Chapter 17

The rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped the cozy corner of the bustling café where Jake and Sternice engaged in intense conversation. Amidst the gentle hum of chatter and the clinking of cups, Sternice leaned in, his voice low yet urgent, "So, I've compiled all of Dorothy's illegal activities into a comprehensive file. There's a detective already on the case. I suggest we share all our leads with him and ensure she gets arrested."

Jake nodded thoughtfully, sipping his coffee before a sudden furrow creased his brow. "There's this man I've seen with her lately. Do you know him?" he inquired, concern flickering in his eyes.

"Ah, that's Victor," Sternice replied with a knowing look. "He owns a rival company in our business. And rumor has it, he's quite close to your stepmother."

Jake's surprise was palpable. Could Dorothy really be moving on so quickly after losing his father? "If she's allied with him," he pondered silently, "then she might have formidable support." His realization weighed heavily on him, knowing the challenge ahead.

"To ally with Dorothy, Victor must be corrupt too," Jake mused aloud, his mind racing. "Do you have any information on him?"

"He's elusive," Sternice admitted, his expression reflecting concern. "He's meticulous, covering his tracks well."

Jake's worry deepened. "How do I handle someone like that? I'm already up against Dorothy, and now she has another powerful ally." He knew the battle ahead would be daunting. "Here," he said, passing a flash drive to Sternice. "This contains everything I have on Dorothy."

"Good," Sternice nodded firmly, accepting the drive. "And your partner, Sarah?"

"Working tirelessly," Jake assured him.

"Let's reconvene here tomorrow," Sternice suggested optimistically. "The detective might join us by then."

"Alright," Jake agreed, finishing his coffee as they wrapped up their discussion and went their separate ways.


Victor's voice carried urgency as he strolled with Dorothy through the serene park. "I've tracked down the guy who raided your company, Alex," he began, his tone serious yet controlled. Dorothy's face lit up with relief. "That's good news," she responded, her concern evident.

"He's colluding with a female activist named Maya," Victor continued, his gaze fixed on Dorothy. "They're planning something big against you." Dorothy felt really worried and held Victor's hand tightly. She asked him anxiously, "What should we do?"

"We need to send some of our men to capture Maya," Victor stated firmly. "She'll make a perfect hostage to ensure her allies abandon their plans."

Dorothy agreed, preparing herself for the tough truth of their world. "I'll do whatever it takes," she said confidently. "We must ensure our victory."

"It's your duty to lead now," Victor reassured her, his words imbuing her with newfound strength. Dorothy stood up straight, looking determined and strong. "I've been fighting for as long as I can remember," she said with a fierce determination. "I won't back down now, not when I'm so close."

Victor's expression softened with admiration. "And Lana?" he inquired gently, referring to Dorothy's daughter. "Busy with school," she replied, a fleeting smile touching her lips.

"Dorothy, I've missed you," Victor admitted warmly, his voice tinged with longing. "Once we're done with Jake and his associates, we should take that vacation we've been dreaming of." A genuine smile spread across Dorothy's face, reflecting her own yearning for a break from their tumultuous lives. Unable to contain her emotions, she embraced Victor tightly.

Meanwhile, the driver Sam observed them from the car with disdain, his eyes narrowing as he watched them. His attention focused sharply on Dorothy, his thoughts hidden behind a veil of resentment.

"After all this is over, we'll have that vacation," Dorothy proclaimed with conviction. "And then, there's something you'll do for me personally."

"I can't wait," Victor replied warmly, a sense of anticipation in his voice. They lingered in the park a while longer, soaking in the tranquility of nature before parting ways.

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