Lord Celeste, Aiden, and Carver back to his family's side.

"Father?" Mrs. Celeste was shocked beyond belief when she saw him coming.

She quickly changed her expression and was about to take a step closer, but Mr. Grant had already raised one hand, making her hesitate.

Without caring about them, Mr. Grant walked over to Ethan and checked on him. "Are you okay?"

Ethan only replied with a nod.

"So, what they said was true?" he asked again.

"Dad!" cried Mrs. Celeste in a panic.

She stepped forward and grabbed his father's hand. "Dad, why didn't you call me when you were coming? I apologize for making you see a mess you shouldn't have. But you can rest easy, it's just a small misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" Mr. Grant's eyes drew sharp. He stared at Celeste's family members one by one, making them fidget and try to avert their eyes. "What kind of misunderstanding is it to be ganged up on by three people?"

"Dad, that's true. Loser-I mean, Ethan is very hard to tell even if he has made a mistake, so-"

"Who are you calling a loser, huh?" shouted Mr. Grant thunderously. His normally cold face now looked filled with anger. "You say that again, I won't hesitate to cut ties with you!"

"Father!" Mrs. Celeste was wide-eyed with shock.

But Great Master Grant didn't care and looked back at Ethan. "Answer honestly, Ethan. Is everything true?"

Ethan didn't answer right away. He looked at Celeste's family, who were all giving him a warning look. Then he turned to Mr. Grant and nodded. "Yes. If you want proof, you can go to the nearest police station because I think the CCTV in this house has been deleted."

Mr. Grant's wrinkled hands were clenched tightly. "Then, do you want a divorce?"

"Grandfather." Ariana rushed forward. "Didn't you forbid us to get a divorce?"

But Great Master Grant still didn't care about her.

Ethan's eyes became full of conviction. Then he nodded firmly. The two people looked at each other intently. Finally, Great Master Grant said, "Well, I'll take care of it myself."

"Father!" Mrs. Celeste cried out again. "You've always strongly opposed and even given us a hard time when we talked about divorce. But why are you agreeing to it so easily now? Why are you treating him so special? Father, this isn't fair! Ariana has a lot to lose, but you even-"

"I'm just saying that you can't file for divorce, but that doesn't mean Ethan can't," interrupted Great Master Grant as he gave Mrs. Celeste a flat look.

Instantly, Mrs. Celeste was at a loss for words. She was stunned with disbelief. Was her father defending others over his own children and grandchildren?

Ariana blinked slowly. Then she asked in a choked voice. "Grandfather, what about the inheritance then?"

Mr. Grant glanced at her and turned to leave. "Let's go, Ethan!"

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