“What are you doing?” Ethan asked curious about the weapon he was holding.

Suddenly James pointed the gun at Ethan. “how do you come out alive, I'm sure there were zombies in that building, how am I sure you haven't got beaten!?” He said aggressively.

“There was no zombie in there, we are perfectly fine. Can't you see?” Urla replied.

“Well I don't believe you!”

“Put that gun down James, you're out of your mind, you'll hurt someone.” Ethan warned.

“For the last time, you're not the one to tell me what to do, you trash! And I'm going to kill you both for the safety of everyone!” James declared gritting his teeth.

“What's wrong with you James!” Fiona rushed out to stop her menacing brother. Even Mayka came out with her crutches to stop him.

“Stay out of this Fiona, I'm doing this to protect us both.”

“No you're not, if you kill Ethan there's no way we can possibly survive this apocalypse. He's the only experienced one here.” Fiona tried to convince him.

“Shut up, I can lead the way, I'm a better leader than he is.”

Ethan clenched his fist, he was boiling in anger, he should have let James die. He knew James was only trying to get back at him because he cut his arm, even if it was to save his life.

“You don't want to do this James!” Ethan said with a strict voice.

“Actually I do!” With that James pulled the trigger aiming at Ethan, thanks to Ethan's reflex he quickly dodged the bullet.


“Big brother!” Both Mayka and Fiona shouted simultaneously.

Suddenly the noise from the gunshot attracted the zombies as they came out from the shadows.


[New Mission; Save everyone]

[Reward: +5 points, +5 speed]

[Failure: -5 points]

“Shit! Everyone gets in the Van!” Ethan instructed.

The set of zombies that attacked were more stronger and durable than the usual ones. Ethan rushed to Mayka’s side, she was his first priority. He used his Barton and smashed at their head, his martial arts also helped him in getting rid of the zombies quickly, meanwhile James was shooting. Urla and Fiona had quickly rushed into the Van.

And Ethan was trying to get his sister in, all of a sudden a zombie grabbed Mayka from behind. “Big brother! Ahh!” She screamed.

With a fast reflex Ethan broke the arms of the guy with the Barton and pulled his sister to himself. Lucky got her into the Van, he was willing to let James die in the hoard of zombies, as it was obvious he wasn't going to make it, even his bullets had run out. But Ethan had to save him as it was a request from the system.

After which they all got to the Van and Ethan zoomed off, the zombies jumped at the van, but it was bullet proof and they couldn't get in. Ethan shook them off by driving in a zigzag manner and they fell off the Van.

“What were you thinking!” Ethan scolded.

James realized he had messed up. “I'm so sorry Ethan, I thought you too were infected.”

“This would be the last time you mess up, because the next one I will let you die. Understood!?”

James nodded, “Yes, it won't happen again.”


[Mission complete]

[Reward - +5 points, +5 speed]

[New level - Lvl 2]

“New level, hmm that's great.”

Ethan was at ease, at least he had gotten the medicines, so during the fever none of his group members will die or transform to a zombie. All he had to do now is to find a shorter root to exit the City and get to the Bunker Fiona had arranged.


[New Mission - Save Rachel]

[Reward - +7 experience]

[Failure: -5 strength]

“What, Rachel?” Ethan was puzzled.

Just as passed a hotel, Ethan saw a group of people running out as many zombies attacked the building. Ethan immediately sighted Rachel and her lover Wayne.

He clenched his fist tight on the steering, saving those two was the last thing he wished to do, why was the system testing his patience.

“Stay in the car everyone.” Ethan instructed.

“But where are you going? It's not safe outside.” Finoa said.

“Yes, it's a job I can't resist.” Ethan replied.

Ethan then knew why the system wanted him to save Rachel. He remembered in his past life she had plant manipulation, which was very useful since all the available plants were destroyed from the virus. And it was Wayne who took advantage of her abilities.

Ethan came out with two shotguns. He ran in the midst of the zombies, jumping and shooting at their heads. Rachel sighted him and she called out to him. “Ethan! Please save me.”

Ethan gave her a deadly glare, he was going to let her and her useless boyfriend die if it was left to him. Ethan used the bullets carefully as he took down some of the zombies with his bare hands to save bullets.

He got to there side. “Stay behind me!” He ordered. Rachel nodded, Wayne clinging tightly to Rachel, he was a weakling.

“Don't do anything stupid!” Ethan said with hatred dripping in his voice. He couldn't believe he was rescuing the same people that killed him in his past life, the same people that betrayed him, he clenched his fist as he made the hard decision.

The zombies were no match for Ethan, he deflected their attacks swiftly and attacked at their head, Ethan was clearing the path quickly. And then he noticed the van would be too crowded with two more people inside, especially when there was a lot of food stocked in it.

He then saw a black jeep at the corner. He went to it, the driver inside was dead, maybe attacked by a zombie. Ethan opened the door and threw the dead body out. After which he ordered Rachel and Wayne to get in. He instructed them to follow the Van.

Ethan got into his van and drove off, Wayne was the one driving the black Jeep and he followed Ethan's trail.

Wayne was embarrassed, he couldn't believe he was rescued by his employee, the same person he was planning to get rid of for humiliating him, meanwhile Rachel was glad Ethan came to their rescue.

