Death and Revival

“Hey, are you sure that he’s dead?”

Asther could hear this voice from a distance. It’s feint but, the sound echoed to where he is. Allowing him to clearly hear it. In fact, he could even hear the nervousness in this person’s voice. Something that is shared by the second person who spoke.

“Definitely. Who would survive from falling from that height?”

Asther felt something warm at the back of his head. His senses slowly came back one by one. He was able to distinguish the smell of fresh blood. Giving him an idea of the warm liquid that flowed from where he lay.

“Let’s go then, I don’t want to stay here any longer.”

Asther heard the footsteps trail away. While this happened, his eyesight slowly got restored. It’s almost entirely dark. There is a bit of light but not enough to work with. He focused on this and waited for his eyesight to completely return – this only happening when the sound of footsteps finally disappeared entirely.

[Congratulations on your reincarnation master.]

This message popped up as soon as Asther got up from the ground. He remembered what the god of death said about this. That it is a “System” designed to help him get stronger. He also remembered a brilliant flash of light that consumed him beforehand. Abruptly ending his meeting with Void and sending him to where he currently is.

“Where is this place.”

[This is a cave within the region of Barbatos master.]

“So this thing activates through voice command huh.”

[Yes master. I am a voice automated System. But you can also click me if you have anything you want to browse.]

Asther left this system hanging for the moment. He looked all around him and, true enough, he is inside a cave. Up above he could see the light which is far from where he is. Making him realize that the body he is using has been thrown down and, more accurately…murdered.

This is confirmed by the pool of blood which he can finally see and touch. This is connected to the back of his head but, the wound that is supposed to be there isn’t there.

After this Asther experienced a sudden surge of memory in his head. Those that belonged to the original owner of the body. This paralyzed him on the spot and it felt like his head would explode from the pain that only continued increasing. But it didn’t.

The process ended successfully and, Asther is left with all the information regarding the person whose body he has taken over. A teen named Asther Leonhart. He is a bastard son of king Leonhart and lives alone with his mother in the village.

This teen is seen as nothing but a bad omen by the villagers. This is how all bastard children are viewed in that world. It is only his mother who has ever loved him. Everyone else bullies him and even beats him up.

King Leonhart doesn’t care about Asther nor his mother. In fact, this king has never even bothered visiting them or providing for their needs. That’s why Asther despises his father so. This increased even more when the teen’s mother died due to sickness.

Asther couldn’t do a thing. He doesn’t have the money needed to get his mother treated and, as far as collecting resources is concerned, he cannot gather everything he needs all on his own. That’s why his mother died to something like a fever. Something which could have easily been cured if Asther lived a normal life.

All of these memories played on Asther’s head in an ordered timeline. This naturally ended in the last moments of the teen. Where he is brought to the cave by some of the villagers and thrown to the pit – ending the short and miserable life of Asther.

“To think that I would actually start off by getting killed in this world. That god of death sure has a twisted sense of humor.”

Asther can’t help but feel sorry for the previous owner of the body. Normally, his emotions wouldn’t even come out. That’s why he thought that the reason he is feeling such sadness is due to the body he owns. A weak one that is not suited for a cold-blooded assassin such as himself.

“Anyway, since I am now the owner of your body, I will at least grant you your desire.” Asther took the knife that lay at his side. This item belongs to the original body owner and is used for delivering the killing blow to hunted beasts.

“I’m going to take your name and your identity.” Asther tried swinging the small blade. “Before I perform my own quests, I’ll take the life of your father.”

Asther decided to finally leave the pit. Even though it is dark and, even though he doesn’t have any proper climbing materials, the teen can easily perform this. Attributed to him being a trained assassin.

But at that moment, Asther felt something familiar to him. He felt a cold and murderous gaze coming from a distance. This made him raise his guard right away and focus his attention on the direction where the gaze came from.

“I just arrived here. What is it now?”

Three gigantic centipedes came out from the darkness. They are at least ten feet long and four feet wide each. As Asther focused his gaze on them, something strange came out on top of the creatures.

