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By: Author Godspeed Updated just nowSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 87 views: 219

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A Group Of 5 individuals are selected to clear the hundred floors of The VRMMORPG called Eternal Tower Online in order to save their world from it's ultimate destruction. [ System Authorized! ] [ Welcome To Eternal Tower Online ]

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ETERNAL TOWER ONLINE Novels Online Free PDF Download

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  • Pen Dragon


    Top notch work. A piece of art. Love it

    2024-06-28 00:14:57
  • Author Godspeed


    just a reminder that this is my first book and my first attempt of writing a system Genre. If it doesn't catches your attention from the start, then Chapter 24 Ought to do the trick for yah ......️.

    2024-06-20 07:33:07
  • Author Godspeed


    The Author here; just wanna know if anyone's reading .... if you are, please leave heart reaction.

    2024-06-17 03:20:44
  • Xylo Xenoverse


    Really cool man....

    2024-06-19 05:13:37
Latest Chapter
87 chapters
“We won!”“We got to the last floor!”“Don’t be too excited about it tho…”“Come on bro! But we're literally here!”“Can you guys keep it down?”, a youth with curly hair and brown eyes took off his headphones as he gestured to the other bodies in the room to quiet down a bit, “If my mom wakes up, then it's game over.” “Right.” A girl in a yellow tank top and black shorts seconded. The two other males in the room nodded in response while the last girl could only remain silent while internally agreeing to the matter. “So, we are at the 100th floor, what's next?”, queried the girl in a yellow tank top as she laid her headphones on the ground. “We go through the gates and conquer whatever that's beyond it.”, The boy with curly hair retorted with a shard of determination. “I don't know about you guys but it would be kinda nice if we continued some other time.” Liam, the other boy in a blue hoodie voiced out a bit as his eyes read through the sms he received. “If I don't get going
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Eternal Tower Online
‘ A slight touch and everything became completely void ’“Yo! What the hell just happened?!‘ Eternal Tower Online is no mere man Virtual Reality Game, it's something completely horrifying. ’ “Honey! The lights went out!” “It’s a blackout.” “When last did we have a black out?” “Crap, a blackout?!” Alex shook, “...and at the wrong time goddamnit!” He fumed upon overhearing the chatter going on outside. Alex groaned heavily and managed to get up and attain a lucid view through the window. Unfortunately, all that rained before him was ambient darkness. “Mehn, this wasn't so nice.” Abruptly, an ominous booming sound crawled out of the ambient darkness, an absurd power supply filled the globe and every TV screen turned on. Alex's heart snapped at first but he tried to remain cool when he saw his TV turn on, but it was red! “What the hell is —”Alex stopped talking as the news channel came alive. / Live // The Eternal Tower Is Before Us // It's been almost thirty minutes since
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Eternal Tower Online Part 2.
‘How do I tell them I don't even intend on recreating the guild in this situation?’“C’mon Alex, what's going on in that head of yours.”‘ I intend on doing this alone. ’‘ I want to know what happened to the other players after they went through the 100th floor, what conspired after that? ’‘ But…’Alex's eyes eventually rolled to the left, the black window still floating beside him. [ A Minimum Of 5 Members Is Required To Partake In The First Floor Raid ]‘ Tch, but I intend to solo…’[ Soloing The Tower Will Require The Death Of Other Guild Members After Reaching A Higher Level And A More Complex Floor ]‘ The heck is wrong with this thing!?’ “ Dude has been silent for over ten minutes…he's sure thinking deep.” Jason noted. Isabella frowned. “Alex!” she thundered, snapping him out of his reverie with his system. “Oh…” “Are we forming the guild, or not. We have no choice than to partake in the first floor raid. We know how to get past it, we have played it dozens of times, we
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First Floor Raid
Everyone got transported to a respective area in the tower, guild members were in different rooms and were tasked with creating their avatar. Many went with their former avatars, it wasn't like those previous avatars had reached any promising height to begin with. The bellion Guild maintained their old avatars, so did the other top guild members and with that,Stats were displayed thereafter.No one wanted to do this, but they had no other choice, It wasn't something they could easily back out of if they wanted. Or could they?[ You May Proceed Into Eternal Tower Online ]The window popped up before the Bellion Guild as they waited quietly after creating their avatars. “Alright guys, let's take back our world!” Liam beamed with so much power chorusing through his words.‘ Something ist and right…’‘ Why am I suddenly having this feeling ’From the white hot room of designing their avatars, to entering what seems like a dark forested area that got hit by a wave of chaos. The unf
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The Goblin Affair
