“Like I said, $75 million dollars, and I'm sorry for the damage, your men wouldn't just listen.”

“Can I see your credit card?” The Manager requested.

“Yes sure” Ethan brought his parents credit card.

“This belongs to my parents combined savings during their time as a civil servant, and all their pensions were saved in it. I'm here to take it all”

The manager looked at the card and it wasn't expired. “What's your name?” He inquired.

“Ethan…Ethan Pierce”

The surname matched with the name on the card, but the manager needed more confirmation. He took Ethan to the VIP office, he went through some files checking for the next of kin, and Ethan's name was there. After the clarification Ethan withdrew all the money, it was loaded in the big bags.

“But why would you need $75 million dollars in cash?” The manager asked, confused.

“Well, as stupid as it may sound, the world would face an apocalypse in the next 6 days, I need to make some preparations.” Ethan replied before leaving, the manager thought Ethan was just capping so he didn't take him seriously.

After some hours, Ethan walked out of a car shop with a black sports car. He loaded his cash in the back seat and went in. His next bus stop was to Mayka’s school, in his past life she was attacked by Wayne and his best friend Drake and that was how she died.

Aiden dropped by her school and stepped out of his car and went into the building. He took permission from the principal’s office and the class teacher was sent to bring Mayka.

“Hey, big brother!” Mayka exclaimed as she walked with a crutch, her left leg is slightly disabled from birth, limiting her movements.

“Hi Mayka.” Ethan hugged her.

“Why are you here so early?” Mayka asked, it wasn't time for their dismissal.

“Well, unfortunately from now on, you won't be attending school anymore.” He announced.

Mayka raised her brow. “What?” She was confused by his statement.

“Let's go, I'll explain to you in the car” he said and supported her out of the building.

Ethan walked to the car and opened the driver's seat. “Whose car is this Ethan?” Mayka asked.

“Ours, I bought it,” he replied.

“You bought a car? How'd you get the money?” Mayka asked as she went inside.

Ethan closed the door then also entered through the driver's seat. “Remember that money I told you about?” He said.

“Yeah, the one mum and dad saved for us!”

“Yes. I withdraw all of it”

“But what for? And why did you want me to stop school?”

“Mayka, you trust me right?” Ethan asked.

“Yes of course I do.”

“Then believe what I'm doing. Few days from now the world will be at the brink of extinction, there will be a massive zombie outbreak resulting in an apocalypse” Ethan explained.

“What? Zombies? Who told you this?”

Ethan sighed, “well let's just say I dream about it, and I know it's going to happen.”

Mayka was still in a state of confusion but she has to trust her big brother.

Ethan brought his phone and dialed the number “Urla” and called.

“Hello Urla, meet me at my house. There's something important I need to tell you…yes it's urgent…alright bye” and then he hung up. After which Ethan drove heading to his house.

Urla is Ethan's neighbor, she has a very good relationship with Mayka and somehow also has feelings for Ethan, however he neglected her and went for Rachel because of her beauty in his past life. He's about to correct that, with Urla’s kind heart and relationship with Mayka, she'll be able to take care of her while Ethan would be busy.

Urla arrived at Ethan's house and was seated on the couch in the sitting room, meanwhile Mayka had gone to her room.

“What's the matter Ethan, you called.” She asked, she has a chocolate complexion and a slender shape.

“Yes, I'll need you to believe what I'm about to tell you, no matter how stupid it may sound.” Ethan said.

“Alright, what is it?”

“Six days from today, the world will face a zombie apocalypse and I need you to prepare our survival for me.” Ethan stated.

Urla was silent for some seconds before she burst into laughter. “Have you been watching too many horror movies Ethan?” She taunted.

Ethan shook his head in embarrassment. “You have to believe me Urla, I dreamt about it. And it's going to happen!” Ethan said with a serious expression.

“It's probably just a nightmare Ethan, come on don't be so serious.” Urla said tapping his shoulder trying to calm him down.

“It's not. Listen to me Urla, this is real. It's going to happen and if you don't believe me now, you might be caught in the apocalypse and might not survive, just like that last time.” Ethan tried to convince her.

“The last time? What are you blabbering about? You know what Ethan? I was actually about to cook before you called me, I'll be going now, maybe when you've come to your senses you can call me back.” Urla said as she left.

Ethan sighed as he shook his head in pity, unfortunately Urla will be a good use in the apocalypse so he still needs to convince her one way or the other, but for now he needs to do the more important things. Getting as much food as possible, in his past life the zombie virus affected plants and animals so there was so much scarcity of food, only the government and leaders had access to them.

Ethan went to the local market first with his car, he bought a lot of fruits and vegetables. He was literally buying anything his eyes met, and was buying everything he saw on the table. The market people were surprised with the amount he was purchasing. The car was loaded with enough fruits. After which he went to a supermarket and bought some snacks and other foodstuffs. Ethan had spent more than Four hundred thousand dollars on his purchase and he was sure it would be enough for at least three months.

“I guess this is okay for now, I'll get going” he was going into his car, but realized all he had bought wouldn't fit in his sports car. He needed a bigger car, like a truck. Ethan dropped the things he bought at a worker's watch as he went to buy a bigger truck.

Suddenly another notification popped up from his system.


[New Mission: Save the lady from rapist]

[Failure - -10 points]

[Reward - +10 points]

“Rapist? But where?!” Ethan asked hastily.

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