As Rachel leaves the room, Jake feels a sense of hope. Maybe, just maybe, he's found an ally in his quest to bring down Dorothy and restore justice to the company.

But as he looks around the room, he sees the other board members watching him with cold, calculating eyes. He realizes that he's still in grave danger and that Dorothy will stop at nothing to silence him. 

As Jake leaves the meeting room, he can't shake off the feeling of unease. He knows he's in a dangerous game, and that Dorothy will stop at nothing to silence him.

He thinks about his father, and how he always told him to stand up for what's right, even if it means standing alone. Jake knows he's doing the right thing, but it's hard to keep going when it feels like the whole world is against him.

He walks to his office, lost in thought, when he sees a note on his desk. It's from Rachel, and all it says is: "Meet me at the old warehouse at 5pm. “Come Alone.”

Jake feels a surge of hope. Maybe Rachel has found a way to take down Dorothy once and for all.

As he walks to the warehouse, he can't help but think about his past and how it's led him to this moment. He thinks about his father, and how he wishes he could be there to see him now.

When he arrives at the warehouse, Rachel is already there, her eyes scanning the area nervously. "Jake, we have to be quick," she says. "Dorothy has eyes everywhere."

"What have you found out?" Jake asks, his heart racing with anticipation.

"I've been digging into the company's finances," Rachel says. "And I think I've found something big. Something that could bring Dorothy down once and for all."

Rachel hands Jake a folder full of documents and spreadsheets. "This is the evidence we need to take down Dorothy," she says. "It shows how she's been embezzling funds from the company and using them for her own personal gain."

Jake's eyes scan the documents, his mind racing with the implications. This is the proof he's been searching for, the key to finally bringing Dorothy to justice.

But as he looks up at Rachel, he sees a look of fear in her eyes. "What's wrong?" he asks.

"I think we've been followed," Rachel says, her voice barely above a whisper. "I saw someone lurking outside the warehouse. I think it's one of Dorothy's goons."

Jake's heart races as he looks around the warehouse, his eyes searching for any sign of danger. And then, he sees him - a burly man with a menacing grin, walking towards them with a purposeful stride. 

The goon approaches Jake and Rachel, his eyes fixed on them with a threatening glare. "You two are coming with me," he growls, his voice dripping with menace.

Jake stands his ground, his heart racing with anticipation. He knows he can't let this thug take them away without a fight.

"We're not going anywhere with you," Jake says, his voice firm and resolute.

The goon sneers, his face twisting with anger. "Oh, you're going to regret that," he snarls, pulling out a gun from his jacket.

Rachel gasps, her eyes wide with fear. Jake knows he has to act fast, or they'll both be dead.

Without hesitation, Jake charges at the goon, tackling him to the ground. The two men wrestle, punches flying, as Rachel watches in horror.

Just as Jake manages to pin the goon down, he hears the sound of sirens outside. The police have arrived, responding to a tip from an anonymous caller.

The goon is dragged away, defeated, as Jake and Rachel breathe a sigh of relief. They know they've just dodged a bullet, but they also know that Dorothy will stop at nothing to silence them.

The police take Jake and Rachel in for questioning, but it's clear they're on their side. The goon was one of Dorothy's hired thugs, and the police have been building a case against her for months.

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