Ethan, his senses screaming at him, realized the folly of his victory. The horde, drawn by the fight, was closing in. He couldn't stay and face them, not with the others trapped inside the bus. He sprinted back towards the vehicle, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Get down!" he yelled, flinging the door open. Fiona and myka, faces pale with terror, huddled in the back, their eyes wide with a mixture of fear and awe. They had witnessed the brutal fight, the raw ferocity with which Ethan had taken down the smart zombie.

Urla with a nervous tremor in her voice, stammered, "H-how did you... how did you do that?"

Ethan, ignoring their stunned silence, scrambled into the driver's seat, his fingers fumbling with the ignition. The engine roared to life, a defiant roar against the encroaching darkness.

"Get down!" he shouted again, his voice hoarse. "We need to get out of here, now!"

Fiona face etched with fear, mumbled, "What about the others? What about the ones who didn't make it
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