“You know I would have figured something out even if that scandal didn't show up.” He bragged.

Rachel rolled her eyes. “Sure you would have.” She said mockingly.

Wayne frowned knowing she was mocking him.

Ethan slammed on the brakes, and the van skidded to a halt. Wayne's vehicle followed suit, stopping just behind them. Ethan leapt out, his eyes scanning the surrounding area before turning to the others. "Everyone out, now!" he barked, his gaze lingering on Wayne and Rachel.

James, ever the skeptic, spoke up. "Any other problems we should know about?"

Ethan's eyes narrowed as he surveyed their options. Before them lay a fork in the road: one path led into the dense, ominous forest, while the other wound its way towards the outskirts of the city. "We need to choose a route," he said, his hand gesturing towards the diverging paths.

Wayne snorted. "Isn't it obvious? We take the road, of course. The forest is a death trap.”

Ethan's eyes gleamed with conviction as he declared, "We'll take the forest route." He knew the forest's secrets – fewer monsters lurked within its depths, as zombies tended to congregate in cities, not wilderness.

Wayne's face contorted in disbelief. "You can't be serious! That's suicide!"

James jumped into the fray, his voice laced with skepticism. "We can't just follow you blindly, Ethan. You're not our leader."

Urla's voice rose in defense of Ethan, her words passionate and persuasive. "Are you kidding me? If it wasn't for Ethan, we'd all be dead by now! He's risked everything to save us, and you still don't trust him? Come on, guys, have some faith! He's earned it.”

Unbridled skepticism seethed from Wayne's voice as he lashed out at Ethan. "Just because he saved us once doesn't mean we should follow him blindly! What if he's wrong this time? How can he be so sure the forest route is safe? I'll tell you what I think – Ethan's trying to get rid of us, to eliminate us in some secluded spot so he can survive on his own!"

Ethan's expression remained stoic, his eyes fixed on the group as they descended into chaos. Wayne's words dripped with venom, and it seemed his plan to turn the others against Ethan was taking root.

James nodded in agreement with Wayne, his brow furrowed in concern. "We can't just trust him without question. What if he's leading us into a trap?"

Urla's face twisted in anguish, her eyes darting between Ethan and the others. "Guys, stop! You're not thinking clearly. Ethan's risked everything for us –"

But her words were drowned out by the growing dissent, as one by one, the group members began to side with Wayne. Ethan's silence was deafening, his gaze never wavering as the others turned against him.

"But are you certain about the forest path, Ethan?” Fiona's voice trembled slightly as she posed the question.

Ethan's response was laced with a chilling detachment, his eyes glinting with a hint of hurt. "Did you ask me that same question when I pulled you from the clutches of death at your house?"

Fiona opened her mouth to protest, but Ethan cut her off, his tone escalating into a fiery passion. "What's the difference here? I saved you all, risked my life for you, and still, you refuse to trust me? Fine! Follow that self-righteous coward, Wayne, and see where it gets you. Mayka and I will take our chances elsewhere."

With that, Ethan's anger boiled over, and he grasped Mayka's arm, guiding her towards the van. The gesture was both protective and defiant, as if daring the others to stop him.

The group began to reassess their decision. Ethan possessed all the essential resources: food, weapons, and medical supplies. Without him, their chances of survival dwindled significantly. The weight of this realization settled in, and doubts crept into their minds.

Just as Ethan was about to drive away, Fiona's voice pierced the air. "Wait, Ethan! I'm coming with you." Her words were laced with a mix of determination and trepidation.

Urla and Rachel exchanged hesitant glances before nodding in unison. "We're coming too," Urla said, her voice firm. Rachel followed close behind, her eyes fixed on Ethan with a hint of apology.

The group's dynamics had shifted, with James remaining steadfast in his disdain for Ethan. "Good riddance," James muttered, his eyes flashing with animosity as he turned to follow Wayne.

Wayne, sensing victory, shouted after Ethan's departing group. "Whatever happens to you guys, don't say I didn't warn you! You're making a huge mistake, and you'll pay for it!" His words hung in the air.

Fiona's heart ached as she gazed at her brother, James, now a distant figure alongside Wayne. She felt a deep sorrow, knowing their paths had diverged, potentially forever. Though she yearned to reach out, she knew James had made his choice, just as she had made hers. All she could do was silently pray for his safety and well-being.“Keep your stupid advice to yourself, I know what I'm doing and I'm going to be fine. You're the one who needs saving.” Wayne growled at her.

Meanwhile, Wayne's anger boiled over as he confronted Rachel. "And you, Rachel! I can't believe you're abandoning me for...that thing!" He spat the words, his gesture dismissive and hurtful.

Rachel's expression remained calm, her voice gentle but firm. "Wayne, I love you, and that's not going to change. But this isn't about choosing Ethan over you; it's about survival. Ethan has the experience and skills we need to stay alive right now. I wish you'd reconsider and come with us. We're stronger together.”

“Go to hell bitch! I don't need your pity, in fact you're the one who needs pity not us, we're perfectly on the safer route.” Wayne argued.

Ethan shook his head in pity and started his engine, he zoomed off taking the Forest path. He already knew those two won't last even an hour, that route contains not just any type of zombies but the advanced one, who are almost as smart as a human, and twice stronger.

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