Eternal Tower Online

‘ A slight touch and everything became completely void ’

“Yo! What the hell just happened?!

‘ Eternal Tower Online is no mere man Virtual Reality Game, it's something completely horrifying. ’

“Honey! The lights went out!”

“It’s a blackout.”

“When last did we have a black out?”

“Crap, a blackout?!” Alex shook, “...and at the wrong time goddamnit!” He fumed upon overhearing the chatter going on outside.

Alex groaned heavily and managed to get up and attain a lucid view through the window. Unfortunately, all that rained before him was ambient darkness.

“Mehn, this wasn't so nice.”

Abruptly, an ominous booming sound crawled out of the ambient darkness, an absurd power supply filled the globe and every TV screen turned on.

Alex's heart snapped at first but he tried to remain cool when he saw his TV turn on, but it was red!

“What the hell is —”Alex stopped talking as the news channel came alive.

/ Live /

/ The Eternal Tower Is Before Us /

/ It's been almost thirty minutes since the power went out, the news team have been trying to get the camera rolling ever since the sudden emergence of the Eternal Tower /

/ I was walking down the road when the lights went out there was this death seeking feeling around me when I stopped to notice the Eternal Tower /

/The Eternal Tower is real!/

/ C’mon guys we must be dreaming /

The live feed was flabbergasted with the unknown rival of the tower.

“This can't be real… how is that tower–”

The power went off momentarily and a Black tab with white writings emanated before him.

[ I Welcome You All To The Eternal Tower ]

He wasn't the only one seeing this, apparently, almost everyone across the globe could also see this and they were ultimately baffled by it.

[ The Tower You Once Knew Then Isn't The Tower You Know Now ]

‘ It Turned out there were many towers all over the globe as well ’

[ Everyone Is advised to clear the First Floor of the Eternal Tower, all respective stats will be passed on to every individual who is a player of the Eternal Tower Online ]


[ Failure To Clear The First Floor…]

[ Will lead to extermination of the human race ]

[ You Have Ultimately 4hr : 59m : 58s to clear the first floor ]

[ How to participate Includes The Following ]

[ Be an ETO Player ]

[ Raid The First Floor With Guild Members]

[ Note: Only Guild Battle Records will be noted as time passes ]

Alex's eyes widened. “Hell fucking no! This can't be real!”

[ …And dying here will automatically be the end of your journey ]

[ Thread wisely! As you entertain us! ]

The Global Power Turns Back On, and within mere minutes, social media started to burn.

[ Requirements To Partake Hasn't Been Met Yet ]

[ Complete The Following Requirements To Enable Stats Window ]

Alex shook his head when he saw the extra window that was floating beside.

“Goddamnit. If this is actually real then I need the… wait a minute.” Alex turned back to his TV screen, “I was this close to seeing what was behind the gates on the 100th floor before all this happened…”

He checked to see if the game would still pop up on his screen but no, it didn't pop up.

“Could whatever might have been behind the 100th floor caused all this?” Alex said to himself as he tried to reason the matter at hand, “Noe humanity as 4 hrs to live, funny enough, 4 hours might not even be enough to clear the first floor, GOD! THIS IS SUICIDAL!”

‘ The First Floor Of The Eternal Tower Consists of six gates, every floor consists of six gates, the last gate is the gateway to the other floor. ’

‘ Clearing the gates isn't an Issue for those who have gone past it …but when you look at it. Millions of ETO Players have been unable to get past the first floor, not to talk of the second. ’

‘ When Eternal Tower released its beta server for players, no one, absolutely no one was able to successfully get past the first floor. Except for the pros of cause, aka, streamers. ’

‘ Streamers are most likely the people you could term as pro, individuals who have gotten past several floors and are still climbing to the top. ’

‘ A perfect example Sara ultra, Mitchell Winston and the likes, they were pros, till they suddenly vanished. ’

“I wonder how many pros still exist, it would be nice because the first floor clearance doesn't need a bunch of newbies, they will die effortlessly. Oof, I still can't believe all this is actually —”

A phone call pulled through, it was a video call from his friends.

“Oh, you guys also saw the news.” Alex uttered as he accepted the invite to join the conversation.

“The hell you saying, everyone else saw it all!” Liam beamed.

“Right, right,”

Isabella frowned, “We called because we thought you were planning on joining in on the first floor raid.”


“What do you mean oh?! A bunch of ETO Newbies are forming guilds and going into the first floor without even considering the odds of their survival!”

Liam groaned, “They won't even make it out alive, the first floor is so cranked, death itself is imminent,”

“And we can't take part without forming our own guild for real.”, Jason pointed out, “Our stats window isn't displaying if you'd all notice. We need a party of five and above in order to take part in the raid.”

“If we take part, then there will be higher chances of clearing the first floor within an hour. ”

‘Isabella had a point, they were amongst the very few people who could clear the game without much pressure… why? Because this isn't their first clearing the six gates of the first floor

‘ But still…’

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