Chapter 7: Ava Yells and Blames Ambrose

Ava's eyes flashed with fury as she struggled against his hold, expressing her frustration and disappointment.

"You happened, Ambrose!" she spat. "You and your useless antics!" Her words were like daggers, each one aimed at his heart. "You've ruined everything, just like you always do!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't like how..." Ambrose began, his voice trailing off as Ava's furious gaze bore into him.

"Who the hell are you to decide what you like and what you dislike?" Ava's words were sharp, cutting through Ambross like a knife. "Ambrose, who the hell are you?" she demanded.

Ambrose stood there in silence, unable to find the right words to defend himself against Ava's accusations. He could feel the weight of her anger pressing down on him, suffocating him with guilt and shame.

"S-speak," Ava insisted, her voice trembling as she pushed him to respond.

"I'm sorry, Ava," Ambrose finally managed to stammer out, his head bowed in shame. "I didn't mean for things to turn out this way. I'll go and meet him and apologize."

Ava's anger only seemed to escalate at his feeble attempt at an apology. "Can you hear yourself now?" she spat. "You're useless, Ambrose. For the third time, you're useless.”

Ambrose flinched at her words, feeling the sting of her harsh rebuke. He had never felt more ashamed in his life than he did in that moment, knowing that he had let Ava down yet again.

"I'm tired," Ava continued, her voice trembling with emotion. "I'm tired of you making me look like a joke. Everyone points fingers at me, blaming me and calling me all kinds of names because I married someone useless.”

Tears welled up in Ambrose's eyes as he listened to Ava's words. He had never wanted to cause her pain, yet here he was, the source of her suffering.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I didn't mean to..."

"You didn't mean to?" Ava cut him off, her voice was filled with bitterness. "Will sorry solve the things you've destroyed? Who invited you here, Ambrose? Who gave you permission to come and meet me here?”

Ambrose turned and picked up the bowl. “Actually, I was free, so I prepared food to bring to you since you're always busy and might not even have time to.....

He didn't finish speaking when Ava grabbed his collar and began to drag him out of her office, her anger pushing her forward with a force that took him by surprise.

As they reached the doorway, Ava threw the bowl of food aside with a resounding bang, the sound echoing through the office and drawing the attention of the workers around her.

The bowl crashed to the floor with a loud clatter, sending the food spilling out in all directions. The aroma of the egg-fried rice filled the air, but there was no comfort in its scent.

Ava's eyes blazed with fury as she glared at Ambrose. "Get out with your stupidity," she spat. "Never step foot in here again."

"Isn't that Madam Ava's husband? The famous loser, Ambrose?" Someone asked in a whisper.

"Look at him, what a loser!"

"Ava's too beautiful to be with someone like him.” They muttered

Ambrose felt a pang of shame and humiliation wash over him as he looked at the mess he had caused. He wanted to apologize and explain himself, but he knew it was futile. Ava's anger was like a wall between them, impenetrable.

With a heavy heart, he turned and walked away.

As Ambrose shuffled away, his shoulders slumped in defeat, Ava's eyes scanned the curious onlookers. With a furrowed brow, she snapped, "What are you all looking at? Get lost and clean up the mess."

Her tone brooked no argument, and the workers quickly dispersed, averting their eyes and hurrying to attend to their tasks, leaving behind the remnants of the shattered bowl and spilled food. With a heavy sigh, Ava turned on her heel and retreated back into her office.

Ambrose trudged through the streets, his heart heavy with humiliation and disappointment. Ignoring the curious glances from passersby, he walked until he reached a quiet spot far from the office. Without heading home, he veered off course, finding solace under the bridge.

In the secluded space beneath the bridge, he found a round tunnel where he could be alone with his thoughts. With a heavy sigh, he sank onto the ground, burying his head between his legs as he fought back tears.

Sitting in the quiet solitude of the tunnel, Ambrose's thoughts swirled.

"She's right," he muttered to himself, his voice barely audible in the stillness. "I've brought nothing but shame upon her. I'm worthless, a burden she shouldn't have to bear.”

With a heavy sigh, he bowed his head.

"Why did I have to be so foolish? Why couldn't I have been better for her?" His words echoed off the walls of the tunnel.

"I don't deserve her," he whispered, the words tasting bitter on his tongue. "She deserves someone who can make her happy, someone who won't drag her down with his own incompetence." As tears welled in his eyes, he clenched his fists.

With a heavy heart, Ambrose finally made a decision. "I'll go home," he murmured to himself, wiping away his tears. "I'll apologize to her later, when I can find the right words. And then... I'll agree to sign the divorce papers."

The thought of leaving Ava and severing the ties that bound them together was a painful one. But he knew it was the right thing to do. "I'll leave the house," he continued. "I'll go join my parents in the countryside, where I belong.”


Instantly, Ambrose heard the roar of a car engine. As the car engine roared to life, Ambrose's attention was drawn to the distant vehicle. He squinted against the sunlight, trying to make out who it could be in such an unlikely place.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the car, accompanied by two imposing men in black. Ambrose's heart quickened as he watched the scene unfold. The woman, appearing to be around 30 years old with a beautiful figure, strode in his direction.

Ambrose shivered a little as he watched them approach. "Who are they?" he muttered to himself, a hint of fear creeping into his voice. "Are they kidnappers?" He glanced around, realizing there was no easy escape from his spot under the bridge.

Immediately they got closer, Ambrose noticed how strikingly beautiful the woman was, her perfume filling the air around them. The two men behind her looked intimidating, their muscular builds and stern expressions adding to Ambrose's unease.

Ambrose gulped and asked, "Who are you people? Any problem?"

The woman smiled, her expression calm yet commanding. "Ambrose Li, I'm Anna.”

Ambrose's eyes widened in shock. "Ambrose Li? Who are you people, and how did you know my name?" he asked, a hint of panic in his voice.

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