The Greatest Sniper Reincarnates in a Fantasy World

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The Greatest Sniper Reincarnates in a Fantasy World

By: Campoccino OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 106 views: 190

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The greatest assassin to ever haunt earth is killed by other assassins all plotting against him. Ensuring that they all die alongside him, the assassin garnered one death, a hundred survivals from death before that... and a hundred thousand kills in total. Idolized by the god of death himself for the great feats of the assassin, Rai is reincarnated into a new world. Owning the body of a boy who just died, the greatest assassin of earth will now go beyond in a land filled with magic and wonders.

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106 chapters
Grim Reaper's Death
DeathThat’s the name granted to the strongest sniper in the world Asther Wolfhorn. There is not a single assassin who doesn’t know his name. The man who, at the age of twelve, assassinated a whole group of terrorists all by himself. The man who, at the age of fifteen, took out a whole mafia gang that numbered in a thousand. The man who, at the age of twenty, is responsible for destroying a large underground criminal organization without even being noticed – not until he finished his work.His accuracy is so on point that he can even make a clear short in the middle of a thunderstorm. It doesn’t matter if you hide under a bunker. It doesn’t matter if you fly a hundred thousand feet above the ground. It doesn’t matter if you hide in an island that’s far away from any good sniping point, this man…Death…he will find you. He has killed dictators. Slain terrorists. Destroyed organizations. He is a nightmare that nobody wishes to confront. Not once has he been caught and not once has he mis
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The God of Death
Asther's sure he died. He released twenty high powered grenades at the same time. Three are on his body and, the explosion from this is strong enough to reach and detonate the other grenades he calculatedly scattered across the battlefield.There’s enough firepower to even destroy a bunker from the inside. There’s no human that would be able to survive such an explosion, especially someone who was at point blank range when it activated.That’s why he is surprised at that moment because…he found himself inside a seeming throne room. This doesn’t feel like hell because of how lavish it is. The chandelier seemingly made from diamonds and the golden silk-like chains that adorns the high ivory walls, all of this created a feeling of extravagance. Though nothing that Asther's ever seen on earth.He didn’t have much time to look around though. As an assassin, he needs to focus on anyone who looks like a threat. And at that moment, this means the person who sat on the throne.“Asther Wolfhorn,
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Death and Revival
“Hey, are you sure that he’s dead?”Asther could hear this voice from a distance. It’s feint but, the sound echoed to where he is. Allowing him to clearly hear it. In fact, he could even hear the nervousness in this person’s voice. Something that is shared by the second person who spoke.“Definitely. Who would survive from falling from that height?”Asther felt something warm at the back of his head. His senses slowly came back one by one. He was able to distinguish the smell of fresh blood. Giving him an idea of the warm liquid that flowed from where he lay.“Let’s go then, I don’t want to stay here any longer.”Asther heard the footsteps trail away. While this happened, his eyesight slowly got restored. It’s almost entirely dark. There is a bit of light but not enough to work with. He focused on this and waited for his eyesight to completely return – this only happening when the sound of footsteps finally disappeared entirely.[Congratulations on your reincarnation master.]This mes
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The Beginnings of an Assassin
[You have competed the Sudden Quest!][You have gained 500 experience points.][You have leveled up!][You are now level 11!][You have gained Obsidian Daggers D]These are the notifications that the System displayed. One after the other, the text came up. After the last one appeared, something strange happened. A weapon materialized right in front of Asther. Having a brilliant glow which immediately dimmed down until Asther is left with the weapon’s base color.The System’s [Analysis] function immediately worked on the weapon. Allowing Asther to see the specifics that comes with it.[Weapon Name: Obsidian Daggers][Rank: D][Durability: 100/100][Information: A weapon crafted from the scales of a cave centipede. This weapon is known for its durability and its sharpness in cutting.][Information: Infusing the wielder’s mana on the weapon will allow the blade to extend in length temporarily. The extended blade is just as sharp as the original blade.]“You look useful.” He raised the we
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Death Closing In
An hour has passed since Asther left the cave. With the inherent knowledge of the previous body owner, he is able to come back to the village without getting lost. The village itself is surrounded by tall walls made of rocks. On top of these are the soldiers who guard the city.The reason why there is a set up like this is because of the monsters. Although the hero has defeated the demon lord long ago, monsters still linger in the land. In fact, killing the demon lord actually had a great effect on these remaining monsters.They are literally able to get stronger because of this. The essence and the dark mana of the demon lord didn’t disappear. It simply scattered across the land. There are monsters who gained more of this and monsters which gained less. And for those who are able to absorb the most, they are immediately elevated to the status of catastrophe beasts. Monsters who are regarded to be close to the Demon Lord’s powers.The walls cannot prevent catastrophe beasts from enter
