As Jake descended the semi-spiral stairs, each step echoing softly in the cavernous lobby, he spotted Dorothy ascending towards him. The dim light filtering through stained glass windows cast an eerie glow on their faces as they met on the stairs, their paths intersecting like fate's gentle nudge.

"Dorothy," Jake's voice cut through the quiet, his tone laced with concern and a hint of urgency. "The change in the company's's been done without our knowledge or consent."

He paused on the steps, his brow furrowing with worry lines. "Not even a whisper from the lawyer to guide us through this unexpected turn."

His eyes, flickering with frustration and apprehension, searched Dorothy's face for any sign of reassurance or understanding amidst the uncertainty that now clouded their path.

But her serene demeanor seemed untouched by the weight of his concerns. With a gentle yet commanding gesture, Dorothy raised a hand, halting Jake's words in their tracks.

"I now oversee everything," she declared, her tone unwavering as she met Jake's gaze with steely resolve. "All matters concerning Wallace will be under my direction. Rest assured, things will proceed according to my vision. Consider this a gentle reminder."

Her words hung in the air, imbued with a sense of authority that brooked no argument, as she held Jake's gaze with an unyielding determination that left no room for doubt.

Jake's voice carried a hint of frustration as he attempted to convey the importance of proper protocol. "Such documentation is typically addressed during our monthly meetings," he explained, his tone tinged with exasperation. "Mr. Grin understands the necessity of making this change official, as does everyone else who respects our family's traditions."

Dorothy's response cut through the air like a whip, her words laced with scorn as she dismissed Jake's concerns with a single-cutting remark. "Official, you say?" she echoed, her voice dripping with disdain. "Well then, I have a question for you, Jake. Are you even considered official in this family?"

The words hung heavily between them, the weight of Dorothy's disdain palpable as she stared down at Jake, her gaze cold and unforgiving.

Jake's face flushed with anger and embarrassment, but he refused to back down. "You don't need to remind me that I am a bastard," he replied, his tone steady despite the rawness of his emotions. "I'm well aware of that fact. But regardless of my lineage, my father is a Wallace, and I will always uphold the traditions and values that define our family."

Dorothy's expression remained unyielding, her eyes glinting with a hint of triumph. "Well, I couldn't expect anything less from you," she remarked, her voice tinged with condescension. "You should simply continue to follow instructions as you've always done."

"And just so you're aware, investors are clamoring to pour substantial amounts of money into some of our properties," she continued. "The deals are on the brink of finalization, which is precisely why we expedited the change in signatory."

Her words hung in the air, carrying with them the weight of impending change and the promise of lucrative opportunities on the horizon.

Jake's frustration simmered beneath the surface as he struggled to comprehend Dorothy's unilateral decision-making and disregard for their father's foresight. "What? Aren't we supposed to wait for at least a year before selling any of the properties?" he exclaimed, his words ringing with frustration.

"Father predicted an over 200% increase in our property value by next year, and it hasn't even been a full year since we acquired those properties."

But Dorothy's response was swift and cutting, her tone dripping with disdain as she dismissed Jake's concerns with a single, contemptuous glance. "Like I said earlier," she interjected, her voice sharp as a knife, "you only do what you're told to do now. Don't presume you can tell me anything I don't already know about this company."

"Long before you were even born, I've been by my husband's side, helping to build this company from the ground up. And it's through my guidance that it has grown to the heights it has reached today."

With that, she turned on her heel and continued her ascent up the stairs, leaving Jake standing there, his mind reeling with a mix of frustration and concern. Deep down, he knew that something was amiss, but the full extent of Dorothy's ambitions and the implications for the company remained shrouded in uncertainty.

As he descended the stairs, a knot of worry tightened in his chest, his thoughts consumed by the looming specter of Dorothy's unchecked authority and its potential impact on the future of their family's legacy.                         

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