Goblins, More Goblins,They were everywhere, They were two times the number of the previous. Well, they looked angry. “I will catch you down to shreds!” Shadarr beamed. [ Shadarr Has Used The Skill, Goblin Resurrection And Summoning ]“There were about ten thousand more Goblins now than last time.” Liam groaned. “The guardians made a mistake choosing pros like you! Y'all die here! Limb by limb! You will regret coming here!” “Erm Alex…”, Isabella whispered, “Why are you smiling?” As Isabella pointed out, Alex appeared to be smiling. ‘Yes, I'm worried, I have a lot to worry about, the rest of the world is nowhere to be found. ’ ‘Sure, there are other towers, aren't it? But that's in terms of regions and there's only one here, and it's for everyone in this region… so where did everyone go?’“Shadarr used his resurrection skill and summoning skill…if you guys recall, Shadarr can only use his resurrection once and his summoning skill three times in a roll. After that, he is left
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The Goblin Affair Part. 2
[ 00hr 50min 46s ]The Bellion Guild waged war with the Goblins as it almost seemed as though the fight would never end. [ You Have Killed A Goblin][ You Have Killed A Goblin][ You Have Killed A Goblin][ You Have Killed A Goblin][ You Have Killed A Goblin][ You Have Killed A Goblin][ You Have Killed A Goblin][Total No. Of Goblins Killed: 20, 000/5, 085][Total No. Of Goblins Remaining: 5, 000]…Multiple messages appeared.“C’mon gang!” Liam managed to punch one of the goblins but a sudden force soon discerned him and pushed him back at a great speed. He crashed into one of the trees aggressively but he was okay, a bit. “Liam?!” Olivia beamed and rushed to his aid when a strong force gripped her and sent her flying as well.“Olivia!”Liam yelped, he tried getting back on his feet but the Goblins didn't give him breathing space to do so. Olivia comes crashing down on the ground. Her bones cried out to the unknown force that nearly shattered them. “What in the world is causi
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Not So Fast.
Clang!Thoon!Swords were traded at each other on an aggressive level but Alex wasn't giving in to submit. Unlike his pairs who were already running out of energy to keep going, he still got a little reserve to put up a fight with the goblin king. Swiff! He moved fast but not fast enough!Clang! Swords met and a resonating sound circulated the deceased area. [ Melee Weapon: Longsword ][ Durability: 5 ][ Damage: +1(2) ][Agility: +1(2) ][ Attributes: N/A ]‘ Using a sword that only has a little to offer in this battle is maddening! ’ Swoosh! Alex bolted back from the Goblin King and held his stance. [ 00hr 27mins 13sec ] ‘ There's only a short amount of time left. I wonder why the rest aren’t here yet… Did something happen?’ “Don’t think too much you lowly peasant!” The Goblin Smirked as he tilted his longsword and it began to exude an eerie glow. “Just like me, you are incomplete without your guild!”Alex frowned. “I’m not weak, neither am I relying on them to slaught
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Unexpected Changes.
I did say so many things about the game having certain changes.” Isabella walked forward a bit, “Alex defeating the goblin king erased the army.” “Doesn’t matter, the time is still ticking.” Liam groaned. “Well the goblin Queen…” Olivia paused, “She’s gone to find the Goblin King.” “If she finds him, she will find Alex…” Isabella reasoned. “Then let's get going!” Meanwhile, Alex looked around to see if there was anything else left that could have possibly caused the timer to still be active. He heaved a sigh before he set his gaze on the Goblin King Menacing Longsword. It exudes an aura of greed and envy that made Alex hesitate to approach it. He could feel it, he could sense it, the sword was no ordinary weapon, it was just in the hands of muron. [ The Goblin King Menacing Longsword ][ Description: a weapon of the Goblin King, said to be carved out of the fragments of envy and greed ][ Type: S ][ Effect - Cause dispute within opposing targets for a long period of time.
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Unexpected Changes Part 2.
“Are you okay?” Isabella was the first to reach him.Alex hesitated at first, “I’m alright.” “The Goblin…” ”No worries, I took care of her, there's nothing to worry about.” ‘He took care of her?’ Olivia thought. “Alright, that's…that's great, but what now?” Isabella queried. “We still have five more stages of the floor to clear, and we have got only three hours to do that, or else, humanity will be lost forever.” “Right, we used an hour to clear the first…” Liam said, “We initially planned on using an hour to clear the first floor but–” “There have been minor changes to the game…” Alex started, “Pretty sure some of y'all noticed it by now, we'd never encounter the goblin queen during this sector, which can only mean, there's more to expect. ” ‘ He's talking like, sigh, never mind ’, Olivia folded her hands and stood there quietly.“We should get going, the second stage will befall us very soon, we mustn't waste any time clearing it.”[ THE SECOND STAGE OF THE FIRST FLOOR WIL
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Unexpected Changes Part 3.
‘ We'd return home after completing the first raid. But, something wasn't right about our home. ’ Lightning crackles and thunder casts its fearful roar throughout the night sky. ‘ Something unpleasant has gone wrong in our absence! ’ “Someone! Anybody!” A predatory roar envelops the locality “Help me!” A young girl tugged through the heavy storm, her heart drummed as she kept pushing. Her face had sunk in a pool of fear, she looked as though she had seen death. Crnk! Cra! Thoom! Unknown noises follows her from behind. Tap! tap! tap! She kept running through the alley, aiming to escape through the exit that was just up ahead. Splash! The repeating sound of the splashing water rhymed with her perturbed heart that drummed endlessly. Thud! She came to a sharp halt immediately, her heart shattered the moment she saw a gnol standing at the exit. Its red demonic eyes sent her heart to the abyss. she ended up falling on her buttocks. She snapped
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