One day, Rachel, Dorothy’s sister who also lives in the mansion was wandering around the majestic house and found Jake in the library. Rachel's unexpected encounter with Jake in the dimly lit library sent a shiver down her spine, knowing the implications of the documents spread out before him. With Jake lost in a deep slumber, she seized the opportunity to survey the damning evidence meticulously compiled against her sister.

As she pored over the incriminating papers, a mix of emotions swirled within Rachel—shock, disbelief, and ultimately, a sense of duty. Despite the familial bond that tied her to Dorothy, Rachel couldn't turn a blind eye to the truth staring back at her from the pages before her.

In a moment of clarity, Rachel made a fateful decision. With a determined resolve, she carefully selected the most damning evidence against her sister, knowing it held the key to unraveling Dorothy's web of deceit once and for all. Leaving behind no trace of her presence, Rachel departed the library, her heart heavy with the weight of her actions.

Rachel's unexpected revelation to Dorothy sent shockwaves through the already turbulent household. Grateful for her sister's loyalty, Dorothy wasted no time in mobilizing her formidable resources to counter Jake's scheming. With Rachel's warning echoing in her ears, Dorothy reached out to Grin, her trusted confidant and legal mastermind of the family.

Grin, ever the astute strategist, immediately sprang into action upon receiving Dorothy's call. With his keen intellect and ruthless determination, he delved deep into the intricate web of Jake's plans, meticulously dissecting each piece of evidence and anticipating his next move.

As Grin unraveled Jake's plot, a sense of grim satisfaction washed over him. This was his domain, and he relished the opportunity to outmaneuver his adversaries at every turn. With every legal loophole identified and every contingency plan laid out, Grin stood ready to defend Dorothy's honor and protect her from the relentless onslaught of her enemies. Armed with Grin's cunning guidance, Dorothy faced the looming threat of Jake and his allies with newfound confidence. Together, they would wage war employing every weapon in their arsenal to ensure that they prevailed over their enemies. 

Jake's determined stride through the penthouse office spoke volumes of his unwavering resolve to confront Dorothy head-on. The memory of her past humiliations still fresh in his mind, Jake's anger burned like a smoldering flame, propelling him forward with a singular purpose—to bring his stepmother to her knees and expose her dark secrets to the world.

As he barged into Dorothy's office, his chest swelled with a sense of accomplishment, fueled by the weight of the evidence he held against her. With each damning accusation hurled her way, Jake anticipated Dorothy's inevitable plea for mercy, relishing the thought of finally seeing her vulnerable facade crumble before him.

Yet, to Jake's astonishment, Dorothy's reaction was anything but what he had expected. Instead of cowering in fear or begging for leniency, she met his accusations with a disarming smile—a calculated facade that masked the storm brewing beneath the surface.

Despite his confidence in his ability to bring her down, Jake couldn't shake the gnawing suspicion that Dorothy was playing him for a fool, biding her time until the perfect moment to strike back. But for now, with the promise of an emergency meeting looming on the horizon, Jake allowed himself a moment of triumph, his lips curling into a smug smile as he exited Dorothy's office, eager to witness her downfall unfold before his very eyes.

Now, as the tension mounted in the conference room, Jake's heart sank like a stone in his chest after going through his bag pack. The realization that crucial documents were missing sent a wave of panic coursing through him, threatening to unravel all his carefully laid plans in an instant. Frantically searching his bag, his mind raced with questions and doubts, each one more damning than the last. How could he have been so careless? Where had the missing documents gone? And most importantly, how would he salvage his crumbling facade of authority in front of the entire board?

Before he could gather his wits and formulate a response, Grin's voice cut through the silence like a knife, demanding Jake's attention and forcing him to confront the harsh reality of his predicament. With all eyes fixed on him, Jake struggled to find his voice, his once confident demeanor giving way to a palpable sense of defeat.

But just as he teetered on the brink of surrender, Dorothy's sharp interjection snapped him back to the present, her words a stark reminder of the uphill battle he now faced. With his evidence seemingly lost in the void, Jake found himself at a loss for words, his mouth dry and his mind racing to comprehend the magnitude of his failure.

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