Eternal Tower Online Part 2.

‘How do I tell them I don't even intend on recreating the guild in this situation?’

“C’mon Alex, what's going on in that head of yours.”

‘ I intend on doing this alone. ’

‘ I want to know what happened to the other players after they went through the 100th floor, what conspired after that? ’

‘ But…’

Alex's eyes eventually rolled to the left, the black window still floating beside him.

[ A Minimum Of 5 Members Is Required To Partake In The First Floor Raid ]

‘ Tch, but I intend to solo…’

[ Soloing The Tower Will Require The Death Of Other Guild Members After Reaching A Higher Level And A More Complex Floor ]

‘ The heck is wrong with this thing!?’

“ Dude has been silent for over ten minutes…he's sure thinking deep.” Jason noted.

Isabella frowned. “Alex!” she thundered, snapping him out of his reverie with his system.


“Are we forming the guild, or not. We have no choice than to partake in the first floor raid. We know how to get past it, we have played it dozens of times, we know the way, so we have to partake in it, else, a lot of people will die and it will only decrease humanity’s population stage by stage. ”

‘ My selfish intentions might get the best of me if I don't reason about the matter at hand. Death is assured, millions will die and there will be know respawn… ’

“Alright…Let's… let's do this.”

‘ For the sake of humanity. ’


Eternal Tower Online Premise.

Several Players had gathered outside the Tower about thirty minutes ago, a lot of them were mostly in packs, you couldn't find one single individual standing alone.

Alex soon arrived with his guild members, apparently, his parents were still fast asleep.

A lot of youngsters, even old people were spotted around the tower.

The ominous feeling that exuded from the tower wasn't encouraging at all for the newbies who never got past the First Floor.

It almost felt like they were being trampled upon by their greatest fear.

“Seems it hasn't even started yet” , Alex noticed everyone that was waiting around while ultimately panicking before the tower.

‘90% of the people here are prolly noobs, why? Because I believe not everyone here passed the first floor. ’

“Guys! Look, it's the falcon guild, they're here.” Isabella informed us as a black jeep pulled into the premises.

‘The falcon guild is the second best guild in the whole region. These guys were a big deal but that didn't mean they completed the game. So far, only my guild has done the impossible which alone makes Top 1 in all regions.’

The Belllion Guild was greatly known as a group of anonymous players who played and grinded the tower without their identity being revealed.

Nobody knew about their identity, unbeknownst to them, the Belllion Guild was nothing but a group of graduates.

The falcon guild comes second after them , and after the falcon guild, comes the horizon guild.

The top 3 guilds in all regions and they were all… present!

The door to the jeep opened, coming down was the guild leader; Sal Suru. The four other members alighted from the Jeep as well and threaded down to the tower.

The Horizon guild was just around the corner waiting for the event to begin.

‘ At first…I was worried about our identities getting revealed because of the circumstances at hand but then, I recalled Eternal Tower Online grants players the ability to design their avatar. This way, knowing who is who will be completely impossible. ’

Eternal Tower Online aids players in the design of avatars but decides the ability said players will utilize.

Regardless of whatever class the player gets, they can advance greatly to higher class, but if they don't advance on time, they might be stuck in the class given to them.

Many didn't notice this, but the Belllion, Falcon, and the horizon guild did and they battled to attain higher class and reach higher floors to conquer.



A booming sound erupts from the tower after a long minute of silence and discomfort. An eerie glow exudes from the tower, putting everyone except the three guilds in despair.

“I can't believe we're going to be playing this thing for real this time.” Sal groaned as he watched the tower glow.

“Hell is about to set loose.”, a man from the petrified crow muttered to himself.

[Welcome, VERMINS!]

“Ah! Look! An angel!”

Someone yelled.

“What in God's name is that thing?!”

“It’s an angel! Are you blind?”

Everyone started chattering as a being suddenly emerged from the tower.

“Isn’t she among the guardians on the 50th floor?” Isabella queried.

“She sure is.” Liam held a frown as he looked up to the Angel

[How fascinating it is to communicate with all]

[Well this will only apply to those who have reached the 50th floor]

‘ Gabel! ’ Alex beamed in his thoughts.

[Although it doesn't seem like anyone here reached the 50th floor…]

“What do you want from us you damn wretch!” A man beamed from the crowd.

Alex frowned at his words, “Blud doesn't even know who is speaking to”

[Me? Wretch?]

The angel grew a face of disgust and hatred immediately.

“Yes! Send us back to our home and get the fuck out of our world!”

[oh really!?]

“Here! Get the hell out of here”

Others started protesting and the top 3 guilds didn't say anything, and just like that, a sharp glow exuded from the Angel's eyes and several individuals found themselves getting ripped in half.

This made the rest too silent but it didn't save them either. The event hadn't fully begun and a lot of lives were lost already.

“Well that was satisfying…” The same man from earlier muttered as he slipped his hands into his pockets.

[Now, where were we? Yes, my name is Gabel, your guide to in Eternal Tower Online]

[The first raid will begin in five minutes, Players are required to design that respective avatars before the raid starts.]

[But before that, I will like to give a little warning to every single one of you that's alive to witness this]

[If you by any chances die In the game, consider it your very end]

The heart of everyone except the top Guilds jumped at the Angel's saying. Her devilish smile made them shiver and feel as if they were under piercing rays.

‘ Just as I anticipated…death in the game, equals absolute death. ’

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