Jake's mind races as he considers Dorothy's offer. A seat on the board would give him the power to make real changes in the company, to finally bring some accountability and transparency to the corrupt organization. But at what cost?

He thinks about all the evidence he's gathered, all the secrets he's uncovered. Can he really just forget about it all and pretend like everything is okay? Can he trust Dorothy to keep her word and not try to destroy him the moment he lets his guard down?

Jake's thoughts are filled with doubts and uncertainties. He knows he can't trust Dorothy, but he also knows that this could be his only chance to make a real difference in the company.

As he stands there, weighing his options, Jake's mind keeps wandering back to his father. What would he do in this situation? Would he take the deal and try to work from within, or would he refuse and keep fighting from the outside?

Jake wishes he could ask him, but he knows he can't. His father is gone, and he's on his own.

Jake takes a deep breath and looks Dorothy straight in the eye. "I'll take the deal," he says, his voice firm and resolute.

Dorothy's face breaks into a wide smile, and she extends her hand to seal the agreement. "Excellent choice, Jake. I knew you were a smart boy."

Jake shakes her hand, feeling a sense of trepidation. He knows he's making a deal with the devil, but he's willing to take the risk if it means finally bringing some justice to the company.

As they shake hands, Jake can't help but wonder what other secrets Dorothy is hiding. What other tricks does she have up her sleeve?

But for now, he's willing to play along. He'll take the seat on the board and work from within to try and bring about change. And if Dorothy tries to double-cross him, he'll be ready. 

As Jake takes his seat on the board, he's greeted by a familiar face - Rachel, Dorothy's sister and the one who had secretly met with him in the library. She gives him a subtle nod of recognition, but says nothing.

The meeting begins, and Jake is immediately struck by the tone of the discussion. It's all about profits and expansion, with no mention of the company's shady dealings or the harm they've caused.

Jake tries to speak up, to bring attention to the issues he's uncovered, but he's quickly shut down by Dorothy and the other board members. They tell him he's new and doesn't understand the way things work.

Just as Jake is starting to feel frustrated and isolated, Rachel speaks up. "I think Jake has a point," she says, her voice calm and measured. "We should at least consider the ethical implications of our actions."

The room falls silent, and Jake feels a glimmer of hope. Maybe Rachel is an ally after all.

But then, Dorothy's expression turns cold and hard. "Rachel, dear, you're just as naive as Jake. You don't understand how business works."

Rachel's face flushes, but she stands her ground. "I understand that we're hurting people, Dorothy. And I won't stand for it."

The tension in the room is palpable, and Jake knows that something is about to snap. 

The confrontation between Dorothy and Rachel escalates, with Dorothy's voice rising in anger. "How dare you question my leadership, Rachel? I've built this company from the ground up, and I won't let anyone - including my own sister - threaten its success."

Rachel stands her ground, her eyes flashing with determination. "I'm not questioning your leadership, Dorothy. I'm questioning your morals. And I won't stand by and watch as you ruin the company and hurt innocent people."

The room falls silent, with the other board members watching the exchange in discomfort. Jake feels a surge of admiration for Rachel, who's standing up to Dorothy's bullying and corruption.

Dorothy's face turns red with rage, and she slams her fist on the table. "Get out, Rachel. You're no longer welcome on this board."

Rachel nods, her expression calm. "I'll go, but this isn't over, Dorothy. I'll make sure the truth comes out."

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