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By: Amily Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 13 views: 25

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In the fourth year of the apocalypse, humanity was on the brink of extinction. I did not perish under natural disasters or fall victims to zombies, but tragically met my end at the hands of betrayal and greed from my companions. When I opened my eyes again, I found myself five years past! In that year, apocalypse had yet to arrive, and my loved ones and friends who had truly cared for me were still alive, untouched by various reasons and my indiscriminate kindness… I am determined to correct the mistakes of my previous life in this new one. There’s still time to change everything! Reborn like a phoenix, I swear that, in this life, I will rather be a leader than a follower. I will do everything in my power to ensure that I and those I care about live well. Those plutocrats who squeezed the last drop of blood from us, those corrupt leaders who treated the lives of ordinary people as worthless, those complex and greedy groups, those awakened individuals who activated their talents but remained timid and cowardly, pushing ordinary people and responsible awakeners as scapegoat—This time, I’m coming for you. I swear, I will make you crawl at my feet! In this ruined world, I will rebuild the human habitat and restore an era of peace and prosperity! I will be the creator of this new world! I will be the king of the new era! I will be the new Legend!

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13 chapters
Chapter 1: At The End Of The Day, Everyone Is Bound To Betray You
Chapter 1: At The End Of The Day, Everyone Is Bound To Betray You. "That's what you deserve!" Thunder and lightning crackled in the dark heavy clouds as Wayne belligerently had Ethan crippled by several thugs he had brought along with him. Ethan is clapped with immense pain and extreme torture that makes his legs lose the ability to aid him on his two feet again. His eyes were swollen, his face reddened but he didn't yield, he still sheepishly tried to crawl back to Wayne, who beside him was Rachael. She watched the whole scene with a delightful smile. "Rachael... Racheal." Ethan called out to her but she only resorted to casting an irritating look at him as she heard him say her name. "How dare you!" Wayne beamed. "You still don't want to back down!? Are you begging to die?!" He stormed up to Ethan and stumped his head to the ground with belligerent force. "Don't you ever utter her name!" Wayne spat on him and retraced his steps back to Rachel's side. "Pick up
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Chapter 2: PREPARING FOR THE APOCALYPSE.Ethan was in a puzzled state, he rubbed his eyes if he was seeing an illusion. But then the window was still floating in the air. [Host had been transported to the past] [Current Year: 2016] [The Zombie apocalypse will begin in 7 days, host must prepare himself] [Stats:] [Strength -10] [Speed -10] [Agility -10] [Experience -10] [Intelligence -10] [Point -5] [Lvl - 1] “The past? Zombie apocalypse? What's going on?” Ethan said. Suddenly the news appeared on the television, an explosion just occurred in a Mall, and the source of the explosion was unknown. This event seems very familiar to Ethan and he immediately checked his phone, the date was exactly, August, 2016. Ethan got down from his bed, everything that was happening was unreal, he was in 2020 a few minutes before his death. But now he has appeared in the past, one week before the apocalypse. Suddenly a smirk escaped on his lips, he was a loser in his past life, but now he ha
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Chapter 3: PREPARING FOR THE APOCALYPSE“Like I said, $75 million dollars, and I'm sorry for the damage, your men wouldn't just listen.” “Can I see your credit card?” The Manager requested. “Yes sure” Ethan brought his parents credit card. “This belongs to my parents combined savings during their time as a civil servant, and all their pensions were saved in it. I'm here to take it all” The manager looked at the card and it wasn't expired. “What's your name?” He inquired. “Ethan…Ethan Pierce” The surname matched with the name on the card, but the manager needed more confirmation. He took Ethan to the VIP office, he went through some files checking for the next of kin, and Ethan's name was there. After the clarification Ethan withdrew all the money, it was loaded in the big bags. “But why would you need $75 million dollars in cash?” The manager asked, confused. “Well, as stupid as it may sound, the world would face an apocalypse in the next 6 days, I need to make some preparati
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Chapter 4: BEGINNING OF THE APOCALYPSE AND GETTING NEW POWERSImmediately Ethan heard a lady screaming at a building corner, he stopped his car and ran to the scene. Ethan saw a lady with two men trying to force themselves on her. “Fiona?” Ethan said softly, he remembered the faces, although they weren't that close in his past life, but he remembered her as the daughter of a military general, she would be of a good advantage if he could recruit her. “That's enough, let her go!” Ethan said with a bold voice. The men paused, then both laughed. “Who the fuck are you?!” They mocked. “Someone who's going to kick your ass if you don't let her go.” “Listen young man, this is none of your business, stay out of it before we teach you a lesson!” They said as they brought out a pocket knife. “Now are you going to get lost or want a taste of us?” The men said aggressively. Ethan smirked walking towards them, Fiona was shocked, she expected him to run or call for help, was he going to fight
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Chapter 5 : BEGINNING OF THE APOCALYPSE AND GETTING NEW POWERS II.“Who the hell was that bitch!?” Fiona asked angrily. “That's my ex-girlfriend.” Ethan explained everything that happened between them, he also explained how they killed him in the future, and at this point Fiona thought he was going nuts, however she agreed to help him out to return the gesture. Ethan also told her to take his warning seriously and she nodded before leaving the house. *** The week ran quickly and the apocalypse has started. There have been several explosions, the news shows captions of growling and screaming of people in the city. Ethan had already arranged his van, he had made it bullet proof with enough weapons to fight against the zombies. Ethan got into his house quickly to get Mayka. “Hurry up Mayka, we need to get moving” he helped her out of the house. They were about leaving before she stopped him. “wait. What about Urla? Can she come with us too?” Mayka asked. “No, who didn't believe it
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Chapter 6 : BEGINNING OF THE APOCALYPSE AND GETTING NEW POWERS III.Ethan drove to the nearest building, it was a large hall. Immediately they arrived he instructed everyone to go in before he closed the van. Inside of the hall was empty but neat so they all sat on the floor. Ethan goes into the van and gets some fruits, just a single apple each and water. Ethan shared the apple to everyone once it was James turn he smacked the apple away from Ethan's hand. “What are we supposed to do with a single apple? We are the rich guys here so you should treat me and my sister special. We should get the lion's share!” James spat. “Before three days all the fruits and vegetables in the city will be infected by the zombie virus, that means we have to survive with the food in the van for God knows how long! It's either you eat or starve. Understood!” Ethan lectured. “Who do you think you are? You're not the boss here.” James said, pushing Ethan a little. Ethan clenched his fist, Fiona saw it
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Chapter 7: BEGINNING OF THE APOCALYPSE AND GETTING NEW POWERS IV.“What are you doing?” Ethan asked curious about the weapon he was holding. Suddenly James pointed the gun at Ethan. “how do you come out alive, I'm sure there were zombies in that building, how am I sure you haven't got beaten!?” He said aggressively. “There was no zombie in there, we are perfectly fine. Can't you see?” Urla replied. “Well I don't believe you!” “Put that gun down James, you're out of your mind, you'll hurt someone.” Ethan warned. “For the last time, you're not the one to tell me what to do, you trash! And I'm going to kill you both for the safety of everyone!” James declared gritting his teeth. “What's wrong with you James!” Fiona rushed out to stop her menacing brother. Even Mayka came out with her crutches to stop him. “Stay out of this Fiona, I'm doing this to protect us both.” “No you're not, if you kill Ethan there's no way we can possibly survive this apocalypse. He's the only experienced
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Chapter 8: BEGINNING OF THE APOCALYPSE AND GETTING NEW POWERS V.Ethan stopped mid journey and shared some already made noodles for everyone to eat before continuing their journey. The day was slowly coming to an end as evening descended. Ethan increased the speed of the car, they needed to get out of the forest and stopped at a safer place to spend the night. Meanwhile… Wayne and James found themselves surrounded by a swarm of undead, their moans and snarls filling the air. Wayne floored it, the vehicle plowing through the horde with a gruesome crunch. "Hahaha, you're no match for me!" he exclaimed, his laughter echoing through the desolate landscape. So far, they had only encountered weaker, slower zombies, which had fueled their false sense of security. "I'm so glad we chose this path," James said, his voice dripping with smugness. "It's been a smooth ride, and I'm sure the other group is dead by now." He snickered, glancing at Wayne. "I mean, there's no way they could sur
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Ethan, his senses screaming at him, realized the folly of his victory. The horde, drawn by the fight, was closing in. He couldn't stay and face them, not with the others trapped inside the bus. He sprinted back towards the vehicle, his heart pounding in his chest. "Get down!" he yelled, flinging the door open. Fiona and myka, faces pale with terror, huddled in the back, their eyes wide with a mixture of fear and awe. They had witnessed the brutal fight, the raw ferocity with which Ethan had taken down the smart zombie. Urla with a nervous tremor in her voice, stammered, "H-how did you... how did you do that?" Ethan, ignoring their stunned silence, scrambled into the driver's seat, his fingers fumbling with the ignition. The engine roared to life, a defiant roar against the encroaching darkness. "Get down!" he shouted again, his voice hoarse. "We need to get out of here, now!" Fiona face etched with fear, mumbled, "What about the others? What about the ones who didn't make it
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The bus shuddered to a halt, the engine sighing in relief after its long, arduous journey through the dense, silent woods. Ethan, his face etched with fatigue but his eyes sharp with focus, turned to others."We're safe for now," he announced, his voice low and gravelly. "But we're not out of the woods yet, literally." He gestured towards the dense foliage that surrounded them. "We need to find the right path, the one that leads to Fiona's safe house. It's the only way we're going to make it."Mayka, her face pale and drawn, clutched her walking stick, her eyes reflecting the fear that hung heavy in the air. Fiona, her face a mask of sorrow, stared out the window, her thoughts consumed by the fate of her brother, James."Ethan," she whispered, her voice trembling, "Do you think James…?"Ethan's gaze hardened. "We can't dwell on what might have happened," he said, his voice firm. "We need to focus on what we can control. We need to get to Fiona's safe house. It's the only way we're goi
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