
At the police station, Alex rushed in and sought help to escape from someone who was chasing him. He was really scared and out of breath as he told the officer at the front desk, "This person tried to hurt me and now they've taken my friend Maya."

The officer sitting at the desk, used to dealing with these kinds of situations calmly, glanced up from his papers. "Please, calm down. Do you know this man? What's your history with him?" he asked, trying to gather essential details amidst Alex's frantic state.

"He's one of Dorothy's henchmen," Alex replied, his words rushing out. "He threatened me after I confronted Dorothy about her illegal activities at her company."

As Alex recounted his harrowing escape from Victor's clutches and Maya's subsequent abduction, his eyes darted around anxiously. Suddenly, he spotted Dorothy entering the station with two men in tow. "There she is! That's the woman who sent her goons after us," Alex exclaimed, pointing accusatorily at Dorothy.

The officer attempted to reassure Alex, promising to escalate his report to the appropriate authorities. But Alex, consumed by anger and fear for Maya's safety, couldn't be placated. Ignoring the officer's attempts to calm him, he dashed towards Dorothy before she could enter the interrogation room.

"You evil woman!" Alex confronted Dorothy, his voice shaking with righteous indignation. "Your men have kidnapped Maya!"

The detectives escorting Dorothy exchanged surprised glances. "Sir, do you know this woman?" one of them, Colin, inquired cautiously.

"Of course I do!" Alex retorted, glaring at Dorothy. "Or will she claim she doesn't know me now?"

Dorothy's expression turned icy. "You're the hooligan who barged into my company," she snapped disdainfully. "I should have had you arrested then."

"No! It's you who belongs behind bars, away from society!" Alex shot back, his agitation escalating. "Your men have already done their dirty work. I barely escaped!"

As Dorothy's mind raced, she realized Victor must have acted swiftly on their plan. "I don't know what you're talking about," she replied coldly to Alex. "I never sent anyone after you or your friend."

"Ah, but you will know soon enough," Alex countered, his tone resolute. "Once you're locked away."

The detectives, bewildered by the sudden turn of events, intervened. "Mr. Alex, we apologize for the confusion. Please give us your statement, and we'll proceed from there," Colin urged, attempting to restore order.

Just as Dorothy and the detectives prepared to enter the interrogation room, Alex's phone rang. An unknown number flashed on the screen, but Alex recognized it immediately. "Wait, it's him!" he exclaimed, holding up his phone so everyone could hear.

"You have 48 hours to drop all charges against her," a voice warned ominously over the speaker, "or your friend dies. And after her, it's you. Don't test me."

Before Alex could respond, the call abruptly ended. Colin exchanged a worried glance with his colleague. "For your safety, we need to place you in protective custody," he insisted, guiding Alex away.

Following the intense interrogation, Dorothy found herself detained but granted a brief meeting with her lawyer, Grin. Immediately after their consultation, she swiftly dialed Victor's number, her voice urgent and fraught with frustration. "Vic, things have escalated. I've been detained because of secrets Jake and his allies uncovered and exposed," she explained hastily. "It's time to show them what happens when they mess with us. Silence Maya once and for all."

Victor listened intently on the other end, the gravity of the situation sinking in. He knew Jake had orchestrated Dorothy's downfall, but vengeance burned hotter in his heart now. "They've gone too far," he muttered, steeling himself for what lay ahead. "Jake won't walk away unscathed. And neither will his allies."

The next day dawned with Dorothy facing the consequences of her actions in court. The proceedings were swift and damning, culminating in a two-year prison sentence for charges ranging from societal corruption to illicit dealings. As she was escorted away, the weight of her convictions settled heavily upon her shoulders.

Meanwhile, Victor lurked in the shadows outside the courtroom, his gaze fixed on Jake, Sternice, and their cohorts. He recognized their handiwork in Dorothy's predicament, and his jaw tightened with determination. "You've taken from me," he muttered under his breath, eyes narrowing as he locked onto Sternice. "Now, you'll face the consequences."

As Jake and his allies celebrated their victory, unaware of Victor's brewing wrath, Victor vowed silently to himself that justice would soon be served, and vengeance exacted upon those who had wronged Dorothy and him.

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