The God of Death

Asther's sure he died. He released twenty high powered grenades at the same time. Three are on his body and, the explosion from this is strong enough to reach and detonate the other grenades he calculatedly scattered across the battlefield.

There’s enough firepower to even destroy a bunker from the inside. There’s no human that would be able to survive such an explosion, especially someone who was at point blank range when it activated.

That’s why he is surprised at that moment because…he found himself inside a seeming throne room. This doesn’t feel like hell because of how lavish it is. The chandelier seemingly made from diamonds and the golden silk-like chains that adorns the high ivory walls, all of this created a feeling of extravagance. Though nothing that Asther's ever seen on earth.

He didn’t have much time to look around though. As an assassin, he needs to focus on anyone who looks like a threat. And at that moment, this means the person who sat on the throne.

“Asther Wolfhorn, we should’ve met a long time ago.” The man on the throne began, using a deep hollow tone.

There is a cloak hiding the face of this person and yet, Asther can still see this man’s eyes. Staring down at him as if he is an inferior creature and doing so with so much authority that, Asther doesn’t even think he can fight back.

Usually he looks for a method to strike. He thinks of all possible routes and options. Yet for this specific opponent, he can find nothing. Not a single hole, nor any opportunity to strike. It’s almost like he’s frozen in place.

Meanwhile, the man in question is sitting in a relaxed position on the throne. One hand is showing through the entirety of this person that’s hidden within a black robe. Not a ragged one but a dark robe that’s made from the highest quality materials. Almost like this is darkness itself. A feature that made Asther immediately want it for himself.

“You can’t have the cloak” The man added, as if able to hear his thoughts. “Now you’re going to ask who I am, and that’s one thing I can at least grace you with.”

Everything felt off. All his life Deidre could sense the weakness of those he faced. Even the best fighters and the best assassins, all of them are fragile to his eyes. Easily breakable with the slightest of touch. But now, it feels like he’s talking to an iron wall. One that he can’t destroy even with a nuclear bomb. And this same creature continued speaking at that moment.

“I am Void.” The man smirked. “I’m what you’d refer to on earth as a god. Specifically, I am the one who governs death. I reap the souls of all who die and judge them based on their deeds on earth.”

“I see.” Was Asther’s only response.

“That’s it? You’re not even gonna get shocked?”

“Everything about this moment doesn’t make sense. I’m sure that I committed suicide. Yet here I am on a place that I don’t even know of. All my wounds are healed and I am in front of a person who does not have any air of hostility nor deception.” The reaper explained. “Although what you’re saying is hard to believe, that is a more reasonable explanation to the current state of things.”

Vold bellowed in laughter, his thick and deep voice resounding around the throne room. This gave Asther a bit of time to inspect the surroundings further. Yet he didn’t see anything sight worthy. In fact, everything he saw before vanished. No chandelier, no golden chains, just the white room, with a single white ivory throne in front.

“You’re really something else. I’m glad that I made this decision more than ever now.”


“Yes. As you said, you are already dead. Your soul should have gone to the domain of the dead just like the rest. And with your track record, let me tell you, the torture waiting for you there is far beyond what you can handle.” Void didn’t stop here. Proving that he truly knows Asther, he began listing down the worst of crimes that the assassin committed.

This person. No. This god. This god truly knows who Asther is. It’s almost like Asther is bare in the presence of Void. That is what he feels like. That’s also why he already knows where this conversation is headed.

Even if the entity in front of him is an all powerful creature who governs over death, the very nature of Asther’s job, there is only one reason why he would be given such an audience as this. There is only one reason why the god is talking as if he’s going to be granted a favor. And before Void could even talk about it, Asther beat the god to it.

 “So what’s the job?” Asther asked.

This made the god of death stop for a while and pause. Void stared at him for a couple of seconds. Not moving an inch. This pleased Asther who, from the beginning up until that point, was unable to read the creature in front of him.

“What makes you think that I have a job for you?” Void asked.

“You said that you pulled me out from hell. Judging from the words you used, this isn’t something that normally happens. That also means that you brought me here for my abilities because…that’s the only thing that is of interest to anyone.”

The god of death laughed once again. This isn’t as strong as the first one. But there is evident delight in the tone of his voice. Making his eyes look at Asther with even more interest.

“Aside from your unparalleled skills in assassination, you also have a threatening cognitive ability.” Void said in amusement. “Very well then, I’ll cut to the chase.”

The god of death snapped his fingers. This created a seeming hologram that floated right in front of Asther. Something which resembles a text box which you would see on screen. And on it are the words:

[Hello Master]

“I need you to go to a world called Ragnarök and assassinate the hero who exists there.”

“Assassinate the hero?”

“Well it’s not only him that you need to kill. You need to take down everyone associated to the hero. Meaning, you’ll have to take down his connections as well.” Void explained. “But this won’t be any ordinary world. It’s a place that runs on magic and the technology isn’t as advanced on earth.”

“Why are you ordering something like this? Isn’t the hero supposed to be on your side as well?”

“Initially yes. That hero was on the side of the gods. In fact, he is the strongest hero that has ever existed. However, it’s also because of this power that he turned against us.” Vold said. “The mortal begun thinking highly of himself. has conquered the whole of Ragnarok and united it under his rulership. But that wasn’t enough for him. This same mortal plans to enter the realm of the gods and conquer it as well.”

“Why don’t you just take him down yourselves?”

“We can’t. As deities, we cannot directly intervene on matters concerning the created worlds.”

Things finally began making sense. Though it’s still difficult to believe, this is the reality that Asther has to accept. Adapt and overcome. That is the principle that Asther’s always worked with. Something that allowed him to survive for as long as he had.

“Okay. One final question then.” Asther stared at the eyes of the god of death. “Why should I work for you?”

Void’s lips curved to a smile. It was as if he was waiting for this question to be asked. And, true enough, the god has an answer prepared for earth’s grim reaper.

“If you work for me, I can erase your punishment in hell. As long as you act in accordance to a god or a goddess’s will, everything you do will always be justified. At the same time, a corresponding payment for you will be prepared here in the afterlife.” Void’s smile widened even more. “Namely, I can grant a wish of yours so long as it is within my jurisdiction.”

Asther thought about this. What he needs to do is to assassinate a person. It isn’t a job that’s new to him. However, the problem is that he would be sent to a new land. Not anywhere on earth but on a different world altogether.

“I’ll accept on one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“I need information. I need time to build my knowledge of that world.” Asther explained. “You said it yourself; technology isn’t as advanced there and I’ll need to rely on magic. That’s why I need information.”

“Very well, that can be arranged. The hero isn’t someone who’s going to die anytime soon so you can take as much preparation as needed.” Void said in reply.

“One last thing.” Deidre said.

“What is it again?”

The reaper pointed at the floating text box. “What is this thing?”

“That is called a System. It will be your guide and your aide to getting stronger. It works like a normal program window on a computer and, well, it’s customized to seem like a game progression.” Void explained. “I can’t have you going down there empty handed. It’s the most powerful hero that you need to kill after all.”

Asther has a lot of questions regarding the system. However, he isn’t given the chance to make one anymore as a magic circle appeared below him. And as he looked at the god of death, only two words came out of this deity’s lips:

“Good luck.”

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