Ethan was in a puzzled state, he rubbed his eyes if he was seeing an illusion. But then the window was still floating in the air.

[Host had been transported to the past]

[Current Year: 2016]

[The Zombie apocalypse will begin in 7 days, host must prepare himself]


[Strength -10]

[Speed -10]

[Agility -10]

[Experience -10]

[Intelligence -10]

[Point -5]

[Lvl - 1]

“The past? Zombie apocalypse? What's going on?” Ethan said. Suddenly the news appeared on the television, an explosion just occurred in a Mall, and the source of the explosion was unknown. This event seems very familiar to Ethan and he immediately checked his phone, the date was exactly, August, 2016.

Ethan got down from his bed, everything that was happening was unreal, he was in 2020 a few minutes before his death. But now he has appeared in the past, one week before the apocalypse.

Suddenly a smirk escaped on his lips, he was a loser in his past life, but now he has been given another chance to correct his mistake and take his revenge on those who betrayed him.

The time was still past eight, Ethan got dressed up for work. He came outside of his house, wearing casual pants and a black hoodie.

Ethan arrived at his work, in his former life his girlfriend Racheland his boss Wayne betrayed him and was the cause of his death, so his intentions now was to resign and give them a taste of their own medicine.

Ethan walked to his boss's office, Wayne was seated along with Racheal. Rachel Felt a little bit uncomfortable once she saw Ethan, however Ethan shrugged, in his past life today was the exact day he caught them cheating, he already knew what was going to happen.

“What brought you to my office without my consent?” Wayne asked.

“I came to submit my resignation letter, I no longer want to work in this company” Ethan replied.

Wayne and Rachelexchanged puzzled gaze at each other.

“You want to resign?”

“Yes,” Ethan said.

“Is everything okay?” Rachelasked, behaving like a caring girlfriend, Ethan who already knew what she became gave her a deadly gaze. “I wasn't talking to you,” he replied.

Ethan then dropped the resignation letter on the table. “I'm leaving”

Rachel Felt guilty, has Ethan found out she was cheating with Wayne? She decided to walk up to him and confirm. “Hey, Ethan what's the matter…” She held his arm, but Ethan retaliated with a hot slap that sent her on the floor.

“Don't you dare touch me, you witch!” He cursed.

“Hey!” Wayne got up to his feet, furiously. “How dare you hit her, in my presence!” Wayne walked up to Ethan.

Ethan didn't waste time to throw a punch at his face. “Argh!” Wayne held his chin, but he received an uppercut, he crash landed on his table.

“You asshole, you need to pay for your crimes!” Ethan said, gritting his teeth. He kept on beating the hell out of Wayne before the security came and held him.

“Hey, sir you need to leave right away!” The security dragged him out. Ethan wasn't done with Wayne but he couldn't resist the security guards.

Once Ethan was thrown out of the company he arranged his clothes properly and checked his wrist watch. It was past 10 in the morning.

“I have to go to the bank and withdraw all my savings, a week from now all banks will be shut down, I need to act fast. I was a victim of the apocalypse in my past life, I will make a change this time” he clenched his fist.

Ethan's parents dropped a lot of money for them before he passed away, Ethan had been saving that money for his future and his little sister, Mayka. But since the world would soon be invaded by zombies, there was no point of saving it.


[New Mission: Get to the bank in the next ten minutes]

[Failure - (-5 points)]

[Reward -(+5 points)]

The system appeared again in thin air.

“This thing gives a mission?” Ethan asked.

He wondered if he should believe in this weird system or not, but if he was truly transported to the past with knowledge of the future, he should believe in the system.

“Ten minutes? That would be enough”

Ethan entered a taxi to get there quickly, it was not too far from where he was and luckily for the taxi he got there twice as fast on foot. Arriving at the bank Ethan's jaw dropped when he saw the long queue at the gate. “What the heck is going on?” He was dumbfounded.

Adam checked his phone and it was Friday, “oh damn” he said in disappointment. Every Friday banks are usually overcrowded as from Saturday it would be closed, so people often go on Fridays to withdraw enough cash for the weekend.


[Five minutes left]

“Shit! I need to find a way to get in quickly” Ethan thought of a way to get to the front of the queue. If he waited in line, he'd surely fail the mission. Ethan walked out of the queue and went straight to the security men.

“Hey, young man, you should wait in the queue”

“I know, but unfortunately I need to get in quickly, it's quite urgent and I can't wait more than five minutes on the queue” Ethan requested. He knew the security wouldn't let him in, but his aim wasn't on them, but to get the bank manager’s attention.

“And who do you think you are? Go back to the line or we'll be forced to kick you out of this premises” They threatened Ethan.

Ethan dipped his hand in his pocket. “I have only four minutes left, let me in, I don't have time to waste with you,” Ethan said with no trace of emotion.

“That's it!” The security couldn't tolerate a young man looking local speaking to them in that manner, so they set out to reach Ethan for a lesson. Ethan clenched his fist, he has acquired some fighting skills in his past life during the apocalypse. The security men threw punches at him, he dodged them and retaliated with a kick that sent one crashing on the glass door. The door shattered in pieces as it drew the attention of the manager.

“What's going on here!” He growled furiously.

“It's that young man sir!” The security guard pointed at Ethan. Ethan however was unfazed.

“Who are you young men? I'm calling the police!” The manager threatened.

“No need for that, I only came to withdraw some cash,” Ethan replied.

“How much do you come to withdraw to make such a scene!?” The manger clenched his jaw.

“$75 million dollars” Ethan replied with a cold tone.

“What…how can you afford such an amount.”

“I don't have time to explain, let me in and we can talk better” Ethan said after checking his time. He had just one minute left.

“Alright come in,” the manager said. The people on the queue complained angrily as he let Ethan in, meanwhile they have been waiting for hours.

Immediately Ethan stepped into the building he received a notification from the system.


[Mission completed]

[Reward - +5(10) points]

“Hmm that was quick, although I still need to learn what these points are used for” Ethan smirked.

“So Mister, how much did you say you wanted to withdraw for causing a scene outside?” The manager asked with a serious look on his face.

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