[Name: None]

[Monster Type: Insect]

[Specification: Cave Centipede]

[Health Points – 500/500]

[Mana Points – None]

[Level – 15]

[Notice: Other information are locked due to the difference in level.]

“What the hell is this?”

[Do you mean the centipedes or the status window master?]


The System isn’t given time to answer as the centipedes began their assault. This left Asther with no other choice but to dodge.

This is when things became even more confusing and surprising for him. Because the distance he covered after he dodged is double the length that he could normally reach. Other than this, another System window suddenly appeared in front of him again.

[Sudden Mission – Defeat the three Centipedes]

[Difficulty – E]

[Reward – Obsidian Dagger]

[Reward – Experience points x500]

“You know, I would’ve really loved it if we started off with something that would actually make sense to me.” Asther said as he continued dodging the giant centipedes.

There’s one thing that Asther figured out as he did these things. It’s that his body isn’t like how it used to be. The reaction time. His movements. His speed. His strength. Everything has been enhanced. To the point that he felt like one of those superhumans that he has seen in movies.

But he isn’t in a movie and neither is he a hero. He is an assassin and, at that moment, he began to apply the things that he has learned in this craft.

Asther focused on the enemies in front of him. He knows how centipedes work back on earth. Although his enemies at that time are gigantic versions of this, they are still centipedes nevertheless.

They crawl on the earth with their multiple legs. They have a flattened segmented body. And if there’s one more thing that Asther is sure of, it’s that the part of their body that faces the ground has a weaker armor compared to the one on top.

“That’s how I’m going to strike.”

The centipedes has one weird move that they kept on using. These monsters would raise half of their body whenever they get close to Asther. They would then attempt to coil their bodies around him or slam him to the ground.

Both tactics didn’t work on the trained assassin however. He continued to dodge each and ever one of the attacks that the centipedes were making. Unlike them, he didn’t want to waste any energy on attacks that wouldn’t connect.

He simply bid his time. Memorizing the attack patterns of the centipedes. And as two more minutes passed, he finally accomplished this.

“Alright. I think it’s time for us to stop playing around now.”

Asther stood still. One of the centipedes didn’t waste any time and, attacked the teen. Raising half of its body which, Asther was waiting for.

In one fluid motion, Asther saw the gap in the weaker shell of the monster. He stabbed the knife through it and quickly slid his arm horizontally. Cutting through the flesh of the monster as red particles began to come out.

“What in the world?” Asther said in confusion at what he saw.

There isn’t any time for him to think about this. The remaining centipedes attacked him at the same time. Asther thought that this is a smart move on the part of his foes because of how his escape route is limited. However, it still has a lot of flaws.

Asther chose the centipede on the left and proceeded to attacking it the same way. The pain from the attack made the monster squirm. Making it hit the centipede on the right. This made room for Asther to make his escape. Tumbling to the side as these two monsters fell to the ground.

Asther quickly got back to his feet. He wasted no time and ran towards the remaining centipede. Without any hesitation, he stabbed his knife through its eye. The monster squirmed and flailed but Asther is able to continue ridding it. Gripping on to his blade that is still stuck on the monster’s eye.

Asther then tried to force the centipede to do what he wanted. At first there is nothing but the monster’s wild trashing. But this isn’t the first time Asther has tried to tame a wild beast before. He has done so with a bear, lion, wolf, and other dangerous creatures.

There is a secret to this of course. That is, Asther would let the creature feel his bloodlust. The overwhelming amount of it that made the creature understand that it would be killed if it does not follow. Asther doesn’t need to speak with the creature, all he needs is for it’s instincts to tell it what it needs to do.


At his command, the centipede followed. It has large antennas and Asther used these as reins for the creature. Controlling its motion as he made the monster crawl up the pit. As soon as it did, he jumper off of it and took the knife from the eye. Proceeding to stabbing the creature on the same part as it fell back down the pit.

Just like that Asther solved two of his problems at once. But things are far from being less complicated. In fact, as the System reappeared at that moment, Asther is given more things to figure out.

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