Ethan drove to the nearest building, it was a large hall. Immediately they arrived he instructed everyone to go in before he closed the van. Inside of the hall was empty but neat so they all sat on the floor.

Ethan goes into the van and gets some fruits, just a single apple each and water.

Ethan shared the apple to everyone once it was James turn he smacked the apple away from Ethan's hand. “What are we supposed to do with a single apple? We are the rich guys here so you should treat me and my sister special. We should get the lion's share!” James spat.

“Before three days all the fruits and vegetables in the city will be infected by the zombie virus, that means we have to survive with the food in the van for God knows how long! It's either you eat or starve. Understood!” Ethan lectured.

“Who do you think you are? You're not the boss here.” James said, pushing Ethan a little.

Ethan clenched his fist, Fiona saw it and immediately calmed him down. “Please Ethan, ignore him, he doesn't mean what he's saying he's just shocked from the experience.”

“No I'm not, I mean exactly what I said!” James pushed Fiona aside and she fell on the floor. “What are you going to do about that?” James asked. Immediately Ethan punched him on the nose, James fell on the floor bleeding from his nostrils.

Mayka then saw a zombie bite mark on James' left arm.

“Big brother, look I think he's been beaten by a zombie!” Mayka was alarmed.

“What!?” They all exclaimed.

“That explains why he's being aggressive, the virus will spread in 30 minutes.” Ethan said.

James inspected his arm. He could feel his arm acting on its own, like it's separated from his body.

“Oh no James. What do we do Ethan, we have to save him.” Fiona pleaded.

If it was just Ethan he would've left him behind because of James rude behavior, but now he has to save him.

There's only one way to save him. Ethan brought out a sharp pocket knife. “What are you going to do with the knife?” Fiona asked in curiosity.

“Just close your eyes.” Ethan said he grabbed James and pinned him on the ground with his legs, he stretched out the infected arm and cut it off with the sharp dagger.

James screamed in pain as he watched his arm moving on its own. Ethan took out a scarf and tied the wound to prevent blood wastage.

“He'll be fine for now, until we get to the hospital.” Ethan said.

“So where are we going after here?” Urla asked.

“I just said the hospital.” Ethan responded.

He remembered in his past life, two days after the apocalypse people started having abilities including himself, and the abilities came with a great fever, those who couldn't withstand it were turned into zombies, so he needed to get to the hospital before then, to arrange some anti fever medicine.

“But why are we going to the hospital?” Fiona asked with caution.

“Two days from now the city will be flooded with heavy fever. So we need to get those medicines ready.” Ethan said, they all looked at each other.

“Are you a foresee? How do you know all this? And how are we supposed to believe you?” James argued.

Everyone in the hall already knew what happened the last time they doubted Ethan, Urla even lost her job as a cause of her stubbornness, so they all ignored James and agreed with Ethan's plans.

They all left the hall and entered the van. The closest hospital from where they were would be the city hospital, so that was where Ethan was heading to.

“Fiona, about the hideout I told you about, did you arrange it?” Ethan asked, staring at her from the driver's mirror.

“Yeah I did, but the bunker is in the next city.” Fiona replied.

“The next city? I told you to provide a hideout, why did you take it so far?” Ethan asked.

“Well you didn't tell me where you wanted it to be exactly, and dad wouldn't provide me with support. I got it with my own money.”

“Whatever, so after we get the medicines, we'll be heading there. We still have enough food to carry us for some months, that's if we don't get killed.” Ethan sighed.

Ethan arrived at the city hospital. But then he stayed in his car, which made Fiona ask, “we've arrived, aren't we going in?”

“We are, but I just remembered I know nothing about medicine, I clearly don't know what kind of medication to take.” Ethan said, shaking his head in disappointment.

“Medicines? Don't worry Ethan, I'm in fact a nurse in the city hospital, have you forgotten?” Urla reminded me.

“Oh damn, that's true. In that case let's go in.” Ethan instructed, but then James halted them.

“Hold on, no way this maniac is going to make us go out there with a bunch of zombies swarming everywhere. That's suicide.” James complained.

“What's your problem? Why do you always bring up things? The area is clear for now.” Ethan said in anger.

“That's because I'm telling the truth, the zombies may be hiding somewhere waiting for us to come out.”

“Your theory is stupid, zombies don't think so they can't hide, the only thing that can bring them out is noise. Don't shit your mouth and follow me.” Ethan gestured.

“We're not going anywhere!” James challenged.

“I don't know Ethan, James might be right this time. It seems dangerous and I'm scared to die or get beaten.” Fiona supported.

“Fine, I'll go on my own!” Ethan growled.

“I'll go with you too, remember you need me for the medicine.” Urla joined.

Ethan nodded. They both got out of the car and slowly walked into the building without calling the attention of the zombies.

Ethan closed the door behind gently. “So where's the medicine?” He asked.

“It should be on the second floor.” Urla replied.

The city hospital was a very large building with up to 15 floors. They ran quickly up the stairs, but unfortunately the doors were locked. Urla tried to open it but couldn't. “Shit!” We're cursed.

“What's the matter?” Ethan asked.

“The door, it's closed.”

“That won't be a problem.” Ethan said he was lucky to come with a Barton, he hit the locks and once it broke he booted the door open. “Quickly, let's get what we need and leave.”

Urla went on the shelf. She selected the important medicine that would be able to subdue the fever, she packed them in a bag.

“Are you done?” Ethan asked.

“Yes, let's go.”

After which they exited the building, but James was already outside of the van waiting for them, a pistol in his hand.

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