A Billionaire in Disguise; Worthless to Worthy son-in-law.

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A Billionaire in Disguise; Worthless to Worthy son-in-law.

By: Rodney D. Shay Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 96 views: 776

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"You can't subdue me to a position I've never dreamt of... To you, I'm worthless and poor, but I believe there's more to me being myself." "You should stop forcing me to turn, and going in from behind, I'm not an open door meant for every passerby..." These were the wailing and sobbing words from Kendrick, the trampled son-in-law. His world battered and soiled. Once a proud man, a family’s test found him a solace, entangled with Louis in a world of passion and pleasure. But as they say, "time flies." His newfound world crumbled, he finds himself, a maid to the Roger's family, pride succumbed by love, duty exchanged for servitude. Beaten and battered, mocked and humiliated, Vulgar words pierced through his eardrums daily, causing his eyes to widen in surprise, and his jaw to clench in pain. But then, the hands of time turned. Kendrick's resilience begins to awaken. With his secret heritage revealed, he prepares to reclaim his destiny. Will the Roger's family realize who Kendrick truly is before it's too late? Or will Kendrick’s transformation from humiliated servant to powerful heir shatter their world forever?

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A Billionaire in Disguise; Worthless to Worthy son-in-law. Novels Online Free PDF Download

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  • Justice Obot


    The story is a captivating tale that masterfully blends drama, romance, and personal growth. The author skillfully portrays the transformative journey of the protagonist. The narrative is rich with emotional depth and compelling character development, making it a truly inspiring read.

    2024-07-02 16:40:28
  • Rodney D. Shay


    Hello dear readers, I have carefully written this book to taste. I'm sure you won't regret reading it. Please leave your reviews here, it would help me improve more. Thanks ...

    2024-06-09 17:19:03
  • Abasikpongke Ita


    A compelling read by all means.

