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By: Berry Maz Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 18 views: 97

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In the grandeur of his father's mansion, Jake found himself an outcast, labeled with the stigma of being a bastard. With Enoch's passing, the shadows of rejection grew darker as his stepmother, Dorothy, intensified her campaign of cruelty, fueled by her insecurity over her position as CEO in the Wallace family hierarchy. However, amidst the turmoil, a glimmer of hope emerged as Jake reconnected with an old flame, whose unexpected return provided a lifeline in his darkest hour. As Jake grappled with Dorothy's relentless torment, another threat loomed on the horizon in the form of Sam, the loyal driver harboring a dangerous secret of his own. With both Jake and Sam poised to unravel Dorothy's carefully guarded facade, the future of the Wallace family hangs precariously in the balance. Will the revelation of long-buried secrets bring about redemption or destruction for all involved? The unfolding drama promises to bring shocking revelations and intense confrontations, leaving everyone on edge as they await the next twist in the Wallace family saga.

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  • Berry Maz



    2024-06-04 04:35:04
Latest Chapter
18 chapters
The grand halls of the Wallace Grand mansion lay shrouded in an eerie silence, the absence of Enoch Wallace, the patriarch of the family, casting a heavy, somber atmosphere. Jake, the youngest heir of the Wallace dynasty, sat alone in the opulent parlor, his eyes fixed on the well-worn armchair that had once belonged to his father. He ran his fingers over the intricately carved wooden arms, and a rush of memories flooded his mind.Jake's gaze drifted to the nearby mini library, where he had spent countless evenings with his father, listening to stories from beloved books. He rose from his seat, his footsteps echoing through the cavernous room, and walked towards the library. The floorboards creaked softly beneath his feet, each sounds a poignant reminder of cherished moments with his father. As he entered the library, the musty scent of old parchment and ink enveloped him, transporting him back to a time when life was simpler.Jake's fingers grazed the spines of the books, each one a
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Tension hung heavy in the air, magnified by the echoing creak of the floorboards as Sam, the family head driver, made his entrance. Every step he took reverberated through the cavernous space, drawing all eyes to his purposeful stride toward Dorothy. With an unmistakable air of formality, he presented her with a sealed envelope, his urgency palpable in the way he delivered it."The documents from Mr. Grin, ma'am," he announced, his voice solemn and measured. Dorothy, the respected leader of the family, swiftly retrieved the envelope and skillfully broke the seal. As she examined the documents inside, a subtle smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, revealing the astuteness hidden beneath her calm facade.Dorothy's voice carried a hint of satisfaction as she instructed Sam to convey her gratitude to Mr. Grin, her gaze never leaving the spread of papers before her. Sam acknowledged her instruction with a subtle nod, turned on his heel, and made his exit from the hall, leaving behind a
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As Jake descended the semi-spiral stairs, each step echoing softly in the cavernous lobby, he spotted Dorothy ascending towards him. The dim light filtering through stained glass windows cast an eerie glow on their faces as they met on the stairs, their paths intersecting like fate's gentle nudge."Dorothy," Jake's voice cut through the quiet, his tone laced with concern and a hint of urgency. "The change in the company's's been done without our knowledge or consent."He paused on the steps, his brow furrowing with worry lines. "Not even a whisper from the lawyer to guide us through this unexpected turn."His eyes, flickering with frustration and apprehension, searched Dorothy's face for any sign of reassurance or understanding amidst the uncertainty that now clouded their path.But her serene demeanor seemed untouched by the weight of his concerns. With a gentle yet commanding gesture, Dorothy raised a hand, halting Jake's words in their tracks."I now oversee everythi
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After the usual family members meeting and Dorothy's post is now official, all heads of departments sat in the conference room in expectance of a very important meeting with some investors. Jake was seen going through some documents with a troubled facial expression, his brow furrowed in deep concentration as he meticulously sifted through the papers. The scent of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, mingling with the hum of electronic devices and the soft rustle of papers being shuffled. The cool air-conditioned air seemed to vibrate with tension as the department heads awaited the arrival of the investors, their eyes flicking towards the door with anticipation.A group of investors was seen heading towards the conference room at the luxurious penthouse office, their polished leather shoes echoing off the marble floors. They were all dressed in impeccably tailored suits, their faces stern and serious, exuding an aura of confidence and authority. Dorothy, Grin, Jake, and a fe
