“Who the hell was that bitch!?” Fiona asked angrily.

“That's my ex-girlfriend.” Ethan explained everything that happened between them, he also explained how they killed him in the future, and at this point Fiona thought he was going nuts, however she agreed to help him out to return the gesture. Ethan also told her to take his warning seriously and she nodded before leaving the house.


The week ran quickly and the apocalypse has started. There have been several explosions, the news shows captions of growling and screaming of people in the city. Ethan had already arranged his van, he had made it bullet proof with enough weapons to fight against the zombies.

Ethan got into his house quickly to get Mayka. “Hurry up Mayka, we need to get moving” he helped her out of the house.

They were about leaving before she stopped him. “wait. What about Urla? Can she come with us too?” Mayka asked.

“No, who didn't believe it when I told her about the apocalypse, so she has to suffer her ignorance.” Ethan responded.

“Please big brother, let's save her, she's my only friend.” Mayka pleaded.

Ethan sighed. “Alright go inside, I'll go get her from her house.”

“Thanks big brother.”

Ethan hurriedly went to Urla's house. On his way he could hear the growling of the zombies so he increased his pace. He arrived at her door and knocked. Urla opened the door and saw him standing outside.

“Hey, you're here.” She said,

“Yes, I believe you've seen the news, we have to get going. Now.” Ethan said authoritatively.

“Where are you taking her to?” A masculine voice from inside was heard, and a young man came out.

“This is…my boyfriend, Richard.” Urla introduced.

“Who's he?” Richard asked.

“He's my friend, Ethan.”

“So where is he taking you to?” Richard asked, staring at Ethan suspiciously.

“There's a zombie outbreak, I'm here to take Urla to safety, there's not much time for too much explaining. I'm pretty sure you've seen the news too.” Ethan said.

“Ah. Please…don't tell me even if you believe that shity rumor, there's no such thing as zombies.” Richard mocked.

“Is he speaking for you Urla?” Ethan asked.

“I…I'm not really sure, it can be false news and we haven't seen any outbreak either.” Urla responded.

“I'm only here because Mayka asked me to save you, but if you're not coming you can sit at home with your stupid boyfriend and let the zombie use you for lunch.” Ethan said clenching his jaw, he can't believe after the evidence in the news she's still doubting him.

“Yes, get lost, we'll only believe zombies exist if we see one ourselves…”

Suddenly a zombie jumped at them, Ethan quickly pulled Urla away from it. The zombie jumped at Richard.

“Arrh! Help me…” Richard screamed.

Ethan was about to step in to save him, but he saw a horde of zombies catching up to them, and the only option at the moment was to escape since he wasn't holding any weapon.

“Come on, let's go!” Ethan grabbed Urla's arm to leave.

“No, we have to help him Ethan!” Urla smacked his hands away.

“There's no time, and he's already beaten by one. If we save him he'll turn into a zombie. It's your boyfriend's fault for not believing me, and you're lucky I can just in time. Come on, let's get out of here.” Ethan grabbed her arm again and this time she followed him.

Ethan avoided all the zombies in the road and they arrived at his van, he opened it and Urla went in.

“Urla! You're safe” Mayka exclaimed in excitement.

Ethan entered his van to zoom off, but received a notification from the system.


[New Mission: Save Fiona]

[Reward: +2 strength, +5 experience]

[Failure: - 10 points]

“Grrr…not now, not again!”

Ethan's phone rang, it was Fiona calling. “Speaking of the devil.” Ethan picked the call.

“Ethan…Ethan, I'm so sorry for not believing you, please come save us, there's a hoard of zombies everywhere we can't get out of the house.” Fiona said with a pleading voice.

“Stay where you are, I'm on my way, I'll be there shortly!” Ethan hangs up and starts the engine.

In a short time, Zombies had already littered the streets, Ethan hit them on the road to clear his path. When he arrived at Fiona's mansion, there were few zombies outside of her house, at least 20 zombies.

“Stay here, don't move an inch!” Ethan instructed Urla and Mayka, and they responded with a nod.

Ethan fixed a baseball Barton stick on his back and carried an AK 47 gun. He stepped out of the Van and the zombies immediately heard his nose. They rushed at him and he began shooting at them. He already had some experience with zombies, to kill them quickly you need to aim at the head.

Ethan shot aimlessly at their brains, the zombies closed their distance and tried to bite him, he blocked himself with his gun that eventually fell off his grip, but he quickly retrieved the Barton and smashed their head. With much struggle Ethan eventually entered the mansion.

“Ethan you made it!” Fiona rushed and hugged him, not minding the blood stains on his clothes.

“Thank God you're safe, we have to be very moving.” Ethan said.

“I'm with my brother, can he come too?” Fiona gestured at the young man beside her.

“Sure he can, come on let's go.”

“Thank you young man, I'll be sure to pay you handsomely if you keep us safe.” Her brother said.

“I'm not your bodyguard! Let's go or else you'll be left behind!” Ethan was a little bit pissed but he controlled his anger.

Immediately Ethan opened the door he noticed the zombies had doubled in number and he instantly closed it back.

“What's the matter Ethan?” Fiona asked.

“There's too many of them.”

“So what do we do?” James, Fiona's brother asked.

“You know how to play baseball?” Ethan asked James.

“Yes, but what does…”

“Here! Think of the zombie's brain as the ball, and smash it!” Ethan put Barton in his hand before he could complete his statement.

“What about you, what will you fight with?” Fiona asked.

“I have hands. I'll open on my count. One…two…three!” Ethan opened the door and they all charged at the zombies.

“Stay close to me Fiona!” Ethan instructed.

Ethan was good in a fist fight, he punched the guts of the zombies and used his hands to avoid their venomous teeth. Meanwhile James being a rookie in this experience couldn't even use the Barton properly.

Ethan saw that James had been surrounded by zombies and he couldn't escape from them. Ethan rushed to his side and helped him come out of their midst.

They finally made it to the van, Ethan instantly started the engine and zoomed off.


[Mission completed]

[Reward: +2 (12) strength, +5(15) experience]

“Where are we going now?”

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