The next morning's sun cast its golden rays upon the scene, illuminating the manicured lawns and gardens, which shimmered like an emerald canvas. The soft, dewy grass sparkled with tiny droplets of moisture, creating a dazzling display of natural beauty.

As Kendrick woke from his sleep, the sweet melodic chirping of birds filled the air, their gentle trills and warbles echoing through the tranquil atmosphere. The trees, adorned with lush foliage, stood sentinel, their branches swaying gently in the morning breeze, providing a soothing background hum.

The Peterson's mansion's imposing entrance, flanked by two majestic pillars, beckoned a start of a new day for him. The sound of birds nesting in the trees outside the compound created a tune of natural sounds, a chorus of welcome that harmonised with the gentle morning light.

Kendrick Peterson had finally arrived at his family's ancestral home, a place he never knew of. He awoke to a knock on the door.

"Good morning young master, I apologise you had no proper time to meet your Dad last night, it was late and he was already asleep when we arrived. I bet he is at the balcony now and needs your attention."

A curvaceous woman in a silverlined dress had knocked and opened the door into his room. It was Stelcy, Kendrick's immediate cousin. Her lips painted with fiery pink, she was stunningly beautiful, she turned with a proud step, her every move was alluring.

Kendrick, sprang up from the bed, stretched and yawned then muttered a reply to her.

"Okay, that's fine, Stelcy. I'll be with him in a jiffy.

He sluggishly jumped out of the bed with his pyjamas, walking down the stairs. His every move seemed to carry a sign of anticipation as he approached the balcony.

His eyes scanned through the building as he moved, he couldn't believe that his father had a building as vast as that but he wasn't aware of it for more than three years of his stay in the open skies suffering in the hands of the Roberts.

It had been four long years since they last saw each other, and the anticipation was palpable. As he stepped out into the morning light, his eyes scanned the space, searching for the familiar figure. And then, he saw him.

His father, standing by the railing, gazing out at the gardens below. Kendrick's breath caught in his throat as he took in the sight. His father, once a robust and imposing figure, now stood with a slight stoop, his face etched with deep wrinkles and age spots. The lines on his face told a story of worries.

"Kendrick," his father said, his voice low and gravelly, yet filled with warmth.

"Father," Kendrick replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

Kendrick's eyes widened in shock, his mind struggling to reconcile the man before him with the vibrant, powerful figure he remembered. The air seemed to vibrate with tension as he approached his father, the silence between them thick with unspoken words.

As he drew closer, his father's eyes turned to meet his, and Kendrick saw a glimmer of the man he once knew. The same piercing gaze, the same hint of a smile, but now tempered with slight sadness and weariness. Kendrick's heart swelled with emotion, a mix of joy and sorrow, as he reached out to embrace his father.

The older man's arms opened wide, enveloping Kendrick in a warm embrace, the scent of pipe tobacco and old books filling his nostrils. They held each other for a long moment.

The balcony, the gardens, the mansion – all receded into the background as Kendrick savoured the warmth and familiarity of his father's embrace.

"I've missed you, son," his father whispered, his voice cracking with emotion.

"I've missed you too, Father," Kendrick replied, his voice choking with tears.

As they pulled back, Kendrick's eyes met his father's, and he saw a deep longing, a deep regret, and a deep love shining back at him.

The air was heavy with the weight of their past, the tension between them palpable, but in that moment, all that mattered was the reunion, the rediscovery of a bond that had never truly broken.

"sit please,We have a lot to catch up on," his father said, his eyes searching Kendrick's face as he gestured.

"Yes, Dad," Kendrick replied, his voice firm, yet gentle.

"Have a drink, son" His father smiled as he poured from a bottle of refined red wine into a champagne flute, pushing the same to Kendrick.

Mr, Peterson cleared his throat, took a sip from his glass and dropped it gently on the table.

"How about mum and my sisters, Evelyn and Roosevelt?" Kendrick asked curiously.

His eyes scanned his father's face for another moment. He couldn't believe he was told that his father was getting to 70 already, his eyes widened as he gazed at him slowly.

"Kendrick, firstly I want to apologise for making you feel like I never cared about your well-being for all of those years… The truth about it is that I did what was necessary to ensure that you were strong enough to go through all life has for you". Mr. Peterson's eyes flickered a bit as he spoke.

"That's nothing Dad, the best part of it is that, I was able to complete the test without an itch." Kendrick replied, his voice etched with worry that his father was not talking about his mum and siblings, it seemed like that was all he needed to know about as he shifted to sit comfortably.

Kendrick's eyes locked onto his father's, filled with concern.

"Father, how's Mum? I've been worried about her."

His father's face faltered, his eyes darting away. "Ah, Kendrick...she's...uh." He stammered.

Kendrick's grip on his father's arm tightened. "Father, tell me. What's going on?"

With a pitiful tone and faint voice, his father spoke, "She's been sick, Kendrick. Cancer."

Kendrick's eyes widened in shock, his face draining of colour. "What? Oh long?"

His father's voice cracked as he struggled to hold back tears. "A while now, son. We've been trying to manage it,'s not good."

Kendrick's mind raced, his thoughts reeling with the news. He felt like he'd been punched in the nose.

His father's face contorted in pain, his eyes clouding with tears. "Kendrick, there's something else. Something I should have told you a long time ago."

Kendrick's heart raced, his intuition screaming warning.

"What is it, Father? Can you talk to me, please?

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