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Dorothy's heart raced as she rushed out of her office, into the chaos. What she saw made her blood run cold...A group of protesters, armed with signs and determination, had stormed the building, demanding justice for the families evicted from the Nirvana estate. They accused Wallace Investment and Properties of greed and corruption, and of prioritizing profits over people. Dorothy's eyes scanned the crowd, searching for a leader, a face to confront. But it was then that she saw him - a young man, his eyes blazing with conviction, his voice ringing out across the hall..."You may have power, Dorothy Wallace, but we have the truth on our side. And we won't back down until you face justice!"Dorothy was stunned to sight protesters within the walls of The Wallace company, her world began to unravel as the commotion even grew hotter on the premises.The young man's words echoed through the hall, his gaze locked on Dorothy with a fierce intensity. She felt a shiver run down her spine as sh
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"Ah, Victor," Dorothy said, her voice laced with a mix of relief and wariness. "I wasn't expecting you so soon."Victor, a ruthless and cunning businessman, was Dorothy's secret partner and financier. He had a reputation for getting what he wanted, no matter the cost."I heard rumors of a little protest," Victor said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I thought it was time to... meditate."Dorothy's eyes narrowed, sensing the danger that lurked beneath Victor's polished exterior. She knew she had to tread carefully or risk losing everything she had worked for.As Victor strode into the building, the protesters parted, their eyes fixed on him with a mix of fear and suspicion. Alex, however, stood firm, his gaze locked on Victor with a fierce determination."You're not welcome here," Alex said, his voice firm.Victor chuckled, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Oh, I think I am. You see, I have a... vested interest in this company. And I won't let anyone stand in my way."His words spla
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As they continued their investigation, they began to build a case against Victor and Dorothy, gathering evidence of their crimes and building a coalition of allies who were willing to stand with them.But the more they progressed, the more they realized that the fight for justice was not just about exposing the truth, but about confronting the darkness within themselves. The corrupt and powerful had a way of twisting and turning, of using their influence and wealth to silence and destroy.Jake, still reeling from Dorothy's betrayal and humiliation, became more determined than ever to bring her down. He knew he needed something concrete to weaponize against her, something that would finally give him the upper hand.One night, while snooping around the company's archives, Jake stumbled upon an old file labeled "Nirvana Estate". As he opened it, he discovered a shocking truth. The file contained documents revealing Dorothy's illegal dealings, her embezzlement of company funds, and her se
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One day, Rachel, Dorothy’s sister who also lives in the mansion was wandering around the majestic house and found Jake in the library. Rachel's unexpected encounter with Jake in the dimly lit library sent a shiver down her spine, knowing the implications of the documents spread out before him. With Jake lost in a deep slumber, she seized the opportunity to survey the damning evidence meticulously compiled against her sister.As she pored over the incriminating papers, a mix of emotions swirled within Rachel—shock, disbelief, and ultimately, a sense of duty. Despite the familial bond that tied her to Dorothy, Rachel couldn't turn a blind eye to the truth staring back at her from the pages before her.In a moment of clarity, Rachel made a fateful decision. With a determined resolve, she carefully selected the most damning evidence against her sister, knowing it held the key to unraveling Dorothy's web of deceit once and for all. Leaving behind no trace of her presence, Rachel departed t
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Yet, in a surprising twist of fate, it was one of Jake's allies who stepped forward to seize the moment, wielding the very evidence Jake had believed lost to turn the tables on Dorothy. With a sense of vindication coursing through the room, all eyes turned to Jake once more, this time with a newfound sense of expectation and anticipation.As he stood on the precipice of uncertainty, Jake knew that his fate—and that of Dorothy's—hung in the balance, the outcome of this high-stakes confrontation poised to reshape the future of the company and all those entangled in its web of deceit. Dorothy pointed out that besides being Wallace's outcast child, it seemed that Jake's envy of her CEO position was becoming evident. She made it clear that her true daughter, Lana, would succeed her in the role. Dorothy dismissed the accusations against her, attributing them to Jake's desire for her position. Using her influence, she managed to sway the board of directors in her favor, leaving Jake defeate
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Jake's mind races as he considers Dorothy's offer. A seat on the board would give him the power to make real changes in the company, to finally bring some accountability and transparency to the corrupt organization. But at what cost?He thinks about all the evidence he's gathered, all the secrets he's uncovered. Can he really just forget about it all and pretend like everything is okay? Can he trust Dorothy to keep her word and not try to destroy him the moment he lets his guard down?Jake's thoughts are filled with doubts and uncertainties. He knows he can't trust Dorothy, but he also knows that this could be his only chance to make a real difference in the company.As he stands there, weighing his options, Jake's mind keeps wandering back to his father. What would he do in this situation? Would he take the deal and try to work from within, or would he refuse and keep fighting from the outside?Jake wishes he could ask him, but he knows he can't. His father is gone, and he's on his o
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