Chapter 8: Ava Calls Jonathan, Anna Meets Ambrose


Anna looked at Ambrose and said, "By the way, Mr. Li, can you come with us? You'll get the explanation you want."

"Go with you? To where? I'm not going anywhere," Ambrose replied.

"Do not be afraid, Mr. Li. You won't be harmed."


Ambrose shook his head again, more firmly this time. "No, you all leave. I'm not going with anyone, especially strangers.”


Anna smiled gently. "Mr. Ambrose, don't you want to put an end to your sufferings? Don't you want the world to hear your name? Don't you want to enjoy luxury, spend as much as you want, and control millions?"


Ambrose swallowed hard. Who didn't dream of such opportunities? Of course, he did. "What if I do? What about that?" he asked, looking intently at Anna.


Anna nodded respectfully. "Trust me, Mr. Li, following us can be the solution to your problems. Look around; there's no one here. If we really wanted to harm you, we would have done that without anyone noticing.”


Ambrose was stunned by her logic. She was right; harming him here would be easy and unnoticed. "You people are sure nothing will happen to me?"


Anna shook her head. "I swear, Master Li, nothing will happen to you."


"From 'Mr.' to 'Master'?" Ambrose frowned slightly but nodded. "Alright, where are we going?"


"You'll know soon enough. Please follow us," Anna said, turning around. Ambrose, still apprehensive, followed her, with the two men trailing behind.


As they got closer, Ambrose was taken aback by the sight of a sleek, black Range Rover parked nearby. Because they were far away, he didn't even notice the type of car. 


The luxury vehicle gleaned under the dim light, its polished surface reflecting the surroundings. Ambrose’s heart raced as he realized the significance of the car’s presence. Range Rovers were notoriously expensive, far beyond anything he could afford or even dream of owning.


"Who are these people?" Ambrose whispered to himself, his curiosity and apprehension growing.


One of the men opened the door and gestured with a slight bow. “Master Li, you first.”


Ambrose hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside the Range Rover. The interior immediately overwhelmed him with its luxury. Plush leather seats, a spacious cabin, and the subtle scent of luxury greeted him. Anna followed him in, taking a seat beside him, while the two men took their places in the front—the driver’s seat and the front passenger seat.


Ambrose’s eyes roamed around the cabin, taking in the high-tech dashboard, the ambient lighting, and the impeccable craftsmanship. It was his first time in such a luxurious vehicle, and every detail left him in awe. The seats were not just comfortable; they seemed to envelop him in a soft embrace. The dashboard displayed advanced navigation and entertainment systems, unlike anything he had seen before.


Ambrose couldn’t help but run his fingers over the fine stitching on the leather seats, marveling at the attention to detail. He glanced at Anna, who watched him with a knowing smile, and then at the men in the front, who remained silent and focused.


The car then started and drove away. 


Meanwhile, in her office, Ava slumped into her chair, her face a mask of frustration and anger. She stared blankly at the papers strewn across her desk, each document now a painful reminder of the deal she had just lost with the Wei family. The millions of dollars that could have been theirs—the boost to their family's reputation in Sandalwood City—all slipped through her fingers because of Ambrose's unexpected and disastrous intervention.


She clenched her fists, her knuckles turning white. "Months of hard work," she muttered to herself. "All those meetings, the late nights, the endless negotiations—gone." She threw a file across the room, watching it scatter papers everywhere.


Ava took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. But the thought of how close they had been to securing the deal only to have it ruined at the last minute made her blood boil. She stood up and paced the room, her heels clicking sharply on the polished floor.


Suddenly, a name appeared in her head: Jonathan Hale. Jonathan had always been one of the men vying for Ava’s attention. Although his family wasn’t as wealthy as the Wei family, they were still quite rich and influential in Sandalwood City. 


Jonathan's father, in particular, had long standing connections with the Wei family. Perhaps if she reached out to Jonathan, he might be able to help salvage the deal.


Ava tapped her fingers on her desk, deep in thought. Jonathan had always shown interest in her, persistently trying to get closer, but she had consistently given him the cold shoulder. She valued her independence and had never wanted to be seen as using anyone to advance her career. But now, desperate times called for desperate measures.


She hesitated, her pride warring with her need for a solution. Could she really reach out to Jonathan after all the times she had brushed him off? Would he even be willing to help her after the way she had treated him?


Ava sighed and rubbed her temples. She had always prided herself on her ability to solve her problems without relying on others. But today, she felt cornered, her options dwindling rapidly. Picking up her phone, she stared at Jonathan's contact for a long moment, her thumb hovering over the call button.


"Do I really have a choice?" she muttered to herself. She needed to save the deal, and Jonathan might be her only hope. Taking a deep breath, she pressed the button and listened as the phone rang. 


After a few rings, the call was connected. 


"Jonathan Hale speaking," came the familiar voice on the other end.


"Jonathan, it's Ava," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "I need your help.”


"What? Jonathan was stunned. "Ava Ainsley, you called me yourself today? It seems I slept on the good side of the bed. Jonathan is always ready to be at your service. Tell me, what do you want?”


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