The Detectives

Sternice and Jake arrived at the local restaurant to meet with Detective Colin and his junior colleague. As they approached the table where the detectives were seated, the atmosphere was tense yet determined. Sternice extended a firm handshake to Detective Colin, acknowledging their long-standing acquaintance.

"It’s been a while. You were out of town?" Sternice inquired, taking a seat as Colin gestured for them to sit down.

"Yeah, please, have a seat," Colin replied, his tone serious yet welcoming. He introduced his junior colleague, a middle-aged man seated beside him, who wasted no time in addressing the purpose of their meeting.

"With the evidence you've brought us, I can guarantee she'll be locked up for good," the junior detective asserted firmly, locking eyes with Jake and Sternice.

"When we submit this evidence to the superiors, we'll secure an arrest warrant," he continued with unwavering confidence.

Colin, the seasoned detective, then spoke up, emphasizing the significance of their findings. "We've been on her case for a while now, and with this damning evidence, you've truly bolstered our efforts against her. Excellent work," Colin praised, his words resonating with both gratitude and determination.

Colin and his team were resolute in bringing down Dorothy, driven by both professional duty and personal ambition for advancement. The stakes were high, rumors about Dorothy's nefarious activities spreading fear throughout the town. They knew they had to stop her to safeguard the community.

Jake, visibly affected by his past encounters with Dorothy, spoke up next. "It wasn't easy dealing with her. She's relentless and skilled at manipulation. I had to leave my father's company because of her. She's a menace, corrupting everything she touches," Jake recounted, his frustration palpable.

The detectives exchanged empathetic glances, understanding the toll Dorothy had taken on Jake. The junior detective reassured them, "She will be behind bars soon enough."

"Yes, she will face justice. You have our word on that," Colin affirmed, his voice filled with resolve.

Sternice, reflecting on his own harrowing experience with Dorothy, joined the conversation. "Once, we were on the verge of a major deal at my company. Dorothy and her associates threatened us, and she eventually sabotaged the deal herself," Sternice revealed, his expression grave. "She's like a wildfire, consuming everything in her path. We can't let her continue."

Their discussion concluded with firm handshakes, a pact sealed to bring Dorothy to justice. As they parted ways, each carried the weight of their shared mission against Dorothy, knowing that their pursuit of justice was far from over.


Back at Wallace mansion, two middle-aged men emerged in front of the imposing gate. As they approached, a mechanical voice emanated from a CCTV camera mounted nearby, "Please state your purpose!"

One of the figures, standing tall and serious, swiftly produced a police badge from beneath his jacket. "From the police department," he announced firmly, pointing the badge towards the camera. With a low hum, the gates swung wide open, allowing the two men to enter the expansive mansion compound. They were promptly greeted by two security personnel who guided them deeper inside the lavish building.

Inside the mansion, Dorothy descended the elegant, semi-spiral staircase and approached the detectives. "How can I assist you?" she asked, sounding a little worried.

Detective Colin, maintaining a composed demeanor, grinned reassuringly. "There's nothing to worry about, Mrs. Wallace," he began, withdrawing his badge and showing it to her. "We're from the police department. We simply need to take you in for questioning. You'll be back with your family before you know it," he added, his tone gentle but resolute.

Dorothy felt her heart race with anxiety. Was she being taken into custody? Would she lose everything she had worked so hard to achieve? Anger flickered in her eyes briefly as she wondered if Jake, her estranged stepson, had orchestrated this. "Can I at least call my lawyer?" she managed to ask, her voice steadier than she felt inside.

"I'm sorry, but not at the moment. Once you're in custody, you'll have an opportunity to make some calls," Colin replied calmly, gesturing towards the exit. Dorothy nodded reluctantly, realizing the severity of the situation. She knew she needed to gather herself quickly; any sign of weakness now could be detrimental.

Meanwhile, Rachel, observing the scene with disdain from a distance, immediately reached for her phone to contact Grin, the family lawyer.

The tension hung heavy in the air as Dorothy prepared to leave her mansion under escort, uncertain of what lay ahead but determined to face it with the grace and resolve she had always prided herself on.

"The number you dialed is not reachable at the moment," the mechanical voice from Victor's phone announced, its sterile tone cutting through the quiet of his car. Victor's brow furrowed in concern as he glanced away from the steering wheel to the screen displaying Dorothy's contact information. It was highly unusual for her number to be unreachable.

Deciding quickly, Victor tapped the option to leave a voicemail after the prompt. "I've got the Maya girl on lock, Doro," he began, his voice tinged with a sense of accomplishment. "In fact, she's in my car trunk as we speak. Once her allies hear the news, they'll back down with whatever they have against us. Trust me, in due time, this will all be over, and we'll finally be able to relax and enjoy ourselves for good. Call me back when you get this message."

Victor finished leaving a voicemail with a happy look on his face. He seemed excited about what was to come. Although he knew his actions could have big consequences, he was confident they would lead to the outcome he wanted.

As he kept driving, the road ahead seemed to go on forever. The car was quiet except for the sound of the engine, and Victor was lost in thought, thinking about what was happening.

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