Chapter 2

The four city enemies rushed the young man altogether so they could end the scene once and for all but were stopped with a stamp from the young man’s feet making all of them fall to the floor. 

Their hands on their chest as they coughed out blood.

They noticed a shining dragon tattoo on the young man’s chest and immediately shouted.

“The dragon lord!”

Trying to save themselves before it’s late, they disappeared, leaving only the captain as well as they assistant on the floor, lying helpless. 

When captain Jake heard the word dragon lord, his eyes shifted to his chest too and he immediately captured the sight of the dragon figure before it wasn’t visible anymore. 

“Damn! It’s true. He’s the dragon lord!” He said and the assistant could hear him clearly.

“Captain, are you sure of what you’re saying?” She asked.

“Yes, 100 percent. Quickly get me to my feet. I need to pay respect to whom respect is due,” he said and immediately the assistant  got him to his feet. He quickly went to the direction of where the young man was staying and knelt down. 

“My lord, we’re happy to see you again after a long time,” he said while bowing his head down. 


“What are you guys talking about?” He was confused about what was happening in front of him. What were the two talking about ? My lord? When was he given that title?

“You’re A dragon lord. And we believe you’re the  son  of the all Almighty dragon lord who saved us but we never knew where your father went after he defeated the enemy nations.”

“My dad? I’m an orphan who was married to another family. I don’t believe what you guys are saying,” he was about to leave when captain jake stopped him and said.

“My lord please  believe me. That dragon tattoo on your chest ain’t any ordinary tattoo. Only the lineage of the Alexander’s have that tattoo. Even though we never knew lord Alexander had a son. The tattoo is enough as an evidence and as I said before. It ain’t any ordinary tattoo .” Captain Jake pleaded.

“I Need to head home because I have to cook for my wife’s family tonight. Please, you're wasting my time.” The young man said. 

“Okay pls before you leave pls what’s your name again?” Captain Jake asked.

“My name’s Green . Call me Green if we have a chance to meet again,”

“Okay Lord green. Pls accept this card and call me anytime you want me to clearify things to you, and also take this card. Is a vip card  1 trillion dollars in it ” he stretched his hard to give master two cards, black and white in colour which had lines of gold on every edge. 

“No I don’t take bank card or money from strangers,” he took only the white card. “ And i’d call you when I'm ready,” he immediately entered his electric motorcycle and left. 

“Such a tough young man our lord gave birth to,” captain make sighed, bowed his head, feeling rejected.

“Captain, don’t worry he's gonna come back, you'd see,”

He patted captain on the shoulders. “He's also a strong man. His abilities and strength is top notch.”

“And he's cute.”

Captain make immediately turned, giving his assistant an upredictive stare. What has came over this girl? He thought 

“I'm just saying. Nothings really going to spark between the two of us,” she tried ending the topic.

Captain Jake just watched the vehicle which John took untill it was out of sight.

“I just pray he knows his identity, Sooner.”

“Galaxy nation is in great danger and He's our only hope.”


Green just reached home after running ways from the crowd whom addressed him as a lord. Parking his bike inside the garage, he sighed and sighed  and sighed.  Everyday he gets to meet crazy people anytime he’s returning home. Some days he might meet an old man telling him he’s gonna be the saviour of the galaxy nation someday. When thinking about all these things he’d just laugh and choose to shrug them off. 

How can it be possible that he’d save galaxy nation someday. He chose to let all these topic slide as he went inside his home. Opening the door, he was met with angry stares from both his in laws and also his wife. If stares could kill, he would have been chopped to pieces now and been used as their dinner.

Oh, that was when he realized that he hasn’t prepared any meal for them this evening since he came back late. 

Trying to dodge their stares he just said a  sharp greeting to everyone around and wanted to head to the kitchen, but was stopped from his mother in law’s voice. 

“Where have you been since asshole,” Lady Elizabeth asked.

“I didn’t get to finish my work on time that’s the reason. I was attending to one of my good customers. He needed my help baldy,” Green replied faintly.

“Oh, so your customers needs are now more important than our meal which is supposed to be prepared right?” Lady Elizabeth said angrily.

“No, it’s not like I do it every…”

“Oh shut up!” 

He was cut shut by lady Elizabeth.

“Mum, I don’t blame him,” Austin took a sip of the wine he’s been drinking to cover up his hunger. “ I blame Grand dad for still allowing  this kind of trash for Jennifer to get married to.” He added.

Austin was the junior brother of Jennifer and also the only son of thier family. Although he was younger than Green, and also weaker, he choose to ridicule Green at every point in time, not showing a bit of respect. 

“It seems he’s kind of hanging out with maybe the hoes out there, because tell me why someone who’s married would be spending  a lot of time outside the four walls of this house,” Austin said disdainfully.

“What are you talking about?” Green stared at him, looking confused.

“Oh, you thought I wouldnt ever catch you right?” 

Austin stood up from his seat, meeting his mum, he showed her a photo on his phone.

“Have a look mum.”

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