Chapter 15

Dorothy held the sleek phone to her left ear, her footsteps echoing softly as she strolled through the vast corridors of the mansion. " that means you're staying longer this time around," she said with a hint of determination in her voice.

"Yes, Mom, I have a lot of projects on ground," Lana's voice replied from the mobile phone, tinged with a touch of reluctance.

"I miss you, my darling," Dorothy sighed wistfully, her words carrying a mix of affection and longing.

"I miss you too, Mother. I have to go now!" Lana's voice came swiftly, the dialogue ending abruptly with a beep as the call disconnected.

Continuing her solitary walk through the mansion, Dorothy's attention shifted to her email. There, amidst the digital correspondence, lay Jake's resignation. A curly smirk tugged at her lips as she absorbed the contents of the message; finally, she had succeeded in removing him from Wallace's sphere.

But Dorothy knew Jake wouldn't easily retreat. He possessed the same resilience as his father. "He thinks he can bring me down after uncovering my secrets, hmm!" A wicked smile briefly curved her lips, her thoughts drifting momentarily into a solo conversation.

"If only he knew the trials I've endured in my lifetime. I've harbored dreams for years, passionately striving to attain the position I hold today. I've taken countless risks, and he underestimates my resolve to overcome any obstacle in my path."

"Yet how did he manage to survive all the tests I've put him through? Perhaps he's as resilient as his father, but I'll prove that I am stronger! His presence makes me strangely insecure, and now that he knows my secrets, damn!" Dorothy cursed under her breath, her voice a mix of frustration and determination.

The voice of her sister, Rachel, snapped Dorothy out of her thoughts as she called for her to join supper. "Jake sent a resignation note and he's moved out of the mansion," Dorothy informed Rachel once they were seated.

"You've put him through hell. You know he's just like his father; he won't back down, Dorothy," Rachel replied, her concern evident in her voice.

"I won't back down either!" Dorothy interjected sharply and swiftly.

"Whatever is between you two, it's crucial you come together and resolve it peacefully. Enoch always wanted unity for the family, and he's not interested in running this billion-dollar company," Rachel urged.

"What my husband wants, you say?" Dorothy scoffed. "There are countless things you don't know yet, Rachel." She paused briefly, then continued, "Jake knows too much about Wallace, things that must never go public. Do you honestly think we can settle this amicably?"

"I have to be honest with you, Dorothy. I'm disappointed in myself for betraying him once. I did it because you're my sister. I had to choose between doing what's right and standing by you, and I chose you over the greater good," Rachel confessed solemnly.

An eerie silence fell between them before Dorothy suddenly brought up another concern. "Remember those activists who stormed the company? Alex and Maya? I dug into their backgrounds and found out Alex is the son of the family we evicted from Nirvana Estate. We've been receiving alarming messages about him. He's about to expose old secrets that could bring the company down."

The realization that Alex, Maya, Sarah, and Jake could unite against her sent a chill through Dorothy. "I need to call Victor," she declared, abruptly leaving Rachel alone at the dining table to make her urgent call elsewhere in the mansion.

"I hope it's a celebration call," Victor greeted eagerly over the phone.

"Exactly! The calls you make when you're in trouble," Dorothy chuckled lightly.

"What troubles you again, baby?" Victor inquired with concern.

"It's no time for romance, Victor, I told you it's a 911!" Dorothy retorted urgently.

"When are we meeting?" Dorothy asked anxiously.

"How about I buy you lunch tomorrow?" Victor suggested.

"Okay!" Dorothy agreed with relief and ended the call.

The following afternoon at the park, Dorothy and Victor nibbled on their sandwiches as they strolled together. The sun cast a gentle warmth over them, creating a serene atmosphere amidst the greenery.

"Those activists you met at my company the other day, I have a feeling they'll collaborate with Jake to expose the deal on Nirvana Estate," Dorothy said, her brow furrowed with worry.

"What updates have you gotten on them?" Victor asked, concern lining his voice.

"Jake has resigned and moved out of the mansion..." Dorothy began.

"Good," Victor interrupted, his tone resolute. "But he won't give up, I know him." She replied.

Dorothy’s expression tightened with concern. "How about we silence them all once and for all?" Victor suggested, his eyes meeting hers with determination.

The thought of silencing them had crossed Dorothy's mind many times, but now it seemed like the only way to prevent her secrets from becoming public. She knew that if tangible evidence leaked, she could be in serious trouble.

"How do we go about it?" Dorothy asked Victor, turning to him for a plan.

"Don't worry, I have an idea," Victor reassured her. "But for now, let's set that aside. It's been too long since your husband passed, Doro. We haven't spent time together in ages. I miss you," he added, a hint of longing in his voice and a small smile on his face.

"Victor, I've been caught up with so much lately," Dorothy replied softly, giving him a glimmer of hope. "Perhaps once we get through all of this..."

They continued their stroll through the park, the rustling leaves and distant laughter of children creating a peaceful backdrop. After some time, they parted ways, each carrying their own thoughts and the weight of their shared secrets.

Dorothy's phone buzzed with a message from Sam, the family's trusted driver. "I haven’t received the 10% increment as agreed. Your secret might not be safe anymore with me!"

Her expression darkened as she read the message and saw the sender's name. With a furrowed brow, she swiftly dismissed the message, her mind racing with the implications of Sam's threat.

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