The Unrivaled Dragon Lord
The Unrivaled Dragon Lord
Author: MbC
Chapter 1

At the button city round about. There was a fight seen between the city protectors and also the city’s enemies. 

The protectors were the captain of the northern provinces and also an assitant who seem to be a woman. 

“You people think you can just come in here and then do as you like? Remember you’ve been banned from entering this city thesame way your grand fathers were chased and some of them killed by the dragon lord. So, do yourself good and go back to where you came from before someone mistakenly alerts the dragon lord and he’s back here,”

Captain Jake, the northern captain spoke out fiercely. 

“Haha. Dare to still try and call the dragon lord  in front of us? Still want to die early?” The evil magician laugh heartily. Ever since the dragon lord disappearance, they haven’t heard of anything and continued doing their task by destroying some part of the city so that they can fully take over and their leader would then climb the throne of  the dragon lord.

“Yeah why wouldn’t he mention the dragon lord,” his assitant stepped over with bravery, “ he’s the all powerful and you know you guys can’t even hurt even a strand of his hair. I’d advice you guys to leave here before matters get worst.”

“Wow, such a courageous assitant captain jake got here,” the black consort clapped her hand mockingly hailing jake’s assistant,  “ I never knew someone like this girl standing right here was gonna help you in this kind of situation. Too bad I’d just have to put her in her place. 

The black consort immediately raised her hand, stretching it to the assitant’s direction, a black smoke with sharp edges came out directly heading to the assistants direction. When captain jake noticed it, he immediately covered  the assitant  but was hit by the smoke which made him fall to the ground holding his chest and spitting out blood. 

“Master,” the assitant rushed to captain Jakes body on the floor, searching for where the injuries are to know how she was going to treat it, “ where were you hitting sir?” She asked 

“Haha. She seems to be searching for the injury.” Dark rhino said. 

“ she can’t see any,” the dark consort stared at her fingers, watching her finger untill the visible smoke  was no more, she then blurted out, “ it’s an internal injury, which I’m not sure he might survive from it.”

“And as for you lousy assitant.”  She stared at the assitant with no good intentions. The assitant saw her moving closely and her heart began to thump. Was this the last day she would see earth. She just hoped at this point someone or even the dragon lord might hear her silent cries and come to help them. “It’s like I just have to end your life here too. You’re useless  to me though and can’t serve any useful purpose.

Although the black consort, the evil magician, and also the dark rhino too were evil people, they were working for a neighbouring nation, volcanic, who tried to destroy the Galaxy nation a long time ago. But their plan never worked since the dragon lord who’s the all powerful was around and killed many evil war lords and Also powerful people of their nation. Since the dragon lord left and was nowhere to be found, many people or the galaxy nation were skeptical, where have he gone to? Was he dead? Is he already tired of living? Or is he not that powerful again? 

All these questions were being asked amongst the people of the galaxy nation. Their hero was nowhere and they prayed everyday for him to be back due to the new attacks of other enemy nations, most especially The volcanic nation. 

The assitant’s body was being raised, with magic, and she was about to be split into different  parts when a passerby in an electric motorcycle showed up.

“Wow magical performances happening here,” he smiled. “ I’d have to come down from my vehicle and join the show,” he came down from  the E-motorcycle and went in the midst of the crowd.

While trying to head to where they were displaying , he took his mini box containing his few working tools. Why he did that? He was afraid  maybe some passerbys too would take his property and run away. 

When he reached the midst of the crowd, he frowned seeing one of them lying on the crowd almost dead so he asked, “ Hey you dark woman, what kind of magic are you displaying here? This isn’t supposed to be happening in this city.” He still kept his frowned face still focused on the lady he was talking to.

“Hey young man! This is none of your business, I’d advice you to leave here before you become one of the victim,” the dark consort said. 

“Haha. You know nothing. So most of my friends haven’t told you? I always love playing victim because I know how to act the part well. Even in clubs. I’m well known in some clubs. Well minor clubs but I can give you some of their names.” He said playfully stepping  forward to show her pictures of the clubs he have been to on phone. 

Others who were present just dabbed their hands on their head while captain jake who was lying almost dead on the floor just shook his head. Does this scene seems playful to even passerby’s ? If  he was this young man , he’d never be here. It was pretty late and you’d even hardly see anyone walking this lane at night, he wondered what the young man present was up to that made him show up at this place and at this time too. 

“You see these places are nice. Don’t you see? This is me drinking here,” he swiped the pictures to show her more of him at the club. 

Dark consort was tried of seeing and also she was loosing focus on what she was doing just because she was giving her time to the young man whom she never knew him before. She had to voice out, “ hey young man, it’s okay. I’m tired of this your useless talks. You better leave here before I make you a cooked meat for the animals to have a taste.”

“Oh really!”

“Well I was trying to be friendly with you guys just now,  but it seems you took my friendliness for granted. I’d advice you to better stop what you’re doing or else!”

“Or else what? What would you young weak miserable kid do to us?” Dark rhino said, looking at him from head to toe. 

He  headed to where his mini box was, dipped  his hand inside, dropping his phone and folded both of his long working coat saying sternly. 

“Or else you’re tired of living!!”

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