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The Curse of the Village
Asther headed back home. There really isn’t any reason for him to stay outside because, the longer he’s exposed, the greater the chances for the villagers to do bad things to him. Fortunately, the assassin’s experiences in his previous life helped him avoid all sorts of trouble. Moving in the shadows and as silently as he could until he finally reached his house.There really isn’t much to see from the place. The house is a wreck. The roof is destroyed and the windows are broken. Parts of the walls have holes on them and, all around this place are words in graffities. They aren’t written in any kind of text from earth but, because of the previous body owner’s memories, Asther knows how to read these quite easily.“Curse.”“Leave this village.”“Bad luck.”“Trash.”These are only some of the things which Asther read from the wall. He doesn’t care about these but, he does think that the real Asther lived such a miserable life. One that remained miserable until the real Asther died.“You
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Courting Death
More than anything else, Asther simply wanted to take a rest. After everything that happened, his new body is already worn and tired. Probably due to the soul transfer, the fighting, and all the information he needed to take in. That’s why he wanted to sleep so badly and, that’s why his evening visitors got on his nerves.“Can’t a guy get some shut eye around here?”Asther isn’t a fool. With his trained assassin ears, he heard the footsteps that slowly came towards his house. These are sneakily, yet poorly made. That’s why he knows that it’s only a bunch of amateurs that’s coming for him. However, even amateurs can cause problems if not handled properly.“Should I just kill them on the spot? That’s probably the best course of action for me to take right now.” Asther thought to himself as he got up and took the knife in his pocket.“But that would cause problems tomorrow. I’m sure the villagers would ask where these individuals went.” Asther decided to peek through one of the holes in
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Three Idiots
What exactly happened to Asther that night? Well, the explanation is simple. The sniper went to the house of Baron. Using the memory of the body’s previous owner, Asther is able to find this without any difficulty.Baron is the son of the village chief. As far as the rules go, this also means that Baron is the next in line for the position of Chief. In this world, leadership is passed down from father to son. If there is no male representative from the main family, then the one who’d rule next would be taken from those of closest bloodline to this family.This is part of the reason why Baron is so bold with everything he does. The reason as to why he is not scared of the possibility of Asther reporting him to the authorities. It’s because this sorry excuse for a human has a high position in the village. But it’s not like this is the larger reason to why Asther can’t report.No matter what he does, society will never take Asther’s side. After all, he’s a curse. A bastard son from a hol
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Killers and an Assassin
Asther got up early in the morning. Long before the sun could come out, the teen is already geared up for the day ahead. There are things that require preparation by him after all. That’s why he needs to get up early.He took his new daggers, his flint and steel and, also a piece of rope which he also stole from Baron’s room. After this he opened the System. Making sure of things before he continued with his plans.“Show me the information about the centipedes.”[Yes Master]Since Asther has leveled up, he can now see some of the information that has been blocked from him because of the level gap he had with the centipedes when he fought these.[Information: Although they don’t use it for combat, the bodies of the centipedes are actually filled with venomous liquids. These are lethal once injected to any person. Killing them in a matter of seconds.]“Perfect.” Asther said after reading through the whole thing. “That’s exactly the kind of thing that I need to see.”[Master.]“Yes? What
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An assassination is never anything grand. It happens the quickest way possible, using the most efficient route there is. Some may call it cowardly and some may even deem it as an underhanded tactic. But whatever it is called and, however it is viewed, the reaper doesn’t care. In the end, he’s the one alive and, those that question his methods have their lives taken from them.Asther assassinated the three murderers of his body’s original wielder. He did so using a simple, yet well thought of, plan. First he went back to the cave and extracted the poison from the bodies of the centipedes. He placed all of this on a small vial that he also took from the village. He also took three parts of the centipede’s shells. Thinking that this might be useful for him later on.After this he went to his hunting spot and prepared the trap. He dug up a hole using a makeshift shovel. Combining a tree branch and the centipede shell which he tied together. With this, he made the hole needed for his trap.
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