Kendrick, struck with silence for some minutes, he still couldn't believe that it was his father's voice he heard over the phone.

He wondered what could make a strict man like Peterson Davis, to visit Texas in search of him after three years plus. He smiled gently and muttered to himself.

"Could this be a joke or am I fooled?"

He cleared his throat and muttered a reply,

"I'm in the outskirts of Congress Avenue, Austin Texas"

He stammered as he spoke, his voice tinged with unbelief as he jolted back into the Rogers mansion.

The look on his face seemed different, now his heart wasn't heaving any longer, his eyes scanned the area for Mrs. Katherine Rogers who was by now exchanging pleasantries with the members of her family, and dignitaries as they were preparing to depart.

"Possibly the party has come to a close, would she still talk to me the way she did earlier?" He whispered to himself as he walked towards her.

Louis stood behind Alexander, who was patting her hair gently as he kissed her forehead.

Kendrick stared at them for two minutes then shrugged his shoulders as if waving off the feeling of care and concern.

"Hello, Grandmother-in-law," He spoke softly.

"Are you coming to ask for the payment now? Why can't you just flee from my sight and wait till the visitors are all gone?"

Katherine Rogers scowled as she turned to him, her voice loud and firm making the rest turn their eyes towards him.

" I… I didn't come to ask for that… Ma" He replied.

"Then what else? Why not go and arrange the hall and join the other maids to pack those plates, instead of standing there being idle and useless!" She screamed in a commanding manner, her tone laced with disdain as she sighed.

Kendrick stood for another minute without saying a word, then he looked down as though counting his words.

" I… want to…"

He didn't finish his words when Alexander interrupted.

"Man, I seem to understand you, come have this for yourself, that should fetch you something important" He laughed as he dipped his hands into his pocket, throwing some wards of a hundred dollars at Kendrick.

"That's even too much for a peasant like him, I hope you picked the useless ring you offered me?" Another voice added, it was Louis.

"Pick them up, go get what you wanted to buy earlier on, I'm glad he has saved your ass right now, because I wouldn't pay you a dime." Katherine Rogers added as they all laughed in unison.

"I didn't come to ask for your money, I only came to appreciate you for all you've done to me since I stepped my feet into this house…" Kendrick voiced out instantly, his tone calm but loud.

He turned towards the gate, A huge shiny see-through steel gate that seemed like a captives nest, and sat on a chair close to the gate house. His mind raced in anticipation as he leaned his head on the wall.

"I bet that's where he will sleep tonight, because I'll ensure he doesn't eat anything or sleep in this house tonight, since he won't go and clean up the hall…" Katherine Rogers scowled, her voice commanding and authoritative.

But Kendrick remained calm, he didn't turn, not even to move like he always did before now. The world was almost in his hands, he maintained his posture without muttering a word.

After twenty minutes had elapsed from the time he picked his father's call, he felt dizzy, stressed out from the chores he had done earlier today. He leaned against the wall of the gatehouse, his eyelids closed a bit.


Suddenly, something happened, it happened so suddenly that Kendrick woke up, gasping and scanning the area for immediate danger.

Was he dreaming or was it a reality of those dreams?

No… It was the awakening sound of exotic cars, their V12 engines announcing the arrival of the most powerful and influential business tycoon in America and Asia.

The first sign of the grand arrival was a long haul of police escorts, their sirens blaring in the air, the lights flashing and illuminating the area, the reflection shone in the Roger's reflective gate, a radiation of red and blue, filled the air with authoritative precision.

The convoy, an impressive parade of classic sport cars followed closely behind, their sleek polished body reflecting in the evening light, at the centre, a striking black Rolls Royce Phantom, its presence commanding attention.

The Rogers family may have been wealthy, but Kendrick had never laid his eyes on the level of luxury that escorted a single individual like the one displayed before him.

The convoy moved to a halt, the vehicles tinted windows hiding the presence of the VIP, flanking the phantom were an array of two other luxury cars, the Ferrari 250 GTO, and a Lamborghini Aventador, each representing a fortune on wheels.

"What's that idiot doing at that gate, that he can't rush and open the gate, that should be an important visitor coming to pay courtesy to me" Katherine Rogers exclaimed from the veranda of the second floor.

The gateman rushed out, rolling the gate to allow the cars to drive in.

"What a useless human he is, must he keep them waiting, what is he sitting there for? She added, curses flared in the air like strayed bullets but Kendrick remained calm, his eyes stuck at the presence before him.

"Grandmother, that should be an important visitor, coming for the party, but it's sad that the party is already over, what are you gonna do about it?" Another voice questioned, and it was Peace, Louis' mother, as she rushed out to see who the dignitary is.

"Why not kick that useless son of a bitch outta that place so he doesn't disgrace the Rogers family, no one is expected to be seen sitting in that manner" Peace Churchill added. The contempt in her tiny voice filled the air.

Soon, the door of the Rolls Royce swung open, the air thickened with anticipation, as the members of the Rogers family stood in awe, the murmuring grew louder, a wave of excitement showed on Katherine Rogers face as she walked closer to the scene, each step carrying the weight of anticipation that lingered in her mind.

But then, something happened again.

"Halt..!..!" A police officer yelled.

Katherine Rogers' heart raced and her eyes widened in surprise.

"What could be the meaning of this?" She whispered to herself.

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