    2024-06-17 01:00:12
Latest Chapter
96 chapters
. . . The evening rays shone brightly on the Edgewood mansions of the Roger's family, casting its beaming lights into the majestic halls and pillars, revealing the activities of the day. What caught my attention at most was the exquisite decorations and patterning of flowers and ribbons around the rounded pillars, gracing the environs with colour and skill. This particular day was no ordinary, as it was the Roger's annual dinner celebration marking the achievements of their conglomerates as well as Katherine Rogers 70th birthday. Inside the decorated mansion, the dining hall seemed to come alive as dignitaries from far and near graced the occasion, filling the hall with majestic royalties and exonerated laughter. Katherine Rogers, a woman of no mean reputation, found herself in the midst of her adoring children and grandchildren, who graced the day with a spark of beauty and elegance as they bestowed upon her their luxurious gifts. As the culture of the Roger's family has
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Two years ago, an old man who knew well of Kendrick's true identity and the situation that surrounded his background took him into the house so he wouldn't perambulate around the street, he had also made his beautiful step-daughter get married to him. Ofcourse, Kendrick has been one of the very reasons why the Roger's family business is blooming until today, unknown to the average family who is surprised by the decision of the old man, and no one dares to challenge that decision because he is way too sick. To make it worse, shortly after the marriage he died, keeping every family member in deep ignorance of his real reasons for bringing Kendrick home. Thus, like a battered rag, the family sees this to be a perfect opportunity to subdue him to servitude. Kendrick was eventually turned into a live-in-son-in-law, good only for the serving, and made a house help for the whole family. To escalate, it all, Despite Kendrick's reports to Kathrine Rogers, she has never taken any actio
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Louis hastily pulled down her skirt, and pulled up her panties, as she sighed loudly, her eyes fixed at Kendrick for some minutes. "What the f*CK!!, Who the hell is this, babe?" The tall man who happened to be a rich fellow, an heir to Da Thrones Nation of Millionaires yelled at Louis, as he fumed bitterly trying to buckle his belts. "He is… it's no one babe, … I can explain…" Louis stammered as she was caught red-handed, clinging to Alexander Bones who wanted to storm out of the room angrily. "Explain what? I want to hear your explanations!! What do you have to say?" Kendrick yelled as he breathed heavily. His world felt empty that very moment. His eyes thickened with urgency as he stared at her, but then Louis shocked him the more. "Shut your traps and never say another word, How many times have I asked you to sign the fucking divorce papers and yet you refuse?" She screamed at him, her words landed on Kendrick's heart, shattering it into many pieces. His f
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Kendrick, struck with silence for some minutes, he still couldn't believe that it was his father's voice he heard over the phone. He wondered what could make a strict man like Peterson Davis, to visit Texas in search of him after three years plus. He smiled gently and muttered to himself. "Could this be a joke or am I fooled?" He cleared his throat and muttered a reply, "I'm in the outskirts of Congress Avenue, Austin Texas" He stammered as he spoke, his voice tinged with unbelief as he jolted back into the Rogers mansion. The look on his face seemed different, now his heart wasn't heaving any longer, his eyes scanned the area for Mrs. Katherine Rogers who was by now exchanging pleasantries with the members of her family, and dignitaries as they were preparing to depart. "Possibly the party has come to a close, would she still talk to me the way she did earlier?" He whispered to himself as he walked towards her. Louis stood behind Alexander, who was patting her ha
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Various thoughts ran through Kendrick's mind. Confusion clouded his face, as a beautiful and curvy young lady stepped out of the car, her steps majestic as she walked towards Kendrick. "Why would Dad send a lady instead?" He whispered to himself. Her dress, a flowing crimson silk with darted beads of diamonds sparkling all over it, her curvaceous body highlighting her hourglass figure. Kendrick stared at her with a mixture of shock and surprise, of course, Louis was indeed beautiful but none was as beautiful as the young lady who marched towards him. For the Roger's family, they stared in awe and confusion. The air thickened as Louis moved a step from Alexander's shaking her head and biting her fingers. "This should be a mistake, probably he has fixed up with another wealthy family, what do you think?" "Exactly my point Louis, this was almost the same thing that happened when grandfather picked him from the street" Maverick replied as they all busted into laughter.
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The next morning's sun cast its golden rays upon the scene, illuminating the manicured lawns and gardens, which shimmered like an emerald canvas. The soft, dewy grass sparkled with tiny droplets of moisture, creating a dazzling display of natural beauty. As Kendrick woke from his sleep, the sweet melodic chirping of birds filled the air, their gentle trills and warbles echoing through the tranquil atmosphere. The trees, adorned with lush foliage, stood sentinel, their branches swaying gently in the morning breeze, providing a soothing background hum. The Peterson's mansion's imposing entrance, flanked by two majestic pillars, beckoned a start of a new day for him. The sound of birds nesting in the trees outside the compound created a tune of natural sounds, a chorus of welcome that harmonised with the gentle morning light. Kendrick Peterson had finally arrived at his family's ancestral home, a place he never knew of. He awoke to a knock on the door. "Good morning young master,
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His father's voice dropped to a whisper, his face twisted in anguish. "It's about your brother, Kelly...., Maradona...he was responsible for his death." Kendrick's eyes nearly popped out of his head, his jaw slackening in disbelief. "What? No...that can't be!" His father's face crumpled, his body shaking. "I'm so sorry, Kendrick. I should have protected him. I should have done everything to keep him safe, but Grandfather never allowed me." " How Dad, I don't get the whole thing... You mean, Kelly was killed by uncle Maradona?" Kendrick replied coldly, his lips parted. The air was heavy with tension, the weight of the words pressing down on him. Kendrick's mind reeled, trying to process the bombshells his father had just dropped. He felt like his whole world had been turned upside down. As his father's motions subsided, Kendrick's anger ignited. "That uncle of mine...I'll make him pay for what he's done!" His father's face, still etched with pain, held a warning. "Kendr
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Alexander chuckled, his eyes gleaming with amusement, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, Kendrick. You think you can just waltz in here and demand special treatment? You're just a maid, after all. What makes you think you deserve VIP care?" The air seemed to crackle with tension, the silence between them heavy with unspoken animosity. Kendrick's face twisted in rage, his fists clenched at his sides. "This is unprofessional, Alexander." Kendrick gasped, his heart heaving hard. Dr. Alexander raised an eyebrow, his smirk growing wider. Oh, I don't think so, Kendrick. You see, Mrs. Fiona's treatment requires a hefty sum of 70,000,000 dollars. And I highly doubt a mere maid like you can afford that." Kendrick's eyes flashed with anger, but he remained calm, his mind racing. He reached for his bank debit card and handed it to the hospital cashier. "Use this to pay for my mother's treatment." "Okay sir" a young man in his early 30's replied. Kendrick's eyes widened w
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Just as Kendrick was about to demand answers, the hospital's alarm system blared to life, and a voice echoed over the intercom. "Code blue, code blue. We have a patient in critical condition. Dr. Thompson, please report to the ICU immediately." Dr. Thompson's expression turned grave. "That's your mother's room," she said to Kendrick. "Come, we have to go. Now." *********** Dr. Thompson burst into the ICU, Kendrick close behind. The room was a flurry of activity, nurses and doctors swarming around his mother's bed. The machines beeped and whirred, monitoring her fragile vital signs. "What's the situation?" Dr. Thompson demanded, her eyes scanning the team. "Patient's oxygen saturation is dropping, Doctor," a nurse replied, her face tense. "We're trying to intubate, but it's not working." Dr. Thompson swiftly assessed the situation, her expression grim. "We need to perform an emergency thoracotomy. Get the surgical team ready, stat!" Kendrick's heart raced as he watched the
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Unknown to Jackson Ryder, the powerful Commissioner of Health, Kendrick was the sole surviving son of Mr. Peterson, a business magnate with a reputation for ruthless determination. Peterson's enemies, the Maradona's and others, had been relentless in their pursuit of his family's downfall. To protect his son, Peterson had sent Kendrick to Austin, Texas, a place he believed was safe from prying eyes. But there was one man who knew the truth - old Roger, who had taken Kendrick under his roof, until his untimely demise. Meanwhile, a curvaceous lady, Stelcy, walked into the hospital, her eyes scanning the area with a quiet intensity. She approached the receptionist, her voice firm but polite, with a hint of authority. "I'm here to see my mother, Mrs. Fiona Peterson." The receptionist, aware of the storm brewing, replied swiftly. "Let me check, ma'am." As Stelcy waited, Alexander, trailed by her beauty and poise, approached her. "Hi, I'm Dr. Alexander. Can I help you?" H
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