Immediately Ethan heard a lady screaming at a building corner, he stopped his car and ran to the scene. Ethan saw a lady with two men trying to force themselves on her. “Fiona?” Ethan said softly, he remembered the faces, although they weren't that close in his past life, but he remembered her as the daughter of a military general, she would be of a good advantage if he could recruit her.

“That's enough, let her go!” Ethan said with a bold voice.

The men paused, then both laughed. “Who the fuck are you?!” They mocked.

“Someone who's going to kick your ass if you don't let her go.”

“Listen young man, this is none of your business, stay out of it before we teach you a lesson!” They said as they brought out a pocket knife.

“Now are you going to get lost or want a taste of us?” The men said aggressively.

Ethan smirked walking towards them, Fiona was shocked, she expected him to run or call for help, was he going to fight then unarmed?

Then men immediately attacked with their knives, Ethan caught one by the arm, twisted it and kicked him in his gut before flinging him away. Lucky for the system his strength and speed doubled. The other also tried attacking, Ethan knocked him out instantly, by targeting his pressure points. The first man immediately ran away.


[Mission complete]

[Reward - +10(20) points]

“Are you okay Fiona?” Ethan walked up to her.

“Yes I am, thank you so…wait how'd you know my name?” She asked curiously.

“I just know it somehow. So are you okay?” Ethan ignored the question.

“Yes, thanks to you. Can I know your name?” She asked.

“I'm Ethan.” He shook hands with her.

“Thanks for saving me from those guys, you're really brave.”

“Don't mention it.” Ethan replied, he then thought maybe it was the perfect time to recruit her.

“I don't know how to repay you, can you come over to my house? I'd like to repay your kind gesture.” Fiona offered.

As much as Ethan wanted to accept the offer, he didn't have the time, there were still a lot of things to do. And one of those things is to recruit her.

“I would love to, but I'm in a hurry right now. But the guy can pay me back with something else.” Ethan stated.

“Oh…something like what?”

“Your father is a general in the military right?” Ethan asked.

“Yes. But how come you know so much about me?” Fiona was more curious.

“It's a long story, but I want you to believe what I'm about to tell you. I'll be needing your help. Our world would soon face an apocalypse. A zombie apocalypse and I need you to join my team” Ethan said. Fiona looked at him, she thought he was joking but Ethan repeated his statement with a serious tone.

“This is weird Ethan. But let's say you're telling the truth. What do you want me to help you with?” She asked.

“I want you to convince your father to provide a hideout for me and ten trained men.” Ethan requested.

“What? A hideout and ten men? For what exactly?” Fiona was skeptical.

“I just told you about an apocalypse that will start in the next few days, I'm in preparation for that. Please can you help me?”

Fiona found this unreal, but she owed Ethan for saving her, so she nodded. “Alright I'll try” she responded.

“Thanks a lot. Lemme have your number so I can call you.” Ethan said, bringing out his phone from his pocket. “Oh fuck!” Ethan cursed, his phone screen had been damaged badly. Maybe during his fight with the men.

“Oh that's so bad. I'm sorry your phone was damaged because of me” Fiona said feeling guilty.

“No that's alright”

“You know what, just give me your address. I'll come to your house later in the day.” Fiona assured.

“Alright, that'll work too” Ethan gave her his address before they both went their separate ways.

Ethan went and bought the truck, he returned back to the supermarket and loaded it with all the goods he had purchased. The truck was loaded to the brim, after which he headed home to prepare for his next target.

Ethan arrived at his house, Mayka was already fast asleep, he just kept the truck at his house front. He sat on the couch reminiscing on his past life, the suffering he went through. He still couldn't believe he was given another chance to live with a system. After the virus spread some humans were given super powers and Ethan was one of them, combined with the system he'll be unstoppable.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. “Hello, who's it?” He asked as the door was opened. It was Fiona. “Hey, glad you're home. Am I too early?” She asked.

“Hey, Fiona. No, not at all, please come in” Ethan said softly.

Fiona came with a package in her hand. “I brought a little something for you.” She said she immediately unboxed the package and brought out a brand new iPhone. “This is for you, you can replace your damaged phone, since I was the cause of its damage”

“I appreciate it, Fiona. But you really don't have to, I could have gotten myself a new phone.” Ethan said, receiving the gift.

“I know, but I just felt like saying a proper thank you, and besides I said I was going to come to your house right?” She said with a smile.

“You're welcome Fiona, and thank you” Ethan responded with a smile also and they both hugged, immediately the door was opened and behold. It was Rachel. Her face squeezed the moment she saw them both.

“Ethan? So this is the reason you resigned and humiliated me in the office?” She clenched her jaw.

Ethan rolled his eyes, it disgusted him how Rachel was pretending to be innocent. She was already planning on how to get rid of him, so she could be with Wayne, he was just lucky to know thanks to his knowledge from the future.

“Who's she?” Fiona asked.

“That's none of your business, I'm his girlfriend and you're nothing but a side chick! You bitch!” Rachel shunned Fiona.

“Excuse me?” Fiona was angered, she walked down to Rachel. “Say that one more time.” She said with a low voice.

“You bitch!” Rachel repeated and Fiona responded with a hot slap. Rachel held her cheek. How dare she slap her?

She tried to slap Fiona back, but Fiona held her arms, she was stronger, being the daughter of a war General it takes more than someone like Rachel to defeat her. They both engaged in a fight and Fiona beat the hell out of Rachel. Ethan didn't interfere because in his past life Fiona was a lot stronger than Rachel.

When he saw that Rachel was getting hurt badly, he decided to separate them both. “That's enough Fiona, let her go” Ethan used his manly strength to push them both aside.

“You're a scum Ethan! How could you do this to me?” Rachel enraged.

“Oh, stop acting like you're innocent, I know exactly what you and Wayne are planning, I'm one step ahead of you” Ethan chuckled.

Rachel was surprised how Ethan learnt about their plan. “It doesn't matter, you won't get away with this, Wayne will destroy you! Mark my words!” Rachel said and left the room, banging the door